Vidyardhi Nanduri



Vidyardhi Nanduri

Extended profile


JNANA-VIJNANA SAMANVAYAMUTHE SCIENCE OF COSMOLOGY-VEDAS: UNITY IN DIVERSITY [COSMOLOGY WORLD PEACE] Dr Vidyardhi Nanduri promotes the Unity in Science and Philosophy through Cosmology Vedas InterlinksPURPOSE:ORIGINS-Cosmology Vedas Interlinks  Knowledge Base {Independant Research]1. The Science of Philosophy: Divinity, Vedas, Upanishads, Temples & Cosmos Yoga2. Philosophy of Science : Plasmas, Electro-magnetic fields and Cosmology3. Resource : Reflectors,3-Tier Consciousness, Source, Fields and Flows :Add Protection4. Noble Cause : Human-Being, Environment, Divine Nature and HarmonyProtect Copyrights- Knowledge Base -Content-Author Vidyardhi NanduriSpace Cosmology studies-origins..19 Books-17 under US copyrights http://vidyardhicosmology.blogspot.in Vidyardhi Nanduri,Cosmology Vedas, Independant Research,Sree Sai Nilayam, 3, Vikaspuri, Hyderabad-500038-INDIA Ph 91-40-23811216