Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
@harimalla wrote earlier:
Dear Arinayaji, Please understand that the Rishis are saying “they shake not” for the steller world of sun and the stars and not to the earth’s solstices and equinoxes. The Vedas says “Give up the world for the sake of Atma.” Here. the ‘world’ means the earth. Atma means the world of the unmoving…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Too much light! in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
A group of American scientists have discovered that there is 4x more light in the universe than there “should be”, according to official cosmological models. Missing Light of the Visible Universe on DailyGalaxy.com Some alternate theories, including the Electric Universe theory and Aetherometry, will have no problem with…
Hari Malla replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
@harimalla wrote earlier:
Dear Arinayaji, Please understand that the Rishis are saying “they shake not” for the steller world of sun and the stars and not to the earth’s solstices and equinoxes. The Vedas says “Give up the world for the sake of Atma.” Here. the ‘world’ means the earth. Atma means the world of the…