Forum Replies Created
20 July 2015 at 4:31 am #1098
Hari Malla
SpectatorDear madame Theaji,
As I have mentiend previously in arriving at the physical wave of consciousness, we should not forget that these are cause by the earth and the moon as they chase each other while they both go around the sun. This is also known as the play of shri Krishna when Krishna is said to be the meeting point of the earth and the moon. Consiousness is known as the Purusha in he Vedic philosophies. The earth core is known as Prakriti. Prakriti is the energy, time or the material cause of life. Purusha or the monthly sun point is the efficient cause of life. These are also known as Shriva and Shakti and are quite physical things. This is how we can find the scientific basis of conciousness which also matches with our Vedas and the Bible.
In the Eastern literature, we have shri Krishna to represent the Purusha or Cosicousness, who is said to be of the lunar dynasty..In the Christian literature this is the resurrected Jesus on Sunday..Sunday is the lunar baryceenter which also represents our Conscousness or Spirit. Friday is the center of shakti, the day Jesus ws crucified. and which may be designated by (Parvati) or Rukmani in Mahabharat. Saturday is the intercalary lunar month representd by Balaram which in the Christian literature we have the Jesus lying dead on Saturday..Since only after Jesus dies on saturday, we can have the rise or resurrecton on Sunday, we have Balaram as the elder brother and Krishna as the younger brother in the Mahabharat story.
Hope you will agree with my above comparision Madame.
Hari Malla
19 July 2015 at 12:23 pm #1097
Hari Malla
SpectatorIt is time we understood life better than our ancestors did. But our scientific quest is to be respected and also aligned to the Vedas and the Bible..
30 May 2015 at 12:28 pm #1048
Hari Malla
SpectatorDear Mr.Tim,
Thank you for the reply. The barycenter is the highest point in our brain. It is reachable only after life long practice. Before that we have to go in steps starting from the navel or even below. In fact right from the bottom of the spine known as the Muladhar chakra..This is connected to the earth inner core. Then our faculty of knowing the world. After this knowing faculty we reach our doing faculty at the navel which is connetd to the north pole of the earth.. Here we have our working energy or force. Then at the level of the heart we have the loving faculty. Here we reach the sunat the heart. After we conquer this we go to the throat level where we have the believing faculty or Faith. This is called as the Visudddha chakra. WE reach the speech of the vowels here.
WE reach the Moon at the forehead level backside of the bain where we have the vision center.. Then at the top of our head we experience the pure God experience which is the consciouness within us and the barycenter too ..It is he final Samadhi when our heart is fully satisfied with life havng seen God the creato,r like a formless space….Alk our worries vanish..
tim wrote:
harimalla wrote:
tim wrote:
harimalla wrote:
tim wrote:
Do you think we can correlate the solar , lunar and earth perspectives coordinated by this concept of Earth-Moon barycenter.? It could be very interesting if you agree to give a little attention to the barycentral viewpoint as the integration of the other three view points..thank you, Hari Malla
Hari, Apologies for the delayed response. Yes this is interesting and Lori did a remarkable job in her explication of the barycenter. Honestly, I’ve never heard of such a thing. When I’m practicing my asanas while doing physical fitness routines I think I may experience something of the sort. But I also imagine that there are two center involved. This barcenter may be related to ego. The sense I have of it is constant. I fight and struggle to not fall down. Minor adjustments are being made in every system of the body… respiratory, circulatory, musculatory, etc. Many many minute adjustments to try an hold my pose. I think this describe the barycenter no? But the core is located elswhere. On occassion I’ve glimpsed the Core. Some days the asanas are dreadfully difficult and I’m all over the place straining for balance. On other days there is no effort. Almost as if a string is attached to an anchor the supports me and holds me up. The movement is effortless. This probably won’t help you much but I appreciate your question because it certainly helps me to expound a bit about this topic. The subtle Sun within me is increasingly finding an anchor. The anchor has always been there no doubt but my ego and fighting spirit has resisted the obvious… In term of the Sun, Moon, Earth perspective I believe that the illustration was not merely metaphorical but literal in the sense that there are four dimensions at work. Standing too firmly or clinging to any one perspective runs the risk of distorting our view so a simultaneous perspective is required. Thank you Hari… Tim
Please do not try to apply force here. let everything be natural progression. Gradually with the passage of time, we can reach that point with the help of God’s grace. We must have the patience and success will be guaranteed..I will be giving practical hints from time to time. It wil be about meditation with the help of physical heavenly objects like the pole star, the sun and the moon.Thank you for your ineterest in it. please rest assured my method will be scientific and logical. thank you,
Hari Malla
30 May 2015 at 10:30 am #1044
Hari Malla
Spectatorharish wrote:
Hari Malla, the post was not addressed to you. I dont have any quarrel with you since you have your own cosmology and you want to leave this world and become lost in the E-M Barycenter (isn’t this western by the way?) and want to be with the Father. Hence Nirayana is the best calendar for you and please stick to that. Even the fact that you cannot measure perfectly (off by 0.0004 degrees) is perfect, because the Vast Transcendent Vishnu is immeasurably and your “faulty” calendar is actually perfect for your purposes. Do understand that we are not saying Niarayana Calendar is wrong. Neither is it a fight between Indian and Westerners or Christians and Muslims and Hindus.. It was perfect for the Old Age when escaping from the World was the chief aim of human life, especially in India.
Dear Harishji,
Ours is a coordinated calendar which means it is ideal to practise all types of yoga and specially Intergral yoga. The labour class, the political class and the intelletucal or the spiritual class all can find their choices here. Say for winter solstices, our Dharma shasrtas ( Nirnaya sindhu, Dharma sindhu etc) specify four dates. Makar sankranti, Poush punrma, Poush sukla ekadashi and Poush Amavasya. All types of people who practise different types of yogas can find their dates here. It does not specify the shortest day for celebrations , which is specified by Christians for Christmas, because Brahamji has been cursed since it does not help us fully in our ultimate salvation. This means we want to live in peace and evolve to higher palnes and not in endless wars. The diferences for the Christmas as 25 December and January 1st is not placed at 21st. December seems to be for adjustment of the lunar date in the beginning of the calendar..
