Chronicles of the Inner Chamber (of the Mother's Temple)
Thea wrote this series from 2003-2004 as part of the work of the Matrimandir Action Committe ( Its purpose was bringing to light the changes made to the Mother's original Vision of the temple (Matrimandir) during its construction in Auroville, and their import. Here we are offering this series in PDF format.
Thea's Articles
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea), founder of the Aeon Centre of Cosmology, and its director from 1986-2016, wrote prolifically about her applied Indocentric Cosmology, the Supramental Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the renewal of Vedic wisdom and the establishment of a gnostic society upon Earth. Index of Thea's articles
Shorter pieces on a variety of topics, commentary on current events and excerpts from Thea's Journal. Index of Thea's Messages
Keys of Supramental Knowledge
In-depth introductory articles and presentations by Thea's students, covering many of the salient features of Thea's cosmological vision and their application in the context of the Supramental Yoga. View the Keys of Gnosis
The Vishaal Newsletter
The VISHAAL Newsletter was published bimonthly, spanning October 1985 through February 1995. The articles in VISHAAL offer insight and analysis into then current developments as they related to the New Consciousness manifesting in world events, revealing the Supramental Consciousness as an active force in the affairs of both the individual and the collectivity. Index of Vishaal issues
Contributed Articles
Articles by Aeon Centre of Cosmology associates, illumining various applications of the cosmological and yogic knowledge transmitted by Thea, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Index of contributed articles

Other Websites
Additional writings and information can be found on the following external web sites: