Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
I am happy Mr. Harish that at least one guy is daring. There are 5 questions to Ms. Thea and 3 to Mr. Arinaya. Make sure when you reply, you reply in logical/ academical manner and don’t create unnecessary web with your Gnostic circle, 12 manifestations etc. , to make sure my time is not wasted.
Eager to see your…[Read more]
devinder replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
I am happy Mr. Harish that at least one guy is daring. There are 5 questions to Ms. Thea and 3 to Mr. Arinaya. Make sure when you reply, you reply in logical/ academical manner and don’t create unnecessary web with your Gnostic circle, 12 manifestations etc. , to make sure my time is not wasted.
Eager to see your…[Read more]