Sorry to say, Theaji being brought up in the western culture seems to find difficulties in grasping these facts. But I am hopeful once she understands the monthly menstruation cycle in women is due to the effects of the lunar month and the Golden red sun she experienced in 1972 did not really move, she will be convinced that the Vedic panchaga with its five part ( Vaar, Tithi, nakshyatra, yoga and karana ) is the ideal human creation..
Since we have the most ideal calendar in the world, we should also help other reilgions amend their calendar so that we all can live in harmony. Thank you,
Hari Malla
30 May 2015 at 10:08 am #1041
Hari Malla
Spectatorharish wrote:
The Vedas are INFINITE. Since Mankind will become dumb in the Age of Kali, Vyasa compiled the most important revelations in Four Books in Sanskrit Language and given it to mankind for understanding. This does not mean that only those four books are Vedas. The Mayan Pyramids are more Vedic than many temples which conduct worship to deities while denying the eternality of the Soul.
Dear Harishji,
Truth is truth wether Vedic or Mayan. The Vedic analysis of truth is most scientific.This is the reason Vivekananda prescribed it for the future of humanity. Which religion says God is within the lunar months. There is no superstition here, if one understands..
Have you studiesd Shiva lingams? It is the picture of earth moon barycenter. Please compare it with the live picture which Lorij has posted to me in one of her mails. .Also please carefully study the Om symbol. Thank you,
Hari Malla
30 May 2015 at 9:59 am #1038
Hari Malla
Spectatorharish wrote:
The Gregorian Calendar is Vedic in the sense it is in keeping with the Harmony of the Age and it is most suited to make the masses have the lived experience of the Vedic Truths. A thing is Vedic when it is Harmonious and Fulfils the Divine Will on Earth. It is not mandatory that it should created in India or even it should be written in Sanskrit. It is the same reason why we call it Vedic Mathematic even though these methods are not found anywhere in the Vedas. These formulas were arrived at through a process of intuition – the very same methods that the Vedic Seers used to arrive at the Truth – and that is why it is Vedic! The fact that these techniques are not present in the Vedas matters little!
Dear Harishji,
The Gregorina calendar is an inferior calendar because it is not in harmony with the universe. It does not recognise the lunar effects upon our life which is most important for the knowledge of God. It also does not recognise the static nature of the sun in the star world called as Eden in the Bible..Thus it is a degraded calendar introduced by the Julius Ceaser who suffered from Epilepsy. Thus his thinking was one sided, so he did away with the lunar dates in his Julian calendar due finding it complicated…This is fit only for the labour class in our society not for the intelligentsia.
The Gregorian calendar has made the wsetern world very materiailsitic. They make a lot of money and in the end fsnish it in wars. It is a non spiritual calendar. Thsu teh reson why moslems gveup theseaons in revenge to them. The religous people in chrisatainity involve too much into Politics in the name of religion..They try to buy converts with money, since they have little philosophy..
Hari Malla
30 May 2015 at 9:43 am #1037
Hari Malla
Spectatorharish wrote:
Do understand that Time is not Christian or Hindu. Time flows and these calendars were prepared by Pagans, and if some Pope made some changes taking into account some astronomical phenomenon, it does not mean that the Calender becomes Christian. Why, you a man of logic, bringing in religion here?
Dear Harishji,
Is this mail directed to me, since it is not addressed. ? If to me, then we have three types of solstices and equinoxes. The topical , solar and the lunar. Christians are used only the tropical solstices as their basis of celebrations.Please refer to their calucation of the Easter date and Christmas date. They have a peculiar way of considering the Easter celebration date and have in some way taken to lunar full moon too.We celebrate by the lunar date and sometime by the niriayan solar date. But we are prohibited to celebrate by the sayan date. There is a story to explain this. The Jews take the luni-solar date only. Both christinity and Islam do pay due respect to the old testament and alo to the Hebrew calendar. But due to sentiments of revenge they have given up the luni solar Hebrew calendar which that was better than the present they are following. In this way, They have both landed up in the inferior present quarrelsome situation.T he Islamic religon has thrown away the seaonal dates altogether in their celebrations and take seasonless lunar dates in revenge to the Christians..Both these are ill advised as experts inthis field can say.
Since we are now quite dveleoped in matter of Creation or evolution of life by God, or Nature, we should properly analyze these celebration dates and precscribe reforms for all religions to abetter future.. We have to analyze the religions festivals since we know the advantages and defects of the different calendars. Time being the most important factor for creation of life it can help in developing personalities and societies in the right way. The globe has been a village now.. We should help each other wtih knowledge of evlution of life…
Thank you for the interest.
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 2:48 pm #1096
Hari Malla
SpectatorDear Madame Theaji,
The following article you have quoted is surely interesting with the physical explanation of consciousness. Vedas also give us the physical aspect of consciousness. When we say the sun is our Atma it is the very physical cause of our Truth consiousness and of life itself.
