Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Arinaya,
You said “The solstices and equinoxes are “fixed” because they form absolute, unchanging points of reference. The equinox is always defined by a day and night of equal length, and this occurs exactly twice per year. There are always exactly two equinoxes per year—and two solstices, with equally precise and unambiguous defining m…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
arinaya wrote:
devinder wrote:
My dear friend, the whole world knows that tropical zodiac is formed referred to moving VE and hence how it is fixed? 12 spokes are defined equal in nirayana zodiac too and are not categorized according to the modern constellation boundaries that you are basing your argument on. And hence your argument is hollow.…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
I’ve been following this important ACC discussion this past week, mulling over the posts, trying to understand, integrate and such. I’d like to thank all who are participating in this forum topic, which is very revealing and educational.
Hari Malla your comments have perplexed me quite a bit. I feel like I enter a maze when I read your posts. You…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
@devinder wrote earlier:
My dear friend, the whole world knows that tropical zodiac is formed referred to moving VE and hence how it is fixed? 12 spokes are defined equal in nirayana zodiac too and are not categorized according to the modern constellation boundaries that you are basing your argument on. And hence your argument is hollow. Sun r…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Harish,
Hope you would discuss with an open mind rather than biased by divine comings like Thea’s cosmology or Malla’s cosmology. This is how I started this discussion. Cosmology is cosmology, we can understand it right or wrong but it is not an individual affair.
1. ) In your writing to Mr. Malla, you have indicated Varahmihira quote. You…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
devinder wrote:
Dear Jan, Richard and Madam Thea, Thanks for the document Richard. I have gone through it and here are my comments: The manifestations and starting date as suggested lack the FACTUAL support that Jan was mentioning. When it comes to FACTUAL support, there is no room for intuition, divine coming or anything like this. I respect s…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
devinder wrote:
Dear Jan, Richard and Madam Thea, Thanks for the document Richard. I have gone through it and here are my comments: The manifestations and starting date as suggested lack the FACTUAL support that Jan was mentioning. When it comes to FACTUAL support, there is no room for intuition, divine coming or anything like this. I respect s…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Hari Malla said:
Please note that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are not patchwork as you have termed it, but the three main angles of vision namely the solar, lunar and the tropical.
The problem with you Hari Malla is that you have your own Cosmology and Terminology to explain it, and I suggest you start your own website with your Cosmology, to…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Jan, Richard and Madam Thea,
Thanks for the document Richard. I have gone through it and here are my comments:
The manifestations and starting date as suggested lack the FACTUAL support that Jan was mentioning.
When it comes to FACTUAL support, there is no room for intuition, divine coming or anything like this. I respect spirituality a…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Madame Theaji,
Krishnamurti once stated, ‘What can be measured is not truth.’ I have an aphorism for you all: ‘ONLY WHAT CAN BE MEASURED AND APPLIED IS REAL.’ Thea
Thank you, madame, for the above quote of Krishna murthy was well as your aphorism to people li…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Krishnamurti once stated, ‘What can be measured is not truth.’
I have an aphorism for you all:
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Wilkinsonji,
Can I please know the status of the 30 temples of Tamilnadu. Are they still following the sayan calendar for celebrations of festivals or have they given up.? i was very happy to get that news some years back. If the temples have left the sayan system let us encourage them to again follow it but with a little change to follow…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear HArishji,
harish wrote:
harimalla wrote:
Dear Mr. Wilkinson, To reform the calendar as I have said above is to use the manawantar system. This is done by shifting one whole month at a time not by shifting one day at a time like in the gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar the lunar dates are not attached to the solar dates. But in…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Willkinsonji,
You said,
robertwilkinson wrote:
Dear Hari Malla, What makes it so difficult to discuss these matters of cosmology with you is that you don’t know what you don’t know. And perhaps worse, you clearly don’t want to know. You have your own home spun version of cosmology, your own language to express it and of course you make…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
harish wrote:
Fundamentally, Hari Malla, if you believe the Unmoving and Ultimate is superior, why do you waste your time with Calendar Reform, since it is all inferior and temporary? Why don’t you go to a cave – I heard Kanchenjunga is nearby – and spend your time in solitary bliss trying to reach the Ultimate instead of worrying about mundane…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Robert,
I am not in support for Sh Hari Malla here and we two are different. My ideas are already there in my book “The Unanswered” where I have argued each and everything.
I am interested in what makes your theory and if you are married to your concepts, our discussion would be of no use.
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Madam Thea,
I have already gone through the articles. Jan talked about the factual support and I am seeking factual support from you.
On what basis, you have chosen cycle of 25920 years? Just 50 secs average that can’t even be guaranteed by modern science.
On what basis you are choosing three cycles spread to 12 manifestations?
What is the…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear all,
First on Vedic Verse (Rig Veda 1.164.48) that is being quoted by many of you. This verse simply indicates the Sun revolution. One can’t and no way relate that this is an indication of tropical phenomenon.
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Mr. Wilkinsonji,
I have tried to read a little about the reviews on the books of Madame Theaand others. One place i have noted that Avatars and yugas come every about 6000 years to match with the full cycle of precession. i beg to amend this concept prevalent in the last century among certain gurus in India. It is my present view that the…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Devinder,
Please re-read Madame Thea’s first two posts in this forum, as well as the article ‘Key to the Map of the 12 Manifestations’ by Robert Wilkinson, under ‘Articles’ on the home page. The answer to your questions are there (as well as in the vast amount of material written by Thea and her students, available on this website, at http://www.ae…[Read more]
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