devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Dear Robert,
I am not in support for Sh Hari Malla here and we two are different. My ideas are already there in my book “The Unanswered” where I have argued each and everything.
I am interested in what makes your theory and if you are married to your concepts, our discussion would be of no use.
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Madam Thea,
I have already gone through the articles. Jan talked about the factual support and I am seeking factual support from you.
On what basis, you have chosen cycle of 25920 years? Just 50 secs average that can’t even be guaranteed by modern science.
On what basis you are choosing three cycles spread to 12 manifestations?
What is…[Read more]
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Dear all,
First on Vedic Verse (Rig Veda 1.164.48) that is being quoted by many of you. This verse simply indicates the Sun revolution. One can’t and no way relate that this is an indication of tropical phenomenon.
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Dear Robert,
You have written “There are at least six mainstream authorities whose ayanamsha calculations differ from each other”…
This is ok but why it is called ayanamsa and not vishuwamsa?
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Dear Jan,
You said “Thea’s Cosmology is her identification, through yogic realizations, of the correct ayanamsha (Zero Point), the use and role of Time and Measure, and the ability to provide FACTUAL PROOF for her statements.”
My questions:
1. what is the correct ayanamsha (Zero Point) as per Thea
What are the FACTUAL PROOFS of Her…[Read more]
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 8 months ago ·
Madam Thea,
You have mentioned “in my cosmology “, “what is your cosmology? I believe cosmology is cosmology, we can understand it right or wrong but how can it be an individual affair that we call it “thea’s cosmology.”