You quoted as follows:
thea wrote:
In the latest Atlantis Rising (March/April 2015, #110) there is an interesting article, ‘Physics with a Twist, Understanding Torsion and the Mystery of Consciousness), by Brendan Murphy. He cites the work of Dr A.A Kosyrev, among others. If you recall I mention Kosyrev in Volume 1 of TNW and his work with Time, the energy he believed was ‘locked in Time’. I quote as per the article, ‘He discovered that human thoughts and feelings generate torsion waves. Such a discovery opens the door for a “physical” understanding of consciousness, and a much more compete model of reality. Kosyrev was able to measure physical effects that were caused by sudden psychological changes (including his own), proving that consciousness is related to vibrations within a fluid-like “etheric” medium, which we may also refer to as a timespace or an “implicate order”. In his ingenious experiments Kosyrev detected minute changes in systems that mimicked psychokinesis using an unknown form of hard-to-detect energy – time itself, he believed – which he pointed out united all existence in a unified field, connecting all things in real-time (thus facilitating nonlocality or “action at a distance”). Changes in mechanical systems produced subtle alterations in the density of time, the etheric medium, as did gravity, thunderstorms, changes in season, and changes in matter density.>Please note that our consciousness is truly created by the Earth-moon barycenter as per the version of the Vedas.. This is the ‘etheric medium’ which is nothing but the gravitational center of the weight of the earth and the moon put together. Our Om symbol is a very good representation of the unified field theory contained therein. The three lines of the OM symbol represent the three qualities ( gunas) which are nothing but the electrical, magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth linked to the sun and the moon. The crescent of the moon represent the gravitational pull of the moon to our human brain. Note that Shiva wears the moon upon his forehead. The point within the crescent of the Om symbol represents the ether itself which is linked to the sun. This is the universal gravitational field of the sun known as the EM barycenter or Suryamsha Purusha…( the Person linked to the sun)
<Likewise, Kosyrev found that consciousness also affected time density. Emotional thoughts produced larger effects on his equipment than did intellectual thoughts….’ It is very interesting that this article brings out the fact that Kosyrev connected these experiments to the emotional/vital. And truly that is the ‘layer’ upon which Time acts – the vital force, prana, the bridge from the other side. If he were alive (apparently he died in 1983) I would certainly have tried my best to contact him. I intuited then that his work was outstanding among other scientists; it brought me to want to delve deeply into the then Soviet Union’s experiments in the paranormal for TNW, if you read the notes I made of the outline for the book, as recorded in my journal in the beginning of 1976.’ The quote continues regarding how the experiments registered more strongly when the emotions were involved: ‘In a conference in 1985 one of his colleagues explained how he was able to register stronger changes when reading Faust (his favourite), “while mathematical calculations did not cause pointer deflections.”… Thus Kosyrev believed that our thoughts could change the density of time. He believed that in mastering the ability to make time dense at will, we would be able to make telepathy occur at will. Under his conception psi phenomena would be stripped of their paranormal trappings and accepted into the world of natural phenomena. These are just a few of the reasons that Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder identified Kosyrev as possibly the most important scientist they spoke with in research for their classic book Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain (p.160-9)…’ Now if he had lived and the work I have done on the new paradigm, he would surely have used those discoveries in his work. I am convinced of it because this ‘making time denser’ would seem to point to the COMPACTION of time I formulated. How exciting he would have been! Just as I am as I read about his work, this scientist that I had admired enough to mention his work in TNW. ‘…Kosyrev discovered that torsion waves can move through space at tremendous speeds – billions of times the speed of light – meaning they propagate in the future and past as well as the present… so tapping into them could facilitate retro- or pre-cognition, psi experienced of temporal nonlocality involving glimpses of the past or future…. ‘If you think of torsion waves as connections in the realm of time (or space-time/ ether/implicate order), then instantaneous, telepathic communications between people separated by thousands of miles becomes more comprehensible – and less “paranormal”….’ Certainly here we are in the realm of Simultaneous Time, the three times compacted into the Zero. Perhaps it requires an Indian scientist to make the real breakthrough. How fascinating that this has fallen into my hands, resurrected from the past. How fascinating.
The Vedic interpretations are infallible and more exact than all these scientific experiments of trial and error..Because the Rishis have felt it in the true and the exact sense with their internal sense. No guess work here. Thus my insistence to our friends to learn more about the EM Barycenter. Let the people of Christian background be more conscious of it so that they will in time appreciate the need to celebrate festivals by the luni-solar dates and not by just tropical dates. Let us learn some thing from the Moslems too. They are over attached to the lunar dates to counter act to the Christain giving up of the lunar dates and taking the tropical date only…
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 11:24 am #1026
Hari Malla
SpectatorDear madame Theaji,
In my method of manwantars, ayanamsha plays a very insignificant role. So please do not make that as an issue to me.It may bother Devinderji but not me. My main issue with you is that you are not understanding about the Purusha which is within the lunar months.Without this knowledge of the Purusha or Truth consciousness.your understanding of the Vedas will always be incomplete.. You surely know about Krishna being from the lunar dynasty. Rama, although of the solar dynasty is by his name itself, referred as Rama Chandra relating him to the moon too.
@thea wrote:
My dear Hari Malla, It is not that I run away from answering questions either from you or Devinder. It is simply that we approach these matters from very different angles. I explained that in an earlier post this morning. I think that much is absolutely clear. No need to repeat. You state that I want to do away completely with the Nirayana system. Yes, certainly, as it is now formulated on the basis of Nakshatras and with multiple ayanamshas.>How will you interpret the story of Ganga without letting the nirayan system to remain. It wil be like a fairy tale wihtout the nirayan sytem prevailing. Your exaactness of the annual timing and the equinoxes snd solstices is prohibited by our Vedic system..It is related to the pole which is related to Brahmaji. This shows you have yet to get enlightened.
<I believe Devinder’s book on the subject has pages where he disputes each of them – to come up with his own, I suppose, the only correct one! In dealing with these matters after the Supramental Manifestation, there cannot be such confusion. There cannot be many stable 0 Points. Only one. And more importantly, the sidereal circle where the 12 are projected cannot be used for individual horoscopy or temple timings. It is used as a backdrop for the Precessional movement wherein we note the passages of the Ages/Manifestation.>
The supramental manifesatation of three pecessional cycles has now been proved to be Unvedic concept. Please note that the four yugas in one precesinal cycle (of around 6000 years) as you have mentioned mayhave been the fashion in the time of Aurobiduo Guru. But that has been useless now with the discovery of Kalpa or the day ogf Barhamji, being the precessional cycle itself..Please amend your said proposal of manifestations..
