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    • #783

      CB passed me an article by Oliver Sachs, who I believe is dead now; he is one of my favourite people. His thoughts are always stimulating; within his field he tries to think out of the box. Because of what he wrote about migraines and certain nervous networks in the body, I began to reflect on medicine in the light of the New Way. I have done so much work on updating the cosmology of the Puranas. While accepting those foundations – or rather the Vedic methodology– what I introduce is the new COSMOLOGY. Some would say it has little to do with the old, but it is the methodology that is important. This being equivalent to that; and of course Myth as the eternal language of the Soul, the repository of Myth. After reading Sachs article,’ I noted some thoughts down which I will share:

      A new way of medicine has to come about- and integral way far beyond what has been known so far as ‘holistic’. The new element has to be Time as an integrated part of both treatment/cure and healing.

      Ailments such as migraines, fits (epilepsy), and other such disturbances that doncause illness as such, or death, need to be understood on the basis of the body’s ability to receive influences of various types of energies. Therefore, those energies themselves have to be studied and somehow monitored to thereby discover each individual’s particular susceptibility. Some like epilepsy involve the electric sheath, others more physical. For all we need to understand the vital or pranic sheath. Much more on this later. I did a series on healing for one of our websites, perhaps PCU. That was also interesting, but after my experience of May 2014 there should be much more on all this. I have also thought a lot about autism and other such maladis. My sense is that we are physically in transition as well as in consciousness – which is obvious. Let’s see where this takes us. Thea

    • #884
      Tim Neilson
    • #885
      Tim Neilson

      Interesting, he was ‘granted 9 years of good health’ and now is 81.

      Have always found his writing inspiring…


    • #886

      The Archetypal Malady of our Times

      The question of Health comes up again in my morning explorations. I am finding marvellous things in the Agendas (French original) that I had once marked profusely. Rereading them now, a number of years later, everything is becoming so much clearer. I had already, years back when I first read the Mother’s experiences, noted the similarity with mine, especially in what referred to the Divine hidden in the Inconscient, with regard to my experiences of July 1975. It was the same thing – I too ‘saw’ that, but there was more to my experience. I may write it out soon, but I will definitely refer to this in Book Two of 10th Day, possibly in the Preface. I will be starting that soon.

      Because that Plunge in July 1975 involved the understanding of the CONTROL Supermind has over the evolution through the mechanics of Time as well as the purpose of the Ignorance, and this is the main difference with the Mother’s experience of the same reality and Sri Aurobindo’s, and that just the other day I had written that cures would someday somehow have to utilise time, I began to ponder over what might be called the great illness symbol of our times. Certainly it is cancer. Two sages who had an influence on me were Ramakrishna and Krishnamurti – and both died of cancer.

      The characteristic of the disease is that cells break away from the particular body’s rhythm; they rebel, we could say, and establish their own system, disconnected from the rest. The current healing option (apart from alternative systems) is to bombard the system with chemicals or radiation and kill off those rebels. The result is, as we know, that the good and the bad are annihilated, resulting in a depletion of the body’s own healing resources. One wonders if the cure is worst than the illness.

      Certainly this method goes against all common ‘higher’ sense. The better way would be to strengthen the body’s own resources to convert the rebels. As we know through alternative methods that seek to do just that, this often enough does not work. As a representative illness of the maladies afflicting the human species in evolution, I see in this archetypal disorder a reflection of the current state of global society. There is rebellion all over, minor and major; I need not enumerate since they are obvious. This condition of rebellion (against the existing order) has been going on for over a century. We see it surface particularly acutely with the close of the Piscean Age and the birth of Bolshevism and Communism (1917) – and in general the socialist movements across the globe. The reasons for their rise are also obvious enough and need not detain us. What I have particularly noted of late is just how correct my demarcation line between the last Age of Pisces and our current Aquarian Age was, 1926, and how this close and entry were marked by the two world wars on either side of the time demarcation. The end of the supremacy of aristocracy, the downfall of monarchies was clear as bringing an end to Pisces where all that flourished. And the First World War made sure of that.

