Forum Replies Created
29 January 2016 at 4:17 am #1140
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThea, this is a very a very interesting and intriguing statment you have made: India must take possession of her Destiny – that is what the Capricorn initiation means (posted 27/1/16). And you make reference to the fact that this is what took place with you, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Yesterday in our group (The Magical Carosel) we discussed the Libra stage in our annual cycle and what struck us was that unless certain understandings come to the fore at this time (the 7th point in the journey) – the initiation in Capricorn does not happen or the secrets meant to be realised in the moutain cave do not reveal themselves… I am not expressing it well.
Your text – the Commentaries to the Magical Carousel – makes the point that Libra is quite misunderstood, second only to Capricorn. So to take possession of our destiny, in Capricorn, Libra must be realised, lived at a very deep level. Certain choices have to be made, am I on the right track in this matter?
27 January 2016 at 12:34 am #1137
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantSwarajya continues to publish excellent articles and reviews. At the same time I was reading their latest (see attached) I am recalling Thea’s remarks to us last evening about the sacred Ganga and the importance of Capricorn. Briefly she remarked: India does not even know what its identity really is – it has lost connection with the ancient journey of twelve stages. India must go into the mountain cave now; it must undertake a yogic experience in a sense now in Capricorn-land. It must come to terms with its REAL self and what it has to give to the world.
The Capricorn glyph is the symbol of that. Ganga’s descent is the symbol of that. Akand Bharat is a composite of all energies, all ways of life, teeming, churning, erupting; and somehow it must lead the way!
But no one sees it … yet. Aeon Centre of Cosmology has no access to the mainstream of ideas… No response to the Ganga monograph…It remains a non-issue…Swarajya reviews Malhotra’s new book but does not review the Ganga document.
What are our next steps?
Attachments:- american_orientalism.docx (187 KB)
12 January 2016 at 5:57 am #1131
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantWell the map of India is back in the news again today!
See the attached article from today’s New Indian Express: Akand Bharat is a mainstay of Hindu Nationalism because land plays a key role in its ideology. He asks why should anybody be surprised about the map of Akand Bharat – its been a core issue of Hindu Nationalism since the 1950’s – and the map hanging in the headquarters of the RSS at Nagpur reflects geography deeply influenced by history and myth.
According to the author a Hindu is one who inhabits the land between (and he gives the geographical demarcationgs)… but also he/she is one who considers it their Holy Land. This is where Muslims and Chistians differ – their ideals, their sacred places are elsewhere.
Revival of the issue is bringing up fear that India, when it is strong and ready, will wipe out Pakistan; however in the Aljezeera interview Ram Madav made it clear that Akand Bharat would be a popular movemen not a political decision.
7 January 2016 at 1:02 am #1130
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThe Capricorn Symbol superimposed on the land mass of India opens up so much for discussion – as Lori reminds us in the graphic above – and I begin to think, how will things ever change? Is it possible? And then an experience happens that brings the symbol to me on a personal level: Sasha Sagan (daughter of Carl) writes about why the world should celebrate the Solstice – instead of Christmas (see attached).
“Given the choice, I’d rather celebrate something I know is true. And at the end of December something indisputably true does happen. Because of the axial tilt of the earth and our orbit around the sun, the hemisphere leaning toward the sun experiences the pleasures of summer and the one leaning away, the short, dark days of winter. Around the 21st of December, the six and a half billion of us in the Northern Hemisphere start to lean toward the warmth and the light again. That is cause for celebration…its the stuff or ancient legends and creation myths. It provides that tingle that comes with the resolution of a great mystery, the chills of revelation. And its true.
These events were set in motion five billion years ago when our solar system began to coalesce around the newborn sun. We humans have celerated the earthly repercussions as long as we have celebrated anything…..”
What strikes me strongly in her description is the emphasis: ”… and its true.” The way the Earth moves through space she goes on to say is not at the mercy of changing cultures and religions, etc etc: ”It does not bend to dangers here on Earth”…
What a beautiful insight!
