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- This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
Patricia Heidt.
24 May 2015 at 4:31 pm #793
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorWhat do we mean by The Magical Carousel as the new myth for the New Age? … what do you understand by this statement that Thea often writes now a days?
Patricia H. posed this question to me a few days ago. I imagine it sounds impossibly grand to most … How could this little fairy tale about the Zodiac be THE Myth of the New Age? How are people to understand or relate to this statement?
For me it has become apparent that all mythology on Earth originates from the Zodiac, which is, in a real sense, the architecture of the soul’s journey in Time and Space. So when we speak of archetypes (the root ‘arch’ itself being a reference to the arc of the circle) and mythology we must realize that the source of all such cultural legacies, symbols and stories trace back or inward to the journey of the soul which is contained and enacted in every moment and in every cycle of Time (such as the Day, the Year, the Great Year, etc). There is no removing oneself from this living framework. We can deny it, be unconscious of it, or try to escape it through whatever means, but alas we are still on that same journey.
As I contemplated this question, the first thing that came to mind was that the word Myth and Mithra are clearly connected. Mithra or Mitra in the Rig Veda is ‘the Friend’ which Thea has clearly identified as the ‘fixed’ astrological sign Aquarius, the 11th sign of the Zodiac. The Sanskrit root mit means a post or pillar and mita means FIXED, founded, established, as well as measured (as in metered), investigated or known. The 3rd astrological sign Mithuna (Gemini) also contains this root, though it connotes duality/falsehood … i.e. consciousness not yet unified in the evolutionary journey.
Knowing that the Vedic origin of the word ‘myth’ is clearly tied to the Zodiac and to Vishnu’s steps through the fixed signs of the Zodiac, in which the ‘highest step’ is into Mitra’s Age, helps me understand how Thea can refer to The Magical Carousel as ‘the new myth of the New Age’.
Thea writes that we entered the Age of Mitra/Aquarius in 1926. It makes much sense to me that the ‘new myth’ of this age would simply be a fully un-veiled account of the Zodiacal journey as a whole … not broken into bits and parts. When is the last time anyone has understood and presented the Zodiac in this way? For many many ages, all that was understood of the Zodiac and it’s symbols has been pieces and parts, aspects and angles … fragments of its whole body of gnosis. Mythologies and symbols of the past have thus arrived at our doorstep ‘unassembled’, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. In Mitra’s Age, the Age of Unity Consciousness, the MYTH must be made not only whole, but it must be revealed as the central (FIXED) pillar of our individual and collective movements. It must be revealed as the central hub from which one can see, understand, appreciate and embody the Supramental Consciousness-Force as it manifests on Earth. There is no other vantage point (fixed pillar) that opens up this view and experience of the New Age.
Thea’s first book The Magical Carousel was the seed of this restoration and revelation process in our day and age. This little book, together with its companion Commentaries, established the truth of Zodiac as a whole and opened the doorway to all further revelations regarding the Truth-Consciousness and how it organizes itself on Earth. It is a marvel and an invitation to begin to SEE IN UNDERSTANDING as is the meaning of Thea’s name and is the essence of her yoga and her offerings to humanity. What can one SEE of the Supramental Manifestation/the New Age if one does not plant or awaken this SEED of Gnosis in one’s own being?
29 May 2015 at 1:24 am #1050
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantLori – this topic has the possibility of ‘deep thought’…thanks for this fine beginning.
You mention the opening of the new age – the 9th Age – as 1926 and the need for a universal mythic understanding of the nature of our world as ONE whole. The story or the myth of The Magical Carousel (TMC) or the journey through the zodiac, is the answer to that need. The fact that this journey is now open to us (i.e., we can see it, read about it, it is here – we can live it, if we choose) – is a comfort and a security to me – there are new possibilities other than the stories/myths of my childhood days that revolved around biblical accounts of sin and redemption!
As I delved deeper into the study of myth and mythology, a popular book on the topic has come to me written by Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik, Myth = Mithya (Penguin, 2006). There are several statements in his introduction that I am thinking about and relating to TMC::
From myth come beliefs, from mythology customs. Myth conditions thoughts and feelings. Mythology influences behaviours and communications. Myth and mythology thus have a profound influence on culture. Likewise, culture has a profound influence on myth and mythology. People outgrow myth and mythology when myth and mythology fail to respond to their cultural needs..(XV)
Behind the myth is a truth; an inherited truth about life and death, about nature and culture, about perfection and possibility, about hierarchies and horizons. This subjective and cultural truth of the Hindus is neither superior nor inferior to other truths. It is simply yet another human undertanding of life. (XVI)
So I am thinking: we are used to myths as coming from our archetyple past… but TMC does not belong in that category. We are familiar with myth as stories of past giants and warriors and saints… but TMC is about two children /two souls/ two people who are living among us, opening a new path, new horizons…and we are moving along with them, following the sun…
Sometimes pondering this makes we very still… well, how did that all happen
29 May 2015 at 3:10 pm #1051
ModeratorOver the years I have been able to confirm that TMC is the perennial story of the soul in evolution on planet Earth. It was my story, autobiographical as I have noted elsewhere; but also the story of opening the new path for all souls; hence the contemporary myth.
The important and clinching aspect is that I wrote this tale in one swift go, over the month of March 1970. Later I came to realise that it is thoroughly Vedic. The ‘journey’ the children take is INTO THE SOLAR WORLD. That is the meaning of ‘plunging into the Sun’. I had not had any contact with the Rig Veda then, yet the Journey of the children is the same.
The confirmation of its Vedic relevance is in chapter 9 when they move into the realm very few have access to. This is conveyed by the Foundation of the sage/alchemist HH with all its cobwebs to indicate that those eagerly-attended students never seem to arrive! So, we know that traversing the realm of Hayala is the difficult part, which in zodiacal tradition is Scorpio, the 8th sign of Death and such matters. In Savitri as well, the 8th Nook is the Book of Death. Death takes Satyavan to his realm and Savitri follows in the realm from where mortals do not return.
The most difficult passage is indicated in TMC, coinciding with the Journey of the RV, when she must leave that 9th – and the children of TMC also. But here is the key. The difficult passage of the 9 to the 10, as noted in the Veda itself and confirmed by Sri Aurobindo, is their plunge into the innermost point, which they do when carried by the Sagittarian Centaur faster than the speed of light. Then they face the Capricorn Mountain (which is actually found within the soul), and the Goat-Fish tells them they cannot scale it from the outside, but only by penetrating the mountain itself. This confirms what is carried across the Ages in the architecture of the Hindu Temple: the main Gopuram is that Mountain; the aspirant moves through it and comes to the inside where before him strands the garbhagriha, small, intimate, his or her centremost point. Just as described in
TMC. The problem is that when people read TMC they cannot realise that it is the same as the Rig Vedic Journey. But even then there is a difference due to the Supramental Manifestation.
2 June 2015 at 1:27 am #1052
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThea, you write above: It is the same Rig Vedic journey, but even then there is a difference due to the Supramental Manifestation. You mean here the first 9 stages of the journey, the lands up to the end of the mental quarter of TGC are the same as the RV journey. – the last quarter, the Supramental, is new territory for us earth-beings…
You pointed out to us in the visual above that this was a very good view of the Temple- this sideview. It depicted exactly what the Capricorn experience (in TMC) is about: here you can see the grand Entrance on the right side – entering the Temple/the mountain of Capricorn is the first step. But the children had to go further…in the initation …
and so it is depicted in this photo: toward the middle is the small, almost hidden, sanctum santorum, where you meet the deity, live the experience, discover your real self, your soul. The GarbaGriha holds the secret.
2 June 2015 at 5:24 am #1053
ModeratorThat is the whole point of this stage of the Supramental Yoga: that quarter of the Circle containing the last triad of signs/planets, is now opened to our experience ON EARTH. We are only in the early stages, but the opening cannot be closed. This is the point. And you see this happening around the globe. I watched a programme on the news over the weekend related to the referendum in Ireland on same-sex marriage, and how fully that Roman Catholic country is dumping the old religious constraints and accepting new conditions which are banned by the Church. They gave statistics to show how followers/believers of orthodox religions are dwindling across the globe, but primarily in Western countries. Therefore, the last Pope – and this one agrees – that it is time to ‘harvest souls in India’. They are running out of fields they can harvest! Only Asia is left.