      Then came the Second. I have a lot to write about all this based on the Mother’s remarks, but I will save that for 10th Day and another time, because my attention was drawn to cancer as our archetypal malady, far above all other diseases. How best to deal with it. For you see, finding the key to a definitive, enlightened cure for cancer would indicate the way all the rebellions of civilisation’s cells could best be handled. And there are many, you would all agree. The main characteristic of all types of cancer, I believe, is that cancerous cells are a world unto themselves: they rebel against the central authority. They are effectively out-of-time with the rest of the system. But time is a function of consciousness – its motor we must say.

      As I see it and from my own experience, all one has to do is to find the poise that will bring the whole system in harmonious orbit of one’s central sun – the Soul. We can see cancer cells as asteroids (we always come back to the 4.5 Orbit and the Asteroid Belt). Do you try to escape collision by navigating through the debris based on an axial poise that is your sure guide out of danger, as it were? Or do you blast your way through, eliminating one after another of the on-coming debris in the hope that by your destructive method and your control over these devices you can be assured of safety? But of course, what if you miss a shot? There may always be a super-strong rebel out there who escapes your strategy, re-groups and creates havoc once again in the near or distant future. This is what happens with radiation and all the rest: it is not fool-proof. It catches some, perhaps most – at least at that moment. You go on happily believing that all is right with the world as medicine assures, until up pops a new rebel, and down you go – and on and on it goes. The better way would be to find the method to bring the rebels back into the harmony of the whole. In the meantime, surrender to the central Sun is the answer.

      The next question is of course, what caused the rebellion in the first place. Regarding illness, and dis-ease, we must find the root cause in the consciousness-being of each individual. There will always be a root cause at a deeper level, embedded deeply in the physical. In society we call them disgruntled elements. All that we leave for another discussion. The issue here is to see this malady as archetypal and to realise that in its cure we will understand how to deal with the countless rebellious cells that prevent the New Order from becoming firmly established. Do you exterminate the offending elements; do you ignore them, pretend they do not exist; do you treat them as outcastes; do you try to find some other creative and not destructive way to establish the New Order whose basic tenet is diversity in unity; in a word, tosee in understanding? This means that each thing must find its place – the modus operandi of the Third. Indeed, at the third level of the descent, Time holds the key to almost everything. But Time is a servant of consciousness. Voilà.

    • #887
      Tim Neilson

      A new Ken Burns documentary on PBS television recently aired call Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies. One particularly interesting segment was in the treatment of glioblastomas. A researcher at Duke Univesity I beleive has been working with the Polio Virus for decades trying to use the virus against glioblastomas. The breakthrough came when they were able to modify certain protiens in the Polio Virus disabling it’s ability to reproduce, rendering it harmless to the body, and then injecting the virus directly into the tumor. One of the keys to this type of cancer is it’s ability to avoid detection because the immune system “cannot see” the cancer. Once the Polio Virus is inside the tumor the immune system SEES the Polio Virus and goes after the Polio. At some point the camoflage that the cancer was wearing torn away and the body’s natural immune system goes to work in full force.



    • #888
      David Sadowski

      It feels like a majority of young people show signs of autistic type behavior these days. Cell phones and vaccinations are easy to pinpoint, but maybe it is also the physical bodies struggling to transition as Thea says. Regardless, the practice of medicine is long overdue for a change.

    • #889
      Jeanette Caurant

      I am rereading your series On the Nature of Disease and Cure, which was written in 2006 for the Vishaal Study Group. You were writing about the rebellion of the cells back then as well, but the recent writing is like an updating.

    • #890

      The Falsehood and Illness

      I have been engrossed for several days in the Agendas Satprem published. So many things to discuss. And since I am also occupied with illness and cure, I came across an entry of 2.10.1961 that is especially relevant to what I posted the other day about time and consciousness as the avenue for cure. In this entry the Mother describes how she was searching for the understanding of the ‘Falsehood of the world’. Finally she came to discover the mechanism. She notes that we cannot ask to find the reason why it is so but we can know themechanism.

      It is a long entry and extremely interesting because the Mother relates the entire development, how she came to ponder over this issue when she met with an ashramite and the question of the ego arose and how it shrivels up the being, how the effect is like a wilting flower – which is finally the cause of ageing, this movement of shrivelling up, of wilting caused by the ego. You can understand how this brings us always to the need for a new ‘axis’ not rising from the ego of sex centeredness. That is the only way to reach a permanent solution.