5 January 2016 at 12:28 am #1127
Patricia Heidt
Participantpatriciaheidt wrote:
I am moved by the opening message to the Website for 2016 – and happy to see the Capricorn symbol in full display. Because at the same time I also read in The New Indian Express of 4 January an opinion expressed by a journalist cum politician (Ashutosh), titled A Dangerous Worldview. The article is a response to the ALJEEZERA interview of BJP spokesperson, Ram Madhav of a few days ago. Shri Madhav expressed the following: “Akand Bharat is a cultural construct for RSS, not a political imperative and that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will be one unit someday – not by force, by by consensus, by democratic means.” The article goes on to say that re-unification (of India, Pak and Bangladesh) is unfinished civilisational task of the RSS and he likens it to Hitler’s dream of a greater Germany: ”the fact is territorial boundaries have been drawn onthis subcontinent for eternitiy. Any attempt to forget this will head to untold miseries… Madhav’s similarly misplaced worldview sends shivers down the spine when he talks of Akand Bharat.” So how will the Ashutoshs of the world react to the symbol of Capricorn on the land mass of India and to the opening message of the ACC forum? Clearly the symbol sets the universal agenda; a picture is worth a thousand words…to understand its origin and message seems the only hope out of this dilemma (ignorance?) we are faced with presently. patricia
5 January 2016 at 12:26 am #1126
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantI am moved by the opening message to the Website for 2016 – and happy to see the Capricorn symbol in full display. Because at the same time I also read in The New Indian Express of 4 January an opinion expressed by a journalist cum politician (Ashutosh), titled A Dangerous Worldview. The article is a response to the ALJEEZERA interview of BJP spokesperson, Ram Madhav of a few days ago. Shri Madhav expressed the following: “Akand Bharat is a cultural construct for RSS, not a political imperative and that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will be one unit someday – not by force, by by consensus, by democratic means.”
The article goes on to say that re-unification (of India, Pak and Bangladesh) is unfinished civilisational task of the RSS and he likens it to Hitler’s dream of a greater Germany: ”the fact is territorial boundaries have been drawn onthis subcontinent for eternitiy. Any attempt to forget this will head to untold miseries… Madhav’s similarly misplaced worldview sends shivers down the spine when he talks of Akand Bharat.”
So how will the Ashutoshs of the world react to the symbol of Capricorn on the land mass of India and to the opening message of the ACC forum? Clearly the symbol sets the universal agenda; a picture is worth a thousand words…to understand its origin and message seems the only hope out of this dilemma (ignorance?) we are faced with presently.
9 June 2015 at 1:18 am #1062
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantIn a well known book on Hindu Mythology written by Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik( Myth=Mithya) he says ”every time dharma is threatened Vishnu mounts his eagle, the mighty Garuda, and comes to earth ready to do battle .. the forms in each descent is different because the demands of the world each time are different. The different avatars thus reinforce the idea that rules and regulations that maintain order are not static by nature…as man’s understanding of the world changes, desires change and so do concepts of order. Rules have to therefore constantly adapt themselves. Social stability must not be compromised, yet new ideas must be respected. Vishnu’s descents are not just about re-establishig order. It is also about redefining them. Each avatar of Vishnu involves a crisis involving the Goddess…” pp. 119-120
He then goes on to state that the crisis of Rama was Sita’s abduction; the crisis of Krishna was to help Draupadi… :And then his graph appears on p. 120 in which all the avatars are listed: Buddha is the 9th as Teacher who propagates monasticism, and Kalki is the 10th: Revolutionary who dismantles the world.
The Ruse of hiding the Veda (Forum entry above) surely lives on in popular Indian mythology!
The 7th and 8th Avatars in this presentation are concerned about social order – Rama to keep it intact and Krishna to dismantle it, revolution.
It is interesting that the author does not talk about any myth of the 9th – Buddha. or go anywhere near that area; his entire book explores the big stories and characters of the 7th and 8th Ages.
How strong that imprinting was/is and how different the new myth: no violent bloodbaths, chopping off heads, battlefields; also no morality.
The two children are warrior-types of a different age, for a different purpose/goal.