<This has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian calendar or Hindu or Islamic, and on and on. You are all caught up in difference, divisions. You keep insisting (overtly or covertly) that I want to impose the so-called Christian-Gregorian calendar on poor Hindus who are once again bamboozled by white skin proselytisers! The calendar used throughout the ancient pagan world and simply reformed by Pope Gregory cannot be called Christian. But you insist, so… >
It is unVedic if not Christian. The weakness of the Christians is they do not give any imortanceto the lunar dates. FOrthsiveryreaosn Islam religion was born.The vedic calendar is basically a luni solar calendar. So also teh hebew calendar. Please try to understand the meaning of Sunday as the first day of creation as mentiend in the old testament..also please note that Jesus was trying to fulfill the jewish religion, ot create a semi pagan religion.. But the christians gave up Jesus’s intentions and adopted the pagan calendar ie the Roman Julian calendar. So modern Christianiity would be more like a pagan religion, which would be something quite foreign to Jesus himself if he lived today..HE was trying to explain the lunar calendar by his acts of crucifixion, dying and ressurrection. The ressurection is acutally the resurrection of the Sunday in the lunar calendar ie earth-moon barycneter. You must give some time to understand this concept. If you like it would be my pleasure to help you here..
<Surely you all know that to calculate with utmost accuracy the true ayanamsha in the sidereal circle is a near impossibility. More to the point, it leaves astrology and cosmology open to unending disputes. You wish to end the disputes: Let us compromise, you ask. How can one compromise on something as essential as when to start reckoning time’s movement through the year and the Greater Years? There is no compromise possible. That is why I do not answer Devinder’s list of questions because for me they have absolutely no value at all. I will never convince him because of our different approaches, as I wrote earlier. Let him continue haggling with fellow Nirayanis over which is the ‘correct’ ayanamsha. I do not fit in with all of that. Finally, you assume to know so much about the Integral Yoga. My Lord, this is really just too much. It is nothing like what you claim. My friend, we are not at all on the same wave length, much less the same path. But not for that are we enemies! However, I must correct you when you attribute to the New Way and the Integral and Supramental Yogas conditions which do not at all apply. >
In Nepal, we have around five separate local stories to explain the Intergaral yoga like the Ganga sagar story of India..So we feel we know more details of this yoga. The Chinese also have one story. The intergral yoga is represented by their Laughing Buddha. They call it as Maitreya Buddha to match the conceept of Vishwa mitra. The Christians have the Second of Christ in the New Jerusalem as envisined by John, to explain the integral nature of the same story. The discussion group of the desciples of Socrates produced the story of Drowning of Atlantis to explain that same integral yoga. That story of Atlantis is not actually tens of thousands of years old as you think. Nor are the pyramids so old.
<My students are capable of instructing you on the differences, but I believe they have had enough by now. I wanted to have your views placed before the public as clearly as you and Devinder are able in this short space. This you both have done. My intention was not to allow you ANOTHER forum to continue the haggling that goes on among Nirayana astrologers who cannot agree on any ayanamsha. This has been achieved.>
No ayanamsha is necessary in my proposal since it is the proposal of the anciet Vedic people. Tisibased on tehe one month fluctuation of the interclaray lunar month. But lunar months are your weakness having a westerner upbringing. So it becomes hard for me to explain anything toyu unless you yourself make the effort to learn…Tehnyuwil have understood the Vedas well. I do not say you do not have the sirutal experiences. you surely have had wonderful experiences but theorizing is also necessary. You have not been exposed in this aspect of hindu theology.
<You have revealed the contours of your systems. Now the readers can decide which makes sense and is applicable and which is not.. I must add that with my new system this argument does not arise: the Gnostic Circle is simply a wheel of Time. Nothing more. It consists of the circle of 9 superimposed on the circle of 12 – in other words, a diagrammatic expression of the constituent elements of our solar system. HARMONY is the keyword. You enter the wheel at birth and you move through it in cycles and experience in each round the Vedic Journey of the Rishis.
None of your folks seem to have really shown much interest in what I have said about theluanr mnths. But some thing they may have captured. So I thank you for giving this chance to me to tell them something. Thank you again. Best wishes and Good bye.
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 10:27 am #1024
Hari Malla
Spectatordevinder wrote:
Mr. Malla, You wrote “Devinder agrees that we need both sayan and nirayan. But he perhaps thinks it is not yet the time to reform because uttaryan has not reached Dhanu sankranti.” My reply “I would give my opinion at right time in right manner logically and academically. I don’t live on just imaginations. Only once fundamentals are grasped, one can imagine, visualize and propose.” But whenever I provide an answer, apply your mind broadly to agree or disagree, the way you need to do even when reading my already released stuff. regds Devinder
Dear Devinderji,
i think I will not be able to read your book since it cannot be purchased in Nepali interntet. You have no alternative to sell otherwise. SO I think your ideas will remain with you only. But please do not forget that my basis of reform is Kalpa and manawantar concept of SS and also as confirmed as the true kalpa and manawantar by Bhagvat Purana.. Since the lunar month is our main Vedic month there is no alternative to the reform I have proposed by the lunar standard..Please note that the lunar months contain the 12 Aditya within them. These 12 Adityas in the 12 lunar months are said to be God’s incarnations or deputations. Unless a person understands about the Adityas within each lunar month people do not give importance to these months and think the solar months aer important. Also note that our Panchagas( five parts ) do not contain the sayan or nirayan solar months of Raashi or others.
You should thus tell me what are your necessary coditions so that one month reform can be accepted.
You surely are a logical person . There is no dcoubt in that. But still since the topic we are discussing is a very very great issue, you should not have been so insisting upon reading your book although i tried to do so. Is it possible that I send the money by draft and you send at least a photocopy to me by post. Darshaneylokesh does that also.