The reason for this is that the quarter which was in the Beyond/Heaven before the Supramental Manifestation is now brought within the reach of humans on Earth. In practical terms this means that the former dogma is being undermined. It may take a while – not too long from the looks of it – but it is inevitable that those apparently once iron-clad dogmas are obliterated. Truly a new Earth is born, even as the new cosmology is the new Heaven – experienced, seen, right here on this planet.
No time for more now.
2 June 2015 at 10:45 am #1054
Jeanette Caurant
ParticipantI wasn’t familiar with the word ‘gopuram’ so I looked it up and found this –
“The Tamil derivation is from the two words: கோ (kō) and புறம் (puram) meaning ‘King’ and ‘exterior’ respectively.[5] It originates from the Sangam age when it was known as ஓங்கு நிலை வாயில் (ōnggu nilai vāyil) meaning ‘imperishable gateway’.[6]
Siegfried Lienhard considers this Tamil derivation but offers a new derivation from the Sanskrit word, गोपुर, is often translated as “town gate”. Separately, it consists of two words go,with the possible meanings of cow or sky, and pura, meaning city.[”
As Thea wrote in TNW 1&2 –
“this is one reason why the cow is venerated in India, because its gestation period is the same as the human; the cow thus becomes a symbol of this process, hence the Sanskrit word for cow (go) means also light;; the 9 cycle is the gestation period of the soul light.”
So the ‘gopuram’ is the entrance to the ‘City of Light’ or the’ Gateway to the Soul’ those 9 gestating months becoming the 10th and entrance into the middle of the Capricorn Mountain. All so connected.
3 June 2015 at 3:01 am #1055
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorImperishable gateway! … Entrance to the City of Light …. So perfectly it all fits together. Thanks Thea, PH and JC for bringing the gopuram into focus. It’s tremendous … And underscores the problem of the ignorance and denial of Makar Sankranti all the more.
5 June 2015 at 11:33 pm #1056
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThea, you were talking with us last evening about the journey of The Magical Carousel – and there are a few points I will note here – perhaps you can expand on them and/or clarify them further…
The Magical Carousel is the Vedic myth – updated. All myth changes – myth is a cultural construct essentially – giving us a common way to see and understand the world we live in. You said that Sri Aurobindo and you REINSTATED the Vedic Myth/journey – which has become totally lost in today’s culture, in India. ” We are bringing it up to date for the Supramental Age. Sri Aurobindo wrote an Epic – Savitri; I wrote a Myth, naturally because myth comes from the soul. As the third in the Solar Line, this is where the myth arises and is lived. Both have the 12 stages as the backbone of the story.”
I asked you about the Capricorn initiation – in one of your replies in the Forum you said the essence of this experience was/is the discovery of simultaneous time. Is that something we also can expect in our journey through Capricorn? You noted that there were many planes symbolised in this chapter… the children rise from one to the next and the culmination is in the mountain cave. These planes are the various stages of purification of the self – such as in Integral Yoga . Also you expect that the initiation we go through would not be as painful…
You also commented that the story was as if projected in your mind’s eye – you saw if very clearly before you. That particular centre (the third eye) is no longer as active in you – the source of your seeing now is elsewhere.
The children are going to the Sun… instead of Saturn… that’s the first clue that it is a Vedic journey.
6 June 2015 at 1:35 am #1057
ModeratorI will respond shortly, but I really would like to know why I am not getting a notice of your (and other) postings on this subject?
7 June 2015 at 5:23 am #1058
ModeratorThea, you were talking with us last evening about the journey of The Magical Carousel – and there are a few points I will note here – perhaps you can expand on them and/or clarify them further…
The Magical Carousel is the Vedic myth – updated. All myth changes – myth is a cultural construct essentially – giving us a common way to see and understand the world we live in. You said that Sri Aurobindo and you REINSTATED the Vedic Myth/journey – which has become totally lost in today’s culture, in India. “We are bringing it up to date for the Supramental Age. Sri Aurobindo wrote an Epic – Savitri; I wrote a Myth, naturally because myth comes from the soul. As the third in the Solar Line, this is where the myth arises and is lived. Both have the 12 stages as the backbone of the story.”