5 June 2015 at 11:33 pm #1056
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThea, you were talking with us last evening about the journey of The Magical Carousel – and there are a few points I will note here – perhaps you can expand on them and/or clarify them further…
The Magical Carousel is the Vedic myth – updated. All myth changes – myth is a cultural construct essentially – giving us a common way to see and understand the world we live in. You said that Sri Aurobindo and you REINSTATED the Vedic Myth/journey – which has become totally lost in today’s culture, in India. ” We are bringing it up to date for the Supramental Age. Sri Aurobindo wrote an Epic – Savitri; I wrote a Myth, naturally because myth comes from the soul. As the third in the Solar Line, this is where the myth arises and is lived. Both have the 12 stages as the backbone of the story.”
I asked you about the Capricorn initiation – in one of your replies in the Forum you said the essence of this experience was/is the discovery of simultaneous time. Is that something we also can expect in our journey through Capricorn? You noted that there were many planes symbolised in this chapter… the children rise from one to the next and the culmination is in the mountain cave. These planes are the various stages of purification of the self – such as in Integral Yoga . Also you expect that the initiation we go through would not be as painful…
You also commented that the story was as if projected in your mind’s eye – you saw if very clearly before you. That particular centre (the third eye) is no longer as active in you – the source of your seeing now is elsewhere.
The children are going to the Sun… instead of Saturn… that’s the first clue that it is a Vedic journey.
4 June 2015 at 10:49 am #1119
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantYou had been receiving inspiration from The Mother about number and the deeper meaning of the zodiac during these years – when you ask the question in your journal, ”how to carry out this work?” did the formulation of The Gnostic Circle answer that question… this is how it works?,This is how time densifies… this is how we densify time (??)..
2 June 2015 at 1:27 am #1052
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThea, you write above: It is the same Rig Vedic journey, but even then there is a difference due to the Supramental Manifestation. You mean here the first 9 stages of the journey, the lands up to the end of the mental quarter of TGC are the same as the RV journey. – the last quarter, the Supramental, is new territory for us earth-beings…
You pointed out to us in the visual above that this was a very good view of the Temple- this sideview. It depicted exactly what the Capricorn experience (in TMC) is about: here you can see the grand Entrance on the right side – entering the Temple/the mountain of Capricorn is the first step. But the children had to go further…in the initation …
and so it is depicted in this photo: toward the middle is the small, almost hidden, sanctum santorum, where you meet the deity, live the experience, discover your real self, your soul. The GarbaGriha holds the secret.
2 June 2015 at 1:08 am #1115
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantI reviewed all the posts in this topic of the Forum in one go this morning….i am so impressed with Thea’s (or the children in TMC) journey – putting it into words… graphs… but that is the whole idea of the Supramental – to make one’s experience real, measureable, knowable, with form, dimension.
When I was a young person with a mystical bent i was carried off into extraordinary worlds – i would not have called it escape, but it was filled with longing for something, someone, somewhere else…I understand that experience quite well – it was a familiar way for most spiritually inclined people of that day to feel in contact with the Divine. The great sages of India, the saints of the Western World knew that LAND scape well – and we tried to imitate them, to achieve what they had.
It was the first three quarters of the wheel, ending with Saturn/Saggitarius – etherification – other worldly – .
Now, it really feels like pioneer work and I sense it in the references to The Mother’s Agenda given above – a reveral of the direction of one’s energies, thoughts, feelings, actions: densification/compactness.
But the link with the Time (the 9, 6, 3 – 0) is what make it so interesting, so new…and i have yet to understand how to describe that… Perhaps that is what the Capricorn initiation in the mountain is all about. One must live this experience and know it before being picked up by the áquarian tornedo.
29 May 2015 at 1:24 am #1050
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantLori – this topic has the possibility of ‘deep thought’…thanks for this fine beginning.
You mention the opening of the new age – the 9th Age – as 1926 and the need for a universal mythic understanding of the nature of our world as ONE whole. The story or the myth of The Magical Carousel (TMC) or the journey through the zodiac, is the answer to that need. The fact that this journey is now open to us (i.e., we can see it, read about it, it is here – we can live it, if we choose) – is a comfort and a security to me – there are new possibilities other than the stories/myths of my childhood days that revolved around biblical accounts of sin and redemption!