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 4:21 am #1019
Hari Malla
Spectatorthea wrote:
Sorry, for some reason I left out the para about Jahnu releasing Ganga from his ear – the ears are ruled by Saturn, in turn ruler of Makar/Capricorn. No, Hari Malla, I consider that ‘heavenly’ Ganga refers to the ecliptic zodiac of 12 because Ganga is supremely related TO EARTH. For me she is like a sister – that is, she is a Being. If you project those 12 out into the constellations, that’s fine. It is the way we do it to ‘read’ the precessional movement and to determine the particular Age and Manifestation we are in. But that measurement is always determined by the ecliptic plane – i.e., our solar system.We remove the label of superstition when we can MEASURE such elusive elements. However, this is not science, per se, it is s reckoning beyond science as you are expounding. Astronmers miss the plot because they must have something PHYSICAL to measure: they look to the stars and try to accommodate the zodiacal figures within those wholly arbitrary child’s play of connecting the dots. But you must admit that it does not work because those ‘dots’ cover far more than 30 degrees. Yet Nirayana astrologers will continue to regard the Nakshatras which they read in the constellations as one sign of 30. Astronomers want something tangible like the stars that they can see physically. They are only interested in the physical plane. All else then become superstition to them. This is the enormous harm they hjave done to the Sanatana Dharma. The sage looks within to find the subtle content of the cosmic harmony. I know this is true because I have done it. Everything single discovery I have made – and you have to admit that there have been many – was ‘seen’ within. That is where we discover HARMONY. Otherwise, it is no longer cosmos (order) but simply chaos. The tropical zodiac of the ecliptic does not have stars to reveal its existence. It has the Vedic Journey through the 12 stages. If you follow that journey of 12 with its cardinal corners, you reach what for the Seers is ‘tangible’, you enter the subtle plane. You RREALISE those symbols, you experience them, thereby bringing them out of the realm of even a hint of otherworldliness, much less superstition. Then there can be no doubt which system to follow. We have been carrying on this debate for a while; we have each expounded our theories, ideas, and experiences. As you can see, no one has been convinced of the other’s position. This is to be expected because of the approach, as I describe it above. Therefore, while I enjoy the discussion, I realise that the only gain is to have brought into the public domain a serious, in-depth discussion of the two distinct approaches. The reader then decides which path he or she vibrates most to. In this light we have done a service to seekers across the world.
Dear madame Theaji and Devinder ji,
I am fond of you both. But both of you do not agree with me because I try to act like a bridge between both of you. This bridge is surely the New way. But some how both of you manage to slip away in the end form my genuine proposal..Devinder agrees that we need both sayan and nirayan. But he perhaps thinks it is not yet the time to reform because uttaryan has not reached Dhanu sankranti.. Madame Theaji does want to reform but by destroying the nirayan system of the Hindus for the future of Hinduism. Madame, please know that Parvati is the earth and Ganga is the star circle of zodiacs in heaven. Why can you not understand and accept such simple symbols. No madame, Ganga is not the earth and so is not your sister at all, since you hate the stars.. Ganga( star circle) was brought to the earth to coordinate the stars with mother Parvati or further to the east to the solar system. The golden red sun you have experienced is the sun rising in the east at the Bay of Bengal. When the stars experienced at the head ( by Shiva) is brought to the ocean of our sentiment at the heart( in the east as the sun ), this universe is unified. This is the true Integral Yoga ( Raja yoga) when knowledge of stars and the feelings of love and devotion in the heart ( sun) become one.. The sun, in the east, then is called as Vishwa mitra- World friendship. Please recall that the story of Ganga sagar is narrated by Vishwamitra to Ramachandra and Lakshman when he took them to maarry with Sitaji. Sitaji is truly the earth core since she was born of the earth and entered the earth in the end. SO perhaps you can call Sitaji as your sister!. Please be confirmed that Makar sankranti, the vehicle of Ganga ( circle of zodiac stars) is steller or sidereal. But the pole star, seat of Brahmaji who released Ganga water from his Kamandalu, is sayan or tropical. Trivikram( Vaman avatar) which represents the earth triangle took the second one of his three steps upto the Pole star in heaven, where Brahmaji was seated. Barahmaji washed his feet and preserved the water, to release it when time was ripe. He released it when requested by Bhagirath. SO we need both sidereal and tropical calendars in a coordinated fashion- pole star (Brahmaji) being sayan and the circle of zodiac stars( Ganga) being nirayan…
Thus, I say it is already time to reform our calendar, by shifitng one whole month of nirayan calendar as per the mananwaar system, by calling the present Dhanu sankranti as the future Makar sankranti in the sayan fashion. Madame Thea does not think Ganga is the star circle of zodiacs. But you are challenging the very definition of Akash Ganga.. Why both of you do not agree with me?, I am surprised even when we are so close together…i feel both of you are ignoring the lunar month( Shiva) and the lunar fluctuation zone. Madame does not think of the lunar month because she is brought up in the western system, Devinder does not realize that the vernal equinoctial full moon has shifted to Falgun purima from the original vernal equinoctial Chaitra purima zone. Will Hinduism be able to lead the world to new fronts as envisaged by Vivekanana, at this rate? I am starting to doubt. So my request plese quarrel not but compromise as the Vedas want us to do!
If this compromising atittude does not occur, let the materialistic Christians lead the world as they are already doing. Let the lunar based Islamic states keep upon hitting at them too with their unending Jihads.. This is the fate of our modern world since those who believe in the Vedas are quarrelsome people who never like to come to terms with reality and each other although theoritically, Vedas tried to harmonize all types of thougthts of humankind both sayan and nirayan with the help of lunar calendar…..
Thank you anyway,
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 12:28 am #1015
Hari Malla
Spectatorlori wrote:
Here’s the mythological connection between Ganga, Jahnavi (i.e. January and Capricorn) and the Ear: …. ‘[Siva] released [Ganga] through his hair. Then Ganga came with such force, and it flowed through the Ashrama of a sage called Jahnu. He was so angry he simply took the Ganga and swallowed it. Then Bhagiratha prayed to Jahnu, “Please release it.” Then he released it through the ear. Because it [Ganga] came out of the ear of Jahnu Rishi, she is called Jahnavi. Then it flowed, and it flowed through the ashes of the ancestors and then they were liberated.’ – from ‘The Story of the Descent of Ganga to Earth’ by Swami Krishnananda
Dear madame Lori,
Thank you for the explanation of the story. Do you also not think Ganga is the circle of zodiac stars? So, is travelling around heaven of stars not our salvaion? Does Ganga or Akash ganga( milky way) not wash away our attachment to or sins of the earthly world. When Shiva holds Ganga upon his matted hair , it is equal to the enlightenement or the knowledge of Buddha too or Sahasrar (thousand petalled) chakra. This same concept of a thounsad years or stars is also called as the concept of the milleniium in Christianity.