      To sum up, a certain circumstance involving a person who was possessed by a spirit of falsehood came to her; but when she poured out Divine Love to that person, enveloping the being in this infusion of Love in order to drive the spirit out of the being, when that person left and shortly after sent her a note, it was full of hate: you hate me, you want me to die, and so on, This made her understand ‘the mechanism’. She speaks about how she understood the problem in the world, how Falsehood receives the Divine Love but it gets reversed in the consciousness, as in the case in point, and becomes hate.

      Finally she reached an understanding in the lived experience, mind you, of the root cause of illness. She was working on a particular recurrent physical problem, and through these series of experiences, it became clear that she could not abolish the physical problem permanently (it kept recurring). She said, ‘There must be something in some part (probably in the subconscious) which legitimises that presence [of the malady]…’ After penetrating deeply finally she became aware of a memory of ‘certain gestures, actions…of years ago…which never attracted my attention: they were not a part of the general cleansing because they seemed to be the result of normal circumstances…And there I saw the ‘hue’ [the Mother uses the English word] of the falsehood…. It was instantly resolved. She had found the way to bring about a permanent cure after finding the very subtle and hidden condition in her consciousness of stored memories that allowed ot to become a physical malady.

      Soon after she had the experience with the possessed person and how Divine Love that is everywhere and the essence of the Supreme, is met in the world and particularly the human being and reversed. Reading this caused me to reflect on how perfect the Shadow Chamber is a reflection of what I have always said: the condition of humanity in orbit of the ego-axis (by the upside-down images of the surroundings reflected in the crystal). The way the Mother describes this ‘reversal’- truly like seeing the thing upside-down, I could not help but reflect on how perfect the Matrimandir is, how perfectly it reflects the consciousness of its builders; and that is no mean feat: to have given concrete material expression of the human ego-centred consciousness.

      ‘That day itself, I had the experience with the possessed person…then a certain command of the problem and the impression of an obstacle cleared. And at the same time, like the opening of a path to change –that is, this expansion. To begin the gesture of generosity [as a flower she had named Integral Generosity] (instead of the movement of shrivelling, it is a movement of expansion, just the opposite), and from there one passes over to universality, and then to Totality [the identification of consciousness]. I had written in the margin opposite this comment that in TNW I wrote of ‘ expansion as the movement of Love’ .


      The most interesting part of this entry is her explanation of how this Vibration always remains what it is but that there is a superimposition and it is the consciousness that receives it as the reverse – and from there all the trouble begins: ‘Falsehood in the body (that sort of juxtaposition of the contrary, the Vibration that is reversed – but it is not at all reversed, a curious phenomenon: it [the vibration] stays that way and then it is received like that as the reverse), it is the CONSCIOUSNESS that falsifies. Naturally with a falsifying consciousness there are material consequences… and that is what illness is.

      She concludes with this paragraph regarding a message she had to give to a visiting doctor, ‘From the external and practical viewpoint entirely, I said “But illnesses are the falsehoods of the body (in English it is more distinctive; in French the word ‘mensonge’ is used in both cases, whereas in English there is falsehood and lie – there is no lie in this, it is falsehood), illness is the falsehood of the body, and every doctor (naturally a clarification has to be made: who is sincere, honest and who really wants to heal), every doctor who is a real doctor is one of the soldiers of the immense army fighting for Truth.”

    • #891

      I am reading the Agenda (1961) and there is a prayer the Mother wrote asking that if the filaria she suffered from, whose highest incidence in the world was Pondicherry, was His command, then so be it, but if not she prayed to be healed. She asked that her legs be healed. (In filaria, or Elephant sickness, the legs swell up to look like elephants legs – hence the name.)

      That was a heavy cross to bear.  I feel ashamed about my complaints when I read this…

    • #892
      Patricia Heidt

      I am happy to read these entires on a new way of illness and cure thereof…and what particularly strikes me is Thea’s statement on expansion of consciousness as expansion of love…I have the physical experience of late that this is true – one can shrivel up/age/stay at a very egoist level of functioning-being at any stage in one’s life or choose to carry out the will of the Divine in the deepest levels of consciousness and move onward (without decaying/aging).

      When I was studying at NYU we talked a lot in our classes about the second law of thermodynamics: the universe is continuously expanding (Neg entropy). I never heard or read that it was also simultaneously contracting (as Thea has written in TNW).  And it this dual action that seems to hold the key to illness and its cure. In these classes, Expansion in scientific terms  was (is) the continuous movement toward more complexity in life – but the source of that movement was never explored – the contraction to the 0 point/the soul within oneself was totally missing in our discussions. There was/is such a falsehood at the root of scientific understanding of illness and its cure..