I asked you about the Capricorn initiation – in one of your replies in the Forum you said the essence of this experience was/is the discovery of simultaneous time. Is that something we also can expect in our journey through Capricorn? You noted that there were many planes symbolised in this chapter… the children rise from one to the next and the culmination is in the mountain cave. These planes are the various stages of purification of the self – such as in Integral Yoga. Also you expect that the initiation we go through would not be as painful…
You also commented that the story was as if projected in your mind’s eye – you saw it very clearly before you. That particular centre (the third eye) is no longer as active in you – the source of your seeing now is elsewhere.
The children are going to the Sun… instead of Saturn… that’s the first clue that it is a Vedic journey.
Yes, it is true that Sri Aurobindo wrote the Epic of the Age. He based it on the ancient tale of Savitri and Satyavan. As the Avatar of Vishnu he simply followed the pattern set by the 7th and 8th. India’s two epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata preserve what was important to hand down to future ages about the 7th and 8th Avatars of Vishnu. No one disputes their avatarhood, or that they were the 7th and 8th in the Line. And these numbers figure prominently in their Epics. Problems arose when the 9th Manifestation set in. This would appear to have been deliberate – and indeed, the Purana describe the Buddha as a ‘ruse’ to divert the Asuras who were in search of the Veda, to draw them away from the Veda.
The Vedas were hidden in the depths of the ocean to keep them safe, the Puranas state. Mention was made of the Matsya/Fish Avatar in this context. I have pointed out that it was precisely when we entered the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the 9th Manifestation and the final round of the Precession that all this hiding and shadow-playing came to pass. If you look at these facts spherically and not linearly we understand the parable of the Vishnu Avatars differently. Those secrets hidden in the depths have to be brought to the surface again. That is the task set before the 9th.
Sri Aurobindo used the tale to convey his own process of Yoga by which he would fulfil his mission. Still those who swear by Savitri have much to learn of its hidden meaning. Be that as it may, we are concerned with the shape of things at this third stage where we stand at present. We do build on the former two stages, but certainly a demarcation was crossed when the third stage began: we moved from the Old Creation to the New. It is is simple as that.
In this light it is understandable that the contours of this stage are startling for the most part. The language used is most unspiritual (see next post). It will be satisfying only to those who by destiny are meant to follow the process of transformation into the new future – indeed, an entirely NEW future. There are no models to turn to in order to understand this New Way.
That is precisely the point: the New Way brings its own ‘science’, in the sense that one cannot seek confirmation beyond what has been established for the Supramental Manifestation; if that were not the case, could it qualify as ‘new’? In 1962, shortly after her monumental encounter with Death, the Mother spoke to her entourage regarding the task set before the Avatar in this Manifestation, that it would not be one avatar but a series, a line in time, she stated, or a line in space – or both. She knew that all the bases had to be covered for the full transformation to be accomplished and that in the lifetime of only one, it would not be possible. In The New Way 1-3, exactly what the Mother foresaw is described, based on the new cosmology that has evolved out of this unique descent. And yet Volumes 1 and 2 were destroyed at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, though the Mother’s own words confirmed the correctness of what was written in that series to the letter.
In such incidences we are faced with the condition of the human consciousness and exactly what we need to deal with: we may proclaim one thing but our untransformed consciousness-being displays another. The human species is burdened with a very heavy baggage from the Piscean Age. But souls have taken birth, as the Mother explained in another remarkable insight in 1967, for this stage of the Work. They come far less burdened.
TMC can have appeal to those unburdened souls more than the others – that is, the youth spread here and there across the globe. The only problem is that they too must grow amidst the Old. There is no escape since the field is only one – this Earth we inhabit. We must establish the new consciousness right here and within the play of circumstances as they stand today; I would add using them for the purpose of transformation. This can be done; we are doing it all the time. This describes the stage of our endeavour where we are obliged to use thenegative as well as the positive to serve the purposes of the One.
To give an example, the youth today is conditioned by the untransformed world we live in. I describe it cosmologically as the world of an untransformed Mars. Thus instead of the heroism Mars embodies and the capacity to face challenges victoriously as in sports for example, we witness the opposite in an increasing display of an almost senseless violence. I am not at all advocating non-violence, especially of the brand we know today. In the midst of this untransformed world, we are constrained to respond to challenges on the basis of the known methods – that is the untransformed display of those Mars energies – for a while longer at least.