So is our time keeping not based upon the star background? Kindly be honest. The reason i am asking you this is because a great person like madame Theaji is trying to import the Christian or Jewish sayan( tropical) concept into Hinduism. She does not care about Christianity which has given up the spiritually necessary lunar dates. How can we think of the New way or new world order with such biased opinion and indiscrimination?.
Hari Malla
29 May 2015 at 12:09 am #1013
Hari Malla
Spectatorthea wrote:
I expected to move out of this discussion, having said my piece already, but statements by our Nirayani friends are too stimulating to let pass. But, I repeat, if one is not initiated into these mysteries, one cannot recognise anything deeper than what Devinder and Hari Malla seek to establish. In this light, I will further confirm the importance of the 10th sign Capricorn/Makar for the Rishi. The victory of the Aryan Warrior is held to be in the 10th month, which is the 10th sign from the March equinox. Where does the 10th sign figure? In the Rig Veda it is more subtle because Sanskrit is the perfect language to hide the deeper mysteries from the profane. There are two or more levels to Sanskrit, and by consequent many different ways of translating. This is why one has to rely on the guidance of a recognised Seer, not just a Sanskrit pundit. That apart, the easiest way to learn of those connections and the precise meaning of the symbols because they are then given overtly, is to study the architecture and iconography that was formulated during the Puranic Age in the effort to preserve that higher knowledge when Bharat was being invaded by antagonistic forces. The temple would secure that worship would go on, and the symbolism would be carried over to the time of the appearance of the 9th Avatar (not Gautam the Buddha!). It is for this reason that these mysteries are being unveiled today. Iconography itself confirms my reading of Ganga. I use our contemporary coordinates of longitude and latitude to ‘locate’ Ganga on the body of Bharat Mata. What is the crime in doing so, Mr Devinder? Shouldn’t you rejoice at the very idea that this could be done? But don’t take my word for it. We have iconography to confirm what I arrived at through initiation and not through reading the scriptures. I referred to Varuna and his vahana Makar to prove the composite symbolism of Goat/Fish; (if you want to know the connection, please refer to my published work The New Way 2); trust me, it is there, clear and explicit. I have also measured Ganga via the same Capricorn symbol and found her source to be at 12 degrees Capricorn, or when converted to days it is the 3rd of January. Her mouths are located at 0 degree Capricorn (the Makar Sankranti of the solar calendar). I therefore sometimes refer to her as the River of January, also because of her connection with Jahnu. She was following Bhagirath in her descent on Earth and when they reached the ashram of the sage Jahnu (janveri, January?), she flooded it and put our the sacrificial fire! Jahnu then cursed her and swallowed her up! Superstitious nonsense? Not so, my friends, but only if you know these explicit zodiacal connections, unknown to contemporary astrologers in India, but not to those of earlier times or abroad On that basis we remove once again the taint of superstition that the West and its Abrahamic culture throws on Hinduism. This is easily done when we know that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which in turn rules the EARS in the body! How sweetly the zodiacal content is preserved. This rulership is common knowledge, it is not my invention. But we find it in India only in myths today. So, we have confirmed from the myths the Capricorn essence of Ganga; and Thea has discovered her Earthly physical location, as well as temporal. And naturally Ganga’s vahana also confirms Capricorn/Makar, for it is none other than a makar! And here she is descending from the celestial sphere on her most precious makar… Gangadevi on Makar
Dear Madame Theaji,
Kindly explain the meaning of Ganga. Is it the river in India or the heavelny Ganga or Akash Ganga which means the Milky way,? Have you not said she has descended from the celestial sphere on her Makar. ? Then after that we can easily explain about Makar and Makar sankranti , wether it is sayan or nirayan. Please remember nirayan means steller. Is millky way not steller?
I have no problem if you let the Gregorian calendar remain tropical even after including the lunar dates to it, for which i have repeatedly requested your kind self, but importing the tropical concept into Hinduism is clearly inappropriate..
I have also asked, if permissible to ask, in another of your blogs, about your wonderful experience in 1972. Was the goldern red sun you experienced moving or stationery while you experienced it?