As I delved deeper into the study of myth and mythology, a popular book on the topic has come to me written by Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik, Myth = Mithya (Penguin, 2006). There are several statements in his introduction that I am thinking about and relating to TMC::
From myth come beliefs, from mythology customs. Myth conditions thoughts and feelings. Mythology influences behaviours and communications. Myth and mythology thus have a profound influence on culture. Likewise, culture has a profound influence on myth and mythology. People outgrow myth and mythology when myth and mythology fail to respond to their cultural needs..(XV)
Behind the myth is a truth; an inherited truth about life and death, about nature and culture, about perfection and possibility, about hierarchies and horizons. This subjective and cultural truth of the Hindus is neither superior nor inferior to other truths. It is simply yet another human undertanding of life. (XVI)
So I am thinking: we are used to myths as coming from our archetyple past… but TMC does not belong in that category. We are familiar with myth as stories of past giants and warriors and saints… but TMC is about two children /two souls/ two people who are living among us, opening a new path, new horizons…and we are moving along with them, following the sun…
Sometimes pondering this makes we very still… well, how did that all happen
28 May 2015 at 12:13 am #995
Patricia Heidt
Devinder gave us a link a few days ago to his book THE UNANSWERED. I purused the first few chapters: He has put a lot of effort into exploring and teaching about the Ayanamsa Puzzle – Various Ayanamsas, Roots and Pitfalls. In fact there are pages of different zero points, and so forth. That is a primary focus of his research; whereas, as you point out in your recent posting Thea and group see the zodiac as a script for transformation of the soul, the earth.
Wouldn’t it be great if he could study The Magical Carousel and Commentaries?
It really does depend on where you stand, to make your observations… patricia
24 May 2015 at 4:29 am #971
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantThe question has come up on this forum – What is Thea’s cosmolog?
A year ago, Thea wrote a series of articles, titled The Cosmological Perspective and in the first piece she says: “There is an underlying premise or backdrop for events transpiring on Earth, which, though ignored, is on the order of a cosmological constant that serves not only as pace setter, but also provides a key to a deeper comprehension of these events. Without this constant a thorough comprehension of the causes of certain happenings is lacking. Foremost is the fact that this backdrop is the elemet that integrates perception…. we participate in a evolutionary process the beginning and end of which we are ignorant.’
She goes to add: ‘That whole is pre-existent. It is a pattern formed by the elements that constitute our solar system with its ecliptic divided into 12 zodiaal signs/months spread across our 365 days and populated by a family of 9 planets that together provide the ‘pulse’of the Earth, of nations, of individuals…’
Thea applies her cosmology in this series of writing to help us understand the huge catastrophe of World Wars 1 and 2. She helps us to make sense of the whole thing. This is what a good cosmology does. We live on Earth, the transformation of mental man to supramental man takes place on this planet – a calendar which reflects this wholeness and this purpose isan essential part of the cosmology.
I cannot see that in any of what has been discussed by Hari Malla and his group – for me this is a serious limitation. How does he apply his calendar to the purpose of life here on earth? From what I have read so far, Hari Malla aims to transcend Earth – so why is he so concerned about an earth-bound calendar? Robert, you have already made this point… but it does not get answered..
Also, I hope Hari and group are OK – as their country recovers from the tremendous shocks of the Earthquake last week…my best wishes to all, patricia
16 May 2015 at 8:45 am #929
Patricia Heidt
ParticipantFinally I understand Hari Malla’s underlying premise. Over the years he has thrown up a lot of arguments or enticing premises which now seem irrelevant or more superficial. He now explains how he sees the earth – and the quest.
This interaction between ACC and his group has been very enlightening and should be studied by all students of The New Way as a good example (maybe a case study) of the difference between the old and the new spirituality. Thank you Hari Malla…and staff of ACC for getting to the core of this evolutionary/existential dilemma.