TMC is the new myth because it speaks to the new youth born to express something else. It speaks to all the planes of consciousness-being in a new way. Myths are entertaining; they always were, they always will be. In today’s world we know what ‘entertainment’ means: more and more violence. The increase of crash-bang-boom ‘entertainment’ is astonishing. How far is this to go? Because it is a fact that the vital feeds off all of this; the more you feed it, the more it demands. And the pitch must increase constantly to offer satisfaction. The same with sex. There was a contemporary guru who taught his followers to indulge as much as they liked to lessen desire. You can be sure that he gained a huge following! Anyone who has studied the matter knows that this is not the way to decrease anything; it only creates the demand for more and more. And yet, suppression is also not the way. Voilà, a conundrum…
How to engage the vital in an entertaining way without feeding these monsters? In TMC we find that the vital is thoroughly engaged. There is entertainment through adventure but never threatening to the point of needing to call forth a violent response. If TMC were ever to see its true ‘form’ materialised – that is in film – entertainment is a must; but there is anew way to achieve that; furthermore, the soul is evoked constantly and the reader/viewer sees him or herself projected in the experiences of the children, the tale’s main protagonists, as if in one’s own journey.
As the Third in the Line where the soul comes into play as contributing to the triadic manifestation, it is only natural that I should bring about the new myth. TMC is a prophetic journey – as I began to take up my work I realised it was foretelling the experiences I would have as well as the contours of the Knowledge I would bring down. But being the embodiment of that third ingredient, the soul as repository of one’s destiny is extended to all souls. The journey is universal. All one has to do is to penetrate those hidden chambers and embarkconsciously in the transformation of those recalcitrant Mars energies. The Vedic myth/journey describes the same experience. We can access it through the language of the zodiac, universal and eternal. This is the supreme aid that has been given to the human species; it is shaped according to the cultural accretions of each Age, but the essence remains always the same. It is interesting to note how vehemently this universal language is attacked in India today – and yet it is woven throughout the Rig Veda! That is the objective of an initiatic tongue such as Sanskrit: its many levels can hide or disclose the meaning of what the single word contains.
Regarding the Capricorn initiation as described in TMC, you have to see it in connection with the experiences the children undergo in its opposite sign on the wheel, Cancer. The Queen of Night, as the personification of the sign Cancer, is directly related to Omanisol of Capricorn. However, in the lower hemisphere (comprised of the first six signs) there is no attempt to be rid of what those beguiling displays of the Queen represent, or to transform them. Rather, she feeds those needs we carry within; and in so doing pins the children down to her lower realm – the realms beneath the horizon or the first six stages of the journey. As I have stated elsewhere, the only objective of the forces hostile to the attainment of the ultimate goal of the Journey is to stop the movement. The meaning is that if the journey is allowed to continue, inevitably the higher goal is reached because time irrevocably MOVES ON, and has but one evolutionary objective: to reach the 10th stage and the Victory. This is the destiny of our species.
On the other hand, when we do manage to overcome the enticements the lower hemisphere offers and free ourselves from Inertia, we enter the higher hemisphere at the service of a Higher Cause, as the myth explains. Then it is a question of transforming those energies to place them, precisely, at the service of the Higher Cause. Then at the summit we reach the abode of Omanisol, the higher compliment of the Queen of Night.
The amazing part of TMC is what the 10th chapter/land reveals, and it was entirely prophetic: it was the revelation of Simultaneous Time as expressed in the images the children see in the mountain-chamber. This was a story projected in my mind’s eye, between the eyebrows, indeed like a film. But being mythic in essence, of course it was prophetic of the knowledge contained in the soul and available to anyone who is able to ‘enter that chamber’ once having passed successfully the initiation ‘within the mountain’.
That pathway has been opened for others to follow, but as I noted in our discussion, it certainly does not have to be as hard as what I experienced. In the first place, such experiences are the point of convergence of the totality of conditions at any given time; therefore they will necessarily be different for each individual. The scope of that ‘totality’ is determined by the worlds embraced by the central consciousness. In my case, as a part of the Solar Line the scope was large enough to serve as a pioneering experience, a breakthrough happening as prophesied in the first chapter/land, Aries: the Ram of Golden Horns who crashes through all and any barrier at the very start of the journey. But it is also explained in the chapter that due to unforeseen and unexpected circumstances, the light to open the path had to be taken up by the children. Once opened it cannot be closed – but it can be ignored, up to a point.
