Hari Malla

  • Hari Malla commented on the post, The Circle 8 years, 7 months ago · 

    Dear Theaji,
    No doubt, your supra mental experiences are wonderful. The experience of the golden red sun is equally thrilling.
    I have one question. When you experienced the golden red sun, did you see that sun moving or at stand still. Did time not stop then?
    “The number of the circle was 9 but there was the zero too as her rest position.” Thi…[Read more]

  • Hari Malla replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 3 months ago · 

    Dear madame Theaji,

    As I have mentiend previously in arriving at the physical wave of consciousness, we should not forget that these are cause by the earth and the moon as they chase each other while they both go around the sun. This is also known as the play of shri Krishna when Krishna is said to be the meeting point of the earth and the…[Read more]

  • Hari Malla replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 3 months ago · 

    It is time we understood life better than our ancestors did. But our scientific quest is to be respected and also aligned to the Vedas and the Bible..

  • Dear Mr.Tim,

    Thank you for the reply. The barycenter is the highest point in our brain. It is reachable only after life long practice. Before that we have to go in steps starting from the navel or even below. In fact right from the bottom of the spine known as the Muladhar chakra..This is connected to the earth inner core. Then our faculty of…[Read more]

  • harish wrote:

    Hari Malla, the post was not addressed to you. I dont have any quarrel with you since you have your own cosmology and you want to leave this world and become lost in the E-M Barycenter (isn’t this western by the way?) and want to be with the Father. Hence Nirayana is the best calendar for you and please stick to that. Even the fact…

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  • harish wrote:

    The Vedas are INFINITE. Since Mankind will become dumb in the Age of Kali, Vyasa compiled the most important revelations in Four Books in Sanskrit Language and given it to mankind for understanding. This does not mean that only those four books are Vedas. The Mayan Pyramids are more Vedic than many temples which conduct worship to…

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  • harish wrote:

    The Gregorian Calendar is Vedic in the sense it is in keeping with the Harmony of the Age and it is most suited to make the masses have the lived experience of the Vedic Truths.  A thing is Vedic when it is Harmonious and Fulfils the Divine Will on Earth. It is not mandatory that it should created in India or even it should be…

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  • harish wrote:

    Do understand that Time is not Christian or Hindu. Time flows and these calendars were prepared by Pagans, and if some Pope made some changes taking into account some astronomical phenomenon, it does not mean that the Calender becomes Christian. Why, you a man of logic, bringing in religion here?

    Dear Harishji,

    Is this mail…[Read more]

  • Hari Malla replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 4 months ago · 

    Dear Madame Theaji,

    The following  article you have quoted  is surely interesting with the physical explanation of consciousness. Vedas also give us the physical aspect of consciousness. When we say the sun is our Atma it is the very physical cause of our Truth consiousness and of life itself.

    You quoted as follows:

    thea wrote:

    In the l…

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  • Hari Malla replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 4 months ago · 

    Dear Madame Theaji,

    The following  article you have quoted  is surely interesting with the physical explanation of consciousness. Vedas also give us the physical aspect of consciousness. When we say the sun is our Atma it is the very physical cause of our Truth consiousness and of life itself.

    You quoted as follows:

    thea wrote:

    In the l…

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  • Dear madame Theaji,

    In my method of manwantars,  ayanamsha plays a very insignificant role. So please do not make that as an issue to me.It may bother Devinderji but not me. My main issue with you is that you are not understanding about the Purusha which is within the lunar months.Without this knowledge of the Purusha or Truth…[Read more]

  • devinder wrote:

    Mr. Malla, You wrote “Devinder agrees that we need both sayan and nirayan. But he perhaps thinks it is not yet the time to reform because uttaryan has not reached Dhanu sankranti.” My reply “I would give my opinion at right time in right manner logically and academically. I don’t live on just imaginations. Only once fundamentals…

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  • thea wrote:

    Sorry, for some reason I left out the para about Jahnu releasing Ganga from his ear – the ears are ruled by Saturn, in turn ruler of Makar/Capricorn. No, Hari Malla, I consider that ‘heavenly’ Ganga refers to the ecliptic zodiac of 12 because Ganga is supremely related TO EARTH. For me she is like a sister – that is, she is a Being.…

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  • lori wrote:

    Here’s the mythological connection between Ganga, Jahnavi (i.e. January and Capricorn) and the Ear:   …. ‘[Siva] released [Ganga] through his hair. Then Ganga came with such force, and it flowed through the Ashrama of a sage called Jahnu. He was so angry he simply took the Ganga and swallowed it. Then Bhagiratha prayed to Jahnu, “P…

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  • thea wrote:

    I expected to move out of this discussion, having said my piece already, but statements by our Nirayani friends are too stimulating to let pass. But, I repeat, if one is not initiated into these mysteries, one cannot recognise anything deeper than what Devinder and Hari Malla seek to establish. In this light, I will further confirm…

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  • @arinaya wrote earlier:

    @harimalla wrote earlier:

    Dear Arinayaji, Please understand that the Rishis are saying “they shake not” for the steller world of sun and the stars and not to the earth’s solstices and equinoxes. The Vedas says “Give up the world for the sake of Atma.”  Here. the ‘world’ means the earth. Atma means the world of the…

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  • lori wrote:

    I’ve been following this important ACC discussion this past week, mulling over the posts, trying to understand, integrate and such. I’d like to thank all who are participating in this forum topic, which is very revealing and educational. Hari Malla your comments have perplexed me quite a bit. I feel like I enter a maze when I read…

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  • tim wrote:

    harimalla wrote:

    tim wrote:

    Where is the mention of the details of the three perspetctives? Hari Malla

    Hari, May I call you Hari? The details of the three perspectives are taken from the opening of The Gnostic Circle. I remember when I first read the passage I was awestruck. I think I stayed on the same page for a day without…

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  • lori wrote:

    I’ve been following this important ACC discussion this past week, mulling over the posts, trying to understand, integrate and such. I’d like to thank all who are participating in this forum topic, which is very revealing and educational. Hari Malla your comments have perplexed me quite a bit. I feel like I enter a maze when I read…

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  • thea wrote:

    I need to conclude what I started above, unfortunately without the graphics. The point that needs to be made is that there is always only One Circle. That is the Constant, and it is the circle of 12 with their zodiacal signs and symbols. Why? Because that is where one finds VEDA – the Knowledge content. Otherwise it is a meaningless…

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