Aeon Centre of Cosmology wrote a new post, Thea's Archives 6 years ago ·
On 5 January, 2019, students and friends of Thea gathered in the new Archive space at Skambha to ask her blessings on a new endeavour – assembling and preserving her Archives. At the same time, we offered her, at […]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology wrote a new post, Inauguration of the ACC House at Skambha 7 years, 6 months ago ·
A special puja was conducted at Skambha to celebrate both Sri Aurobindo’s 145 birth anniversary, and the inauguration of the new Aeon Centre of Cosmology (ACC) House.
Here are some photos – be sure to look for t […] -
Aeon Centre of Cosmology wrote a new post, On Thea's Passing 8 years, 4 months ago ·
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) – founder and director of Aeon Centre of Cosmology (ACC) – passed away on 9 October 2016. Her departure leaves behind a world-wide family of friends and students who thank her for […]
sub; Noble Soul
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) has Lifelong quest with a noble Cause to interlink Hindu cosmology in consonance with modern Science and obviously finds many apparent contradictions in Big-bang and black-hole psychology in the present day moving away from nature and Philosophy.
PARADIGM SHIFT for east west Interaction is necessary today and ground mat structure is missing.
I will try to connect big-history association groups -under formation in India -to interact with AEON groups promoted by Madam patrizia.
I am working on Cosmology Vedas Interlinks and Scientific Edge on Culture-author- 21 books -15 available at LULU
vidyardhi nanduri
Aeon Centre of Cosmology commented on the post, Open Letter to the Editor of Swarajya 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Krishna Murthy your assessment of Thea’s open letter as ‘Western ambition of undoing the Hindu Dharma’ is quite far from the Truth. You have very much misunderstood the last paragraph of this letter, and probably everything else in it. Thea’s mention of Mother Teresas and ‘harvesters of Indian souls’ does not reflect her support of such activi…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology commented on the post, Open Letter to the Editor of Swarajya 8 years, 11 months ago ·
This entire piece is apparently a covert effort to practice exactly what it overtly decries at the beginning. The end betrays that the entire piece is not in tune with the Indian spirit but with the Western ambition of undoing the Hindu Dharma. Why should India import mother Theresas here. There are poorer countries elsewhere where their services…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Too much light! in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
From Nassim’s site: http://holofractal.net/the-holofractographic-universe …
The vacuum constitutes 99.99999% of the atom and thus we can safely assume that everything we see around us for the most part is empty space – nothingness. Naturally, the vacuum has been a source of fascination among philosophers and physicists for millennia as it repre…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Too much light! in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Hi Brian, I have come across Nassim’s work/seen some of his videos … awhile back. I believe I even contacted him because I thought that he might find some resonance with Thea’s work. I will have to watch the videos you mention to refresh myself on his work.
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Too much light! in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
This discussion reminds me of the work of Nassim Haramein. Simultaneous contraction and expansion – gravity as a carry-over from the other side are all discussed and integrated into his Unified Field Theory.
Has anyone here looked into Nassim’s work?
I found an article that sums up his theory…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
As for Libra – and I suppose this is the question you posted on the Forum – one thing to bear in mind is that it is the gateway to the higher hemisphere. It is also the location in the circle of 12 of the 4.5 of the Gnostic Circle. So, it is a critical passage, no doubt.
TMC demonstrates how inertia works (for all the signs) and in Libra to ‘…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Thea, this is a very a very interesting and intriguing statment you have made: India must take possession of her Destiny – that is what the Capricorn initiation means (posted 27/1/16). And you make reference to the fact that this is what took place with you, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Yesterday in our group (The Magical Carosel) we discussed…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
I have to post a comment here.
First I need to state that much of Malhorta’s writings seem to me to fan the fires that should rather be put out. He fans the fires of parochialism, based on simple claims and what must be viewed as mere rhetoric. Hinduism is great, it is believed and proclaimed – minus of course the caste problem that has to be re-…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
What I told you last evening regarding Capricorn, the Mountain and contemporary India was specifically that India must TAKE POSSESSION OF HER DESTINY. This is what the Capricon initiation means. It is what happened to me in 1971, and certainly happened to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at some point early in their yogic lives. The 10th Chapter of The…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Swarajya continues to publish excellent articles and reviews. At the same time I was reading their latest (see attached) I am recalling Thea’s remarks to us last evening about the sacred Ganga and the importance of Capricorn. Briefly she remarked: India does not even know what its identity really is – it has lost connection with the ancient…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
I believe that your questions are valid because this is what is most on people’s minds – the socio-politico-economic agendas. The point is we have to follow these movements through, back through time and get to the root of the primordial problems that cause the different ideologies and isms to surface at later dates. In fact it would be safe to…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
You often refer to India’s ‘destiny’ and that she is at a critical threshold. HOW would recognizing the relationship between Capricorn and India change anything for the individual, for humanity at large, or the Earth? HOW will the observance of the correct date of entry to Makar Sankranti impact issues of deep concern to many, such as global wa…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Skambha, 14.1.2016
This morning I read the article in The New Indian Express by Christophe Jaffrelot, on the latest topic to grab the headlines, Akhand Bharat. The author points out its timeless relevance to Indian/Hindu society in that the extended pre-partition map describes more than just Bharatmata (Mother India); it is, in his words, punya…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Given the backlash to Ram Madhav’s interview, it is a really good question. I wonder what people would make of the picture of the Mother sitting in front of Akhand…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Hi All, I have just published Thea’s 10 January 2016 message at “Indocentrism amidst the detritus of a dying Eurocentrism”
and will repost it here:
Indocentrism amidst the detritus of a dying Eurocentrism
We (ACC) have something truly important to offer: the only existing Indocentric cosmology that is its own science: it proves itself.
We…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Well the map of India is back in the news again today!
See the attached article from today’s New Indian Express: Akand Bharat is a mainstay of Hindu Nationalism because land plays a key role in its ideology. He asks why should anybody be surprised about the map of Akand Bharat – its been a core issue of Hindu Nationalism since the 1950’s – and t…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Why is Makar Sankranti important for the unity and integrity of India? in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
The Capricorn Symbol superimposed on the land mass of India opens up so much for discussion – as Lori reminds us in the graphic above – and I begin to think, how will things ever change? Is it possible? And then an experience happens that brings the symbol to me on a personal level: Sasha Sagan (daughter of Carl) writes about why the world sh…[Read more]
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