Simultaneous Time (ST) is one aspect of the Knowledge in the Mountain. There is also Whole Time. The two are envisaged in the symbol of the Sun, the circle with a central point. Whole time is the circle, the periphery – in other words, the horizontal spread, as it were. ST is the vertical implant in the Point. Examples of the operation abound. I have given one on this Forum, the discovery of the last triad of planets: whole time would be the temporal boundary of the unveiling. That is, from 1782 to 1930. No gnostic sense can be made of the discovery of Uranus disconnected from whole time – that is, the connected discovery of the other two planets. That would be the temporal periphery of the discoveries, which is an integral experience of our solar system: it too functions on the basis of the essential trinity, as all of material creation does. One’s consciousness has to operate spherically and see Time in this comprehensive manner. If we move along and notch up each sighting disconnected from what follows, we understand nothing. This is the experience of ST in a nutshell. One’s consciousness is centred; a new alignment has been attained whereby from that central position we have a view of the entire periphery of the circle: whole time allows for ST. The issue is to raise one’s consciousness-being to a higher position on the ladder of perception and from there one is able to see Whole Time because it already exists, it already IS. ST is not the ability to know the past and the future as one readily imagines. It is far more advanced than that: it is a new faculty that has never been known to our species as it presently stands today, in this particular round of the Great Circle. Certainly it was known and experienced in very ancient times. But, so what? In what way is that related to what we can achieve today? Those texts can serve as reminders of what we can attain.
We return always to the central premise of the New Way: applicability. The examples I provide from time to time indicate that we can truly understand the harmony only when we realise that ST and WT are within the reach of the species; but it has to shed baggage! That is what the Capricorn initiation is about: baggage shedding – and this covers many levels and layers of both individual and collective consciousness. Our society is rapidly being put through the Initiation to shed baggage. For now this includes its moral structure. Breakthroughs in the hitherto accepted norms are being attacked, broken down, taxing our notions of what is good and right and morally acceptable. This is not done to cement those perceived extremes as the new structure of society, but rather just to clear the cobwebs away. Nothing more. What will come to replace the old forms remains to be seen. TMC provides an insight into what exactly that might be. For starts, a new way of Love is on the cards. That much I can state for certain.
7 June 2015 at 10:47 am #1059
Jan Shapiro
ParticipantI have goose bumps having just read this. Need to let that image of the Sun, the Point (as ST) in the Circle (as WT), penetrate and illuminate my understanding of it. Powerful, powerful stuff. Thank you.
8 June 2015 at 12:45 am #1060
Moderator‘The Vedas were hidden in the depths of the ocean to keep them safe, the Puranas state. Mention was made of the Matsya/Fish Avatar in this context. I have pointed out that it was precisely when we entered the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the 9th Manifestation and the final round of the Precession that all this hiding and shadow-playing came to pass. If you look at these facts spherically and not linearly we understand the parable of the Vishnu Avatars differently. Those secrets hidden in the depths have to be brought to the surface again. That is the task set before the 9th.’
I believe mention of Matsya/Pisces was not explained properly for those who are not familiar with my earlier writings on this subject. It is important, and therefore I intend to clarify, because again we have a key to the manner in which the zodiac was used from the Vedic Age through the Puranic period – but today completely lost. In fact, that is the purpose of all the ‘hiding’ business. It helps us understand that the new myth tells us the same tale.
The 9th Manifestation consists of three zodiacal signs, Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn. By the Precessional movement we first touch Pisces, the sign of the Fish, as the name implies. This occurred in 234 BCE, perhaps several hundred years after the arrival of Gautam the Buddha. Mention of the Buddha as a ‘ruse’ of the Supreme in order to distract the Asuras so they would not gain knowledge of the Veda, Matsya Avatar hides them in the ocean. Every time we reach Pisces in the movement of the astrological ages, something of this nature must come to pass. Ours times tells the story perfectly. It also reveals how TMC is that new myth because, as the story goes, Pisces is a water sign, hence the ‘ocean’ is appropriate; through TMC we learn (Chapter 12) that it is not just any ocean: it is the cosmic sea. One of the chapters I enjoyed writing the most was this one.
