Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
tim wrote:
The gravity of a particular system may have more to do with the position of the observer than with the system itself. My perception is certainly influenced from where I stand. If you stand opposite me, or separated by some degree then we may be traveling at different speeds along the curve of our understanding. This ought not to be too…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
5arinaya wrote:
harimalla wrote:
Dear Mr.Arinaya, How do we know that there is precession.of the equinoxes? Is it not with reference to the star background.? Agreed that there is no solstices and equinoxes in the sidereal zodiacs. Netherless is it not, on the background of fixed stars, that we see the motion of solstices and equinoxes of the…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
arinaya wrote:
devinder wrote:
My dear friend, the whole world knows that tropical zodiac is formed referred to moving VE and hence how it is fixed? 12 spokes are defined equal in nirayana zodiac too and are not categorized according to the modern constellation boundaries that you are basing your argument on. And hence your argument is hollow.…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Madame Theaji,
<thea wrote:
Krishnamurti once stated, ‘What can be measured is not truth.’ I have an aphorism for you all: ‘ONLY WHAT CAN BE MEASURED AND APPLIED IS REAL.’ Thea
Thank you, madame, for the above quote of Krishna murthy was well as your aphorism to people li…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Wilkinsonji,
Can I please know the status of the 30 temples of Tamilnadu. Are they still following the sayan calendar for celebrations of festivals or have they given up.? i was very happy to get that news some years back. If the temples have left the sayan system let us encourage them to again follow it but with a little change to follow…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear HArishji,
harish wrote:
harimalla wrote:
Dear Mr. Wilkinson, To reform the calendar as I have said above is to use the manawantar system. This is done by shifting one whole month at a time not by shifting one day at a time like in the gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar the lunar dates are not attached to the solar dates. But…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Willkinsonji,
You said,
robertwilkinson wrote:
Dear Hari Malla, What makes it so difficult to discuss these matters of cosmology with you is that you don’t know what you don’t know. And perhaps worse, you clearly don’t want to know. You have your own home spun version of cosmology, your own language to express it and of course you m…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
harish wrote:
Fundamentally, Hari Malla, if you believe the Unmoving and Ultimate is superior, why do you waste your time with Calendar Reform, since it is all inferior and temporary? Why don’t you go to a cave – I heard Kanchenjunga is nearby – and spend your time in solitary bliss trying to reach the Ultimate instead of worrying about mundane…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Consciousness and Matter in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Loriji,
I would like to give my opnion on this important matter. About mattter and consciousness, my opinion is that the earth goes every month around a point known as the E-M barycenter.This point manufactures the consciousness within us. This is the technical definition of consciousness called as the Purush or Shiva according to Hindu…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Mr. Wilkinsonji,
I have tried to read a little about the reviews on the books of Madame Theaand others. One place i have noted that Avatars and yugas come every about 6000 years to match with the full cycle of precession. i beg to amend this concept prevalent in the last century among certain gurus in India. It is my present view that…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Mr. Wilkinson,
Thank you for agreeing to reframing our discussion. I think I have been misudnerstood.
I like your word ‘divine Maya’.. In the common Nepali language we use the word ‘maya’ to mean just ‘love.’ Say love of our family or country etc..This love if expressed in science of physicas it amounts to saying ‘gravity’. Now this…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Jan,
Yoga is marriage of earth and the moon at the Earth-moon barycenter which is the monthly Sun known as the Aditya, Purush, or Consciousness or Sunday..but Theaji does not seem to care about this essence of conciousness. She is biased to the earth time only and its motion. The consciousness or the Observer is defined as being closer to…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Madame Theaji,
I have no problem in going deeper. i can well understand the harmony between Shiva an Shakti. In fact I am only trying to respect both. In the Scientific sense, it is the marriage between the earth and the moon resutling in the E-M barycenter which is connected to the stationery sun. Only the marriage of Shva and Shakti…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Mr. Wilkinson,
To reform the calendar as I have said above is to use the manawantar system. This is done by shifting one whole month at a time not by shifting one day at a time like in the gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar the lunar dates are not attached to the solar dates. But in our system we attach the lunar dates too in…[Read more]
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Dear Mr. Wilkinson,
Shall we reframe our discussion again. I am surley with you all in your set goals in this forum. I want to reform the Hindu calendar in the Hindu way ..I want the ancient spirit is not lost in the process of reform.You are asking me to reform by throwing the baby witth the bath tub. I am saying let us not throw the baby…[Read more]