      Discussion was presented about a continuous interaction with the cosmos – from which the person exchanged energy and this fueled expansion but the third angle (the 9/0) was totally missing – .   .

    • #893

      My nights are almost entirely filled with reading this Agenda. Though I read it after writing TNW3, which would have been in the second half of the 80s, and though I had marked important passages as I always do, and concur with those selected portions even today, everything about illness and the struggle the Mother was going through seem very different to me now. I am participating in the process now. I had never been really ill since 1964, and never been in a hospital for over 50 years, and that too was just the birth of my children. But after the experiences since 2010 and culminating in May 2014, I read with a new awareness.

      Especially important is this question of filaria and the serious trouble the Mother had with her swollen legs. At a certain point she decides to cure herself – if and when she has time (always she laments not having enough time because the ashramites take up so much, etc.) This makes me realise how carefully everything was planned for this third phase of the Work.

      Back on track, since as of the past three or four months I have been having serious difficulty with my legs from the knees on down to the toes. Really difficult. But reading about the work she was doing in the subconscient (her swollen legs which was the result of a breakthrough experience she had on 24.1.1961 that stirred things up) I understand the connection. In my case when I rise it is as if there is a very tight bandage or cloth wrapped around my legs. It might be as if there is ‘something’ swollen also, but the skin is not expanding because it doesn’t need skin. It is something subtle, perhaps connected to the Mother’s legs of that time and the subconscious. After about 15-30 seconds they normalise. But until that happens it is really difficult. I see the correspondence in my horoscope since all the old planets are in the signs Capricorn (knees), Aquarius (calfs to ankles) and Pisces (feet). The only planets outside and above the horizon are the three new ones. All that apart, I get it now. But there would be much more on all this later.

      What the Mother states about doctors is important, and coincides with my assessment entirely. In her case she was told filaria was incurable. Basically she said nonsense. Everyone here knows how I have dealt with doctors and strange irregularities at Skambha over the years. But the Mother’s comments coincide with my experience regarding doctors exactly, and how useless the present medicine is and how it harms rather than cures. I am so sorry that I can’t find the passage. It is worth translating all of it. Another time.

    • #894

      Patricia, it seems some lines were missing at the end of your posting. Check it out.

    • #895
      Patricia Heidt

      I tried to copy a quote from TNW 1, ch 7, on The Centre – didn’t work.  But it was relevant to the discussion on cancer cells run amok/disorder in the body –  to paraphrase:  as soon as a sense of truth-conscioiusness enters oneself,  a vibration begins which automatically starts a dissolution process – the old and new cannot coexist. There is a period of turmoil as that higher vibration takes over – establishes itself as the central sun.

      I assume this takes place on all levels, from re organisation of a civilsation/society down to the individual physical body. 

      Our present physical bodies are just not fluid enough to hold the new light…

    • #896

      So very true. We do have a long way to go. We are in the period of ‘disorder’ for sure. How much longer? I found the quote of the Mother on doctors:

      ‘I decided that I was going to heal myself – I was told that it isn’t curable. You know, doctors poison you (as they poisoned that poor S) to heal you – and that is not a cure! When they do not need to pose before the patient, they admit that they are not really sure if will cure you; it merely leaves you harmless for others. But I don’t believe in all that  – I don’t believe in doctors, I don’t believe in their medicines, I don’t believe in their science (they are useful, they have a social utility (!) but for me, I don’t believe in it).

      ‘I knew when that came to me [filaria]; it was in the Playground. There were people there who poisoned me through a mosquito bite. And when I got the bite, I knew, because after all I am a bit conscious! But I kept that down (the Mother makes a gesture of keeping the illness down, like something controlled) and it couldn’t move. And probably it would never have moved if I had not had that experience of 24 January and the body had to be made ready. Then to be ‘ready’ the body could not keep inside so many things that belong to the Dasyus, as they are called in the Veda! These are little naughty dasyus (laughing). You have to chase them away!

      ‘So, when it came back, I said: Well, it means that this has to be dealt with in a new way [spoken in English]. (7.3.1961)’

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