Both the Puranic tale and TMC are prophetic of precisely our times in India today. The Veda are preserved, and protected, in the cosmos – hidden there. Only through the proper poise gained through a certain initiation – the purification of the being to eliminate any shadows that would contaminate the Knowledge (veda) – can we SEE what would stand right before our eyes. The zodiac (in the cosmic sea or the ocean where Matsya hides the Knowledge) contains the Veda, if we know how to find it.
When certain Manifestations come about in the vast movements of Time the veils are lifted and that perennial knowledge is revealed once again. We are blessed to live in one of those very Manifestations when the Vishnu Avatar takes birth and along with his helpers the truth is retrieved from the depths.
8 June 2015 at 1:21 am #1061
ModeratorI want to give you all another example of an operation that is particular to the expression of the Knowledge at this third stage. It concerns this question of bringing down into this material creation of 9, what ‘exists’ in the subtle plane, or the creative plane of the physical, as the Mother calls it.
What I place before you has happened several times so there is a certain consistency. The first to be noted concerns TNW, Vols. 1&2. I always write my books and articles by hand before consigning them to the computer (or the typewriter in the old days as when I wrote all the volumes of TNW and most of my books). At a certain point I wrote to the effect that we have reached halfway, the 4.5 of this study. It just came naturally and was ‘known’ by the Knowledge I was capturing in the text, or giving to it the ‘body’ of the written word. This was in 1977. I did not intend to publish at all at that time.
As it turned out I did send it to press in 1979, but after the first attempt was foiled, it was finally printed in Canada. I then saw that indeed what I wrote was correct: that was the halfway point of TNW1&2. The evidence is available for anyone who has a copy. It needs to be noted that many diagrams were inserted only when the book went to press, long after the writing was over of the text. So, there was no way to know that the midway mark was reached – except through the Knowledge itself. We could say that the book already existed somewhere and therefore I could know. Perhaps.
The same thing happened with the second printing of TMC, when I wrote theCommentaries in 1979`. The latter was typeset at a different press than where TMC was being photographed and reprinted. As it turned out, the two volumes resulted exactly the same number of pages; if I recall one was 152, and the other was 153 (my birth numbers in fact). This sort of thing happens regularly at this stage because the physical is engaged and the harmony is extended all the way down to that level where earlier it had been ignored. Or at least not brought into the ambit of the transformation. Again, the book with its final body EXISTS. We are the instruments to give fix it on the physical plane. The latest book published, TTDV2, follows a similar pattern.
9 June 2015 at 1:18 am #1062
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantIn a well known book on Hindu Mythology written by Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik( Myth=Mithya) he says ”every time dharma is threatened Vishnu mounts his eagle, the mighty Garuda, and comes to earth ready to do battle .. the forms in each descent is different because the demands of the world each time are different. The different avatars thus reinforce the idea that rules and regulations that maintain order are not static by nature…as man’s understanding of the world changes, desires change and so do concepts of order. Rules have to therefore constantly adapt themselves. Social stability must not be compromised, yet new ideas must be respected. Vishnu’s descents are not just about re-establishig order. It is also about redefining them. Each avatar of Vishnu involves a crisis involving the Goddess…” pp. 119-120
He then goes on to state that the crisis of Rama was Sita’s abduction; the crisis of Krishna was to help Draupadi… :And then his graph appears on p. 120 in which all the avatars are listed: Buddha is the 9th as Teacher who propagates monasticism, and Kalki is the 10th: Revolutionary who dismantles the world.
The Ruse of hiding the Veda (Forum entry above) surely lives on in popular Indian mythology!
The 7th and 8th Avatars in this presentation are concerned about social order – Rama to keep it intact and Krishna to dismantle it, revolution.
It is interesting that the author does not talk about any myth of the 9th – Buddha. or go anywhere near that area; his entire book explores the big stories and characters of the 7th and 8th Ages.
How strong that imprinting was/is and how different the new myth: no violent bloodbaths, chopping off heads, battlefields; also no morality.
The two children are warrior-types of a different age, for a different purpose/goal.
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