Jeanette Caurant changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 1 month ago ·
Given the backlash to Ram Madhav’s interview, it is a really good question. I wonder what people would make of the picture of the Mother sitting in front of Akhand…[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 2 months ago ·
Patricia, thank you for giving us a link to the New Indian Express article.
It was disturbing to read that the plea of Ram Madav for Akand Bharat was met with a connection to Hitler. That inner sense of what Akand Bharat means is not part of the consciousness of Ashutosh, he seems separated from that inner connection.
His rather derisive…[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic The New Myth of the New Age – The Magical Carousel in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
I wasn’t familiar with the word ‘gopuram’ so I looked it up and found this –
“The Tamil derivation is from the two words: கோ (kō) and புறம் (puram) meaning ‘King’ and ‘exterior’ respectively.[5] It originates from the Sangam age when it was known as ஓங்கு நிலை வாயில் (ōnggu nilai vāyil) meaning ‘imperishable gateway’.[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Devinder, it is disheartening to see that after reading Thea’s FACTS NOT THE FICTION OF DENIAl you can only write “I wud reply Madam Thea’s emotional posts later.” I find it insulting and dismissive. It means you have distorted the Power and Force behind her writing as ’emotional’, an adjective you have thrown out before. The beauty of the Knowl…[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic MEDICINE, HEALING in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 10 months ago ·
I am rereading your series On the Nature of Disease and Cure, which was written in 2006 for the Vishaal Study Group. You were writing about the rebellion of the cells back then as well, but the recent writing is like an updating.
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 11 months ago ·
In a you tube video on Kozyrev they talked about his work with concave mirrors and that this work continued in Russia after he died reporting that past, present and future seemed to intersect in these experiments. They referenced “Indian Temples” where golden polished concave mirrors were used to predict the future implying that they were be…[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 11 months ago ·
David Wilcox’s Divine Cosmos website has a long article on Kosyrev, the whole field of torsion waves and much more. Referring to both Russian and western scientists who have been influenced by his Kosyrev’s work. He was imprisoned for 10 yrs, got out and was sent back for very strange reasons and was supposed to be executed, but scientists…[Read more]
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 11 months ago ·
I have no background in these scientific matters, but what seems curious to me is the use of the term ‘inertia’ applied to matter which has measurable frequentcies which means movement. The ‘will’ of the electron is a form of consciousness in matter, the center that holds?
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
A. Neelakanda’s article was interesting especially about Mother Theresa being so cautious about what she replied to questions after the Bhopal incident and her coming donation from the company who was responsible for the tragedy!!
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
This is The Telegraph article. Tulsi made a very astute observation about the timing of the 2014 US Commission for International Religious Freedom meeting which coincided with the national elections.
Sangh finds a mascot in American Tulsi
Our Special Correspondent
Tulsi Gabbard
New Delhi, Jan. 3: The RSS fraternity’s newest mascot is T…
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Thank you all for the references you have been giving in the Indian press, it is helpful for me on this side of the pond to get a better understanding of all that is going on and the political machinations.
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
This is a link to the Indian Express article that Patricia referenced. It is helpful to understand what an impact Obama’s remarks had –http://www.newindianexpress.com/prabhu_chawla/columns/Opinionated-Obama-Must-Realise-Hes-Dealing-with-a-PM-Whos-as-Responsive-as-Ruthless/2015/02/08/article2657540.ece
Jeanette Caurant replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Quote -’Your Article 25 says that all people are “equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion.” This statement to “propagate religion” written into the Indian Constitution surprised me given the history of missionary work in India and the invasions.
As far as I know Hindus and Jews…[Read more]