Thank you,
Hari Malla
28 May 2015 at 3:56 pm #1010
Hari Malla
Spectatorarinaya wrote:
harimalla wrote:
Dear Arinayaji, Please understand that the Rishis are saying “they shake not” for the steller world of sun and the stars and not to the earth’s solstices and equinoxes. The Vedas says “Give up the world for the sake of Atma.” Here. the ‘world’ means the earth. Atma means the world of the unmoving Sun and the stars. Integral yoga means nothing but this only. We calculate Yoga in our Panchanga by adding the speed of the sun to the speed of the stars ( Nakshyatra). This is the practical mathematics of Intergral yoga. The Integration means the intergration of the day caused by the sun and the night of the stars. Can you please integrate the day to the night in this fashion? The day you can do that you have achieved the goal of Intergral yoga. Be sure of that. This means you should visualize the sun and the stars simultaneously, situated in one space of the universe..Then you have achieved the goal of Integral Yoga. Karma yoga is represented by the story of Rama, the seventh Avatar and experienced at the winter solstice. Bhaktiyoga by the story of Krishna of eighth incarnationan experienced at the spring equinox.. Gyana yoga by the story of Buddha, the ninth incarnation, experienced at the summer solstice. Intergral yoga is the integration of these three types of yogas and is traditionally called as Raja yoga and represented by the story of Kalki avatar, the tenth incarnation of God, who brings the Staya yuga or the Golden age….It is experienced at the Autumn equinox. These four Avatars moving in sequence as Satya yuga, treta yuga, dwapar yuga and kali yuga revolves around the sun at the four cardinal points and this dynamic motion is represented by the Swastika symbol. It is achieved in one person’s life time. This is also indicated by the story of Rohita, the son of Harish chandara. Are these facts palatable to you? Please do not say “the stars whirl but the earth’s solstices and equinoxes are fixed.” You are interpreting things upside down from against the reality as accepted by science and also common sense…Thank you, Hari Malla
Dear Hariji, It is interesting to see the points of contact and the points of divergence between our views. Actually the Rishi is saying that the 360 “pegs” do not shake in the least. It is the wheel itself that is fixed, and singular (one wheel). To see how this wheel might be anchored to the cycles of Earth-time, picture the Dawn, Ushas. The Dawn occurs when the dark and light are equally balanced, and forms something like a point of reference, or an eternal moment, that the consciousness can use to orient itself. In terms of the Year, the Dawn corresponds to the Vernal Equinox, when again the dark and the light are equally balanced. Can you tell me, at what fixed point on the sidereal circle the days and nights are of equal length? This is all I mean by the equinoxes are “fixed”. They always correspond, by definition, to the moment when the day and the night are of equal length (just like the Dawn). They are “fixed” to the moments in time when the day and the night are equal. Today we have forgotten how to see the cosmos from a geocentric perspective. The Sun and stars are not “fixed”, they whirl constantly about the Earth. The Earth is solid, stable, unmoving (in the Vedic worldview, prithivi is the principle of stability). I believe you are mistaken when you say that the Veda says “Give up the world for the sake of Atma.” Can you tell me what passage you had in mind? What the Veda says is carry through the yajna to the ninth/tenth month, conquor the panis, release the power of the hidden Sun, and enter into the Vast, the Right, the Truth (the fourth world, swar or mahas). But it also says that it is the Days and the Months themselves that lead us to this apotheosis—in other words, it occurs on Earth, not elsewhere. All ten Avatars form a parable of evolution. I don’t think you can reduce it to the trimarga without losing everything. Rama incarnated the ideal of the sattwic man, Krishna of the overmental superman, and Sri Aurobindo came to establish the Supermind as a permanent feature of the Earth consciousness. What the Buddha represents in the progression is not a step forward from the 8th stage, but a return to an earlier stage. What he initiated was an exaggerated development of the rational mind and a tendency to fly away from the Earth-centered perspective. The goal of the integral yoga is not to “see the sun and the stars at the same time”, it is to realize the Divine consciousness on every plane of our being (including the most material physical) and to prepare the human adhara and the world at large for the supramental descent and manifestation. The goal of the Vedic yajna seems similar in almost every respect, although they did not speak so much about the possibility of a collective realisation of the Supermind / swar / mahas. Still, the contours of the “journey” were all laid out in vivid detail. It was a realisation of the Earth, for the Earth, on the Earth, in Earth-time.
Dear Arinayaji,
Would you say the sun moves around the earth.? If not, then let us say the earth ,moves around the sun forming the four cardinal points around the sun. These four cardinal points also move on the background of the stars by precession in a long time. The sun is only one of the stars, and vitually , the stars are fixed with respect to the sun. This is what modern day science says.
If you cannot say this then let us not waste our time like a studdent of science talking to an ignorant villager..
Hari Malla
28 May 2015 at 8:09 am #1004
Hari Malla
Spectatorlori wrote:
I’ve been following this important ACC discussion this past week, mulling over the posts, trying to understand, integrate and such. I’d like to thank all who are participating in this forum topic, which is very revealing and educational. Hari Malla your comments have perplexed me quite a bit. I feel like I enter a maze when I read your posts. You speak of yoga and harmonies and marriage between Shiva-Shakti, Earth-Moon and such but the tone that comes through is duality, not unity. I get the impression from your ideas about the EM barycenter of the Earth-Moon that you have yet to understand/comprehend the Vedic realization of the One, or the Divine Flame Agni at the heart or core of each Individual Being. Hence for you, it seems entirely plausible that the real center which creates our consciousness is located at the barycenter created by the dance between the Earth and the Moon which itself moves about as Robert wrote, because ‘the distribution of Mass is not a constant value’. It also needs to be noted that ‘The point [barycentre] is also continually moving longitudinally within the Earth as the Earth performs its daily axial rotation and the Moon performs its regular 360 degree observed orbit around the Earth.’ Essentially the barycenter is a point of BALANCE between two or more objects. The problem when trying to make this balance point the CENTER of consciousness is that it is, in essence EMPTY. It is not the Hiraṇyagarbha (‘golden womb’ or ‘golden egg’) of our existence. This point did not create the Earth and it did not create the Moon. It is not in any way a point of origin or source or creation. It is a gravitational phenomenon resulting from the Earth and Moon’s independent yet intertwined existence. To equate this balance point with the Purusha and hence with Agni and the center of the Vedic Sacrifice (i.e. Year) is a serious error in judgement. It is preposterous from the point of Higher Knowledge. The barycenter of two or more Individual beings (whoever or where ever they may be) does not constitute the immobile center/divine flame from which order arises. You have lost the plot on this one. The BALANCE point of the barycenter is akin in the Zodiac to the Libra cardinal point (whose symbol is a balancing scale). Students of the Supramental Cosmology will be able to appreciate your comments in light of this stage of the zodiac in which the Balance and Harmony which is adhered to is not yet the True Thing. It is base on the Void (which infers a void of knowledge) where there is a shattering of consciousness and the Mind begins to go increasingly out from the center towards the external surround into increasingly fragmented and fragmenting patterns and manifestations of thought (the plight of our modern world). From this Void in consciousness, words begin to lose their meaning, because the real center of the manifestation (creation) is lost and people begin to make up their own meaning and interpretations (as if Truth was relative … not based on anything stable/concrete as the Vedic Rishi’s conveyed in the concept of Skambha). Hence in our Modern age, one can speak of high Vedic concepts or symbols and have no real connection to the POINT or the Oneness from which these Vedic concepts and symbols arise. This is what you seem to be doing Hari Malla. Trying to find a balance and a harmony between different systems of science, religion and yoga, but this approach is doomed to failure. It is off-center and ‘half-baked’ in terms of the evolution of consciousness and in terms of all that remains to be seen and known. All your imaginative slant does is add another interminable maze to the confusion the world population is already thoroughly mired in. The work of Thea and Aeon Centre of Cosmology is intended to draw people out of such mazes. Yourself included if willing. You write that Thea is ‘lost in the maze of Time’ but you would do well to reconsider who is lost. There is the possibility of revelation at hand, wherein the hopelessly hollow judgements an opinions of the Egoic Mind, give way to higher knowledge (Sagittarius) pointing the way to the birth of the True Centre in our consciousness (Capricorn). Anyone who has read and truly comprehended Thea’s books The Gnostic Circle and The Magical Carousel knows that your opinion regarding Thea being lost in Time is the very opposite of the truth. She comprehends the Time-Spirit and its past, present and future movements better than anyone else alive and has demonstrated how it informs evolution and manifestation. Any one who has read and truly comprehended her books can clearly see where your consciousness has become stuck or calcified in Time, like an artefact from the past. Your position can be easily plotted out (found or put in its place) on the map of Time. You live in the present with us, but your consciousness is ‘barycentered’ somewhere the past … lagging behind the present moment in time. You do not take into account at all the supramental and all-harmonizing knowledge that has been introduced by Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Thea since the beginning of the 20th century. They have brought forth a new manifestation of knowledge, knowledge necessary for our new age of Unity. There is a lot new to be learned Hari Malla, and you seem to be spending your time and energies standing as a guard or custodian of the past, intent on maintaining hollow ideas of harmonies, balance points, marriages, yogas, symbols, deities as well as of the zodiac, rather than using your time and energies to drop deeper into the common Point of our existence … into Agni’s seat wherein all Time and Space is contained and born. Once one approaches this seat of Gnosis, it becomes clear that Agni’s 12 month Earthly journey or ‘sacrifice’ cannot be a measure of the surrounding Space or Sky (constellations). The 12 month measure of Agni’s extension in Time and Space functions as the measure of the Purusha, the Cosmic Self, but this measure (as Agni himself) is self-born, self-contained, it is not established outside the Earth or outside the Individual. In addition to being ‘self-born’, Agni is said to be born of two sticks (Aranis), typically thought of as Earth and Heaven. It seems to me that these sticks are symbolic of not only Earth and Heaven, but of the two axes from which Agni and the Vedic Sacrifice is born, i.e. the two axes of the Solstices and the Equinoxes. The Earth’s symbol is a Cardinal Cross within a circle. Are we to believe that these two axes (sticks) of the Earth have nothing to do with Agni’s sacrificial year (i.e. the Zodiac)? It just seems so very upside-down and backwards to continue to insist that the Vedic Year/Zodiac is disconnected from the Earth’s own experience, from her own Geometries of Time as established by her very real axes (the Cardinal Cross) in Time and Space and as experienced by the Earth and her inhabitants. To assert that the Zodiac is about the movements of the constellations or the cosmic surround rather than the movements of LIFE/CONSCIOUSNESS on Earth, is an ongoing folly. This folly has been exposed via the yoga and writings of Thea and there is no going back, no crawling back into a time where this folly has not been thoroughly exposed. The cat is out of the bag. The Zodiac is an extension of Agni, of the One Self in all selves. It is established from the INSIDE, from the Centre of Being, extending out, not the other way around, not established externally. However Nirayani astrologers argue the point, it will not change the indwelling essence and structure of the Zodiac which is the measure or structure of Agni’s (our soul’s) journey in Time and Space. The Vedic Year and the Earth’s Tropical Year are one in the same. The Earth Herself is an exquisite womb of harmonies because Agni or the Divine Flame (the Immanent ‘Son’ of the Sun and of the Transcendent Divine) lies hidden in her Core. It is time for the world to begin to acknowledge and come to terms with this divine status and function of Mother Earth and a first step is to acknowledge and come to terms with the true measure of the Zodiac … the Earth’s measure. It’s quite a collosal step considering not only how many proceed to deny and trash Her Being in whatever subtle or not so subtle ways, but also considering how many are either attached to the Zodiac as being either something that Transcends the Earth’s own field of being or something that is an ignorant superstition that has nothing to do with anything at all important. Simply put, the Zodiac is Immanent within the Earth and hence Immanent within each Individual on it. It is a measure that is in us, a measure that is observed by the soul, even if not observed by the mind. I hope this becomes more and more obvious to readers.
Dear Madaame Lori,
i will try to touch upon a few of your points today. The EM barycenter does not rotate with the earth in the daily rotation of the earth. This point is always between the earth and the moon..It is heavier than both of them, siince it equals the total weight of the earth and the moon put together…This point is always moving in a smooth curve around the sun. The earth and the moonboth go in a zigzag path around this path.
The earth moon barycenter is experienced as our conscousness at the four cardinal points around the sun in the form of the four Avatars.. In the form of Rama we expericne it at the winter solstice or near it. In like manner the krishna Avatar is experienced at the vernal equinox, the Buddha avatar is experienced at the summer solstice and the integral yoga (Kalki avatar) is experienced at the autumn equinox.
You have mentioned about the movements of the constellations. Please remember that the contellations never move. It only appears to move due to our ignorance or the delusion of the earth makes it apparently moving. This is what we have to overcome by meditations. and developing the divine vision. The day we see the stars are not moving with our divine vision, we are said to be enlightened.
Integral yoga means the integration of the three types of yogas namely karma yoga, bhakti yoga and gyana yoga. Guru Aurobindo was able to combine these three types of yogas in ot one yoga and he called it as integral yoga. It is known as the Raja yoga i n our tradition..All these yogas are related with the realization of the earth moon barycenter. In fact incarnation itself means the sun which has been deputed at the earth moon barycenter. In Surya sidhanta this barycenter is called as the Suryamsha Purusha or the deputed portion of the sun. Hope more has been clarified. Thank you for the interest.
Hari Malla