Robert Wilkinson changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Robert Wilkinson wrote a new post, Answer to Freedom Cole’s Tale of Two Zodiacs 9 years, 2 months ago ·
Freedom Cole’s ‘Tale of Two Zodiacs’ puts forward the premise that there are Two zodiacal Circles, one Stellar, the Nirayana system, and the other, a Seasonal or Tropical zodiac. According to Cole these two sy […]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Jyotisha and Vedas and Samhitas in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 7 months ago ·
This is an interesting posting that includes a great deal of thought but I am not sure I get your point. Please introduce yourself to the group and let us know the gist of your position. Thanks Robert
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Thea, This is such an incredible piece. Over the years I have thought a lot about what you have written about a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’. Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and you have all emphasized this reality. There is that wonderful passage in Savitri:
‘A world of lovlier forms lies near to ours, Where, undisguised by earth’s deforming sight A…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Dear Hari Malla & Devinder,
One of the great mystics once said that there is a quality in the Soul called ‘Light’, a knowingness, which brings in more light than any intellect can give, indeed, all the light which the intellect can give is but a drop in the ocean beside this light. The perceptual power of this inner light is called ‘Se…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Dear Hari Malla,
What makes it so difficult to discuss these matters of cosmology with you is that you don’t know what you don’t know. And perhaps worse, you clearly don’t want to know. You have your own home spun version of cosmology, your own language to express it and of course you make the rest up as you move along.
One of the mains…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Dear Hari Malla,
I agree and think it would be very helpful to reframe our discussion. Let me make a few suggestions which may go a long way toward eliminating any misunderstandings and confusing differences in language.
In Thea’s last letter she pointed out a glaring contradiction in your position that you seem to have overlooked. In s…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Dear Hari Malla,
Madam Thea asks that you not send her any more personal emails. She will only answer your questions on the ACC forum.
In my reply to your last posting I asked that you and others who may wish to join the discussion not indulge in unsupported speculation or make claims that cannot be documented. Let me give you a specific…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Integral Cosmology of the Veda in the forum Aeon Forum 9 years, 9 months ago ·
Dear Hari Malla,
In your reply to Thea’s posting you wrote:
‘Dear Theaji,
Thank you for writing a long reply to my suggestions. The Earth, the orign of Time, is our mother who takes us to the eternal Father who is beyond time and is the space of sun and the stars.. The earth timings and the solstices and equinoxes are necessary as a sta…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson wrote a new post, The Keys to the Map of the 12 Manifestations 9 years, 10 months ago ·
Map of the 12 Manifestations
1 Age (1 sign/astrological age) = 2160 years
1 Manifestations (3 signs/astrological ages) = 6480 years
1 Round (12 signs/astrological ages) = 25,920 years
1 Great Circle (12 […] -
Robert Wilkinson wrote a new post, CERN – Temple to the OLD CONSTANT 9 years, 11 months ago ·
‘…Up until now, the philosophy of reductionism, which tells us how things work by breaking them up into parts has served us well. However the present crisis in particle physics can perhaps be expressed by the sim […]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
In her comments on what took place in the Indian Parliament regarding Mother Teresa, Patricia wrote: … nothing has changed; in fact, it may be escalating…
I completely agree Patricia. There seems to be an increasing polarization and aggressiveness within and between ideologies whether political or religious. It can also be seen in increasing ten…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
Thea’s ‘Conundrum of India’s Choice of Destiny’ is the clearest and most self-evident exposition of the knots that must be overcome in order for India to assume her role as Vishwa Guru. The question is who in India will have the nerve to publish it and who in the American political leadership would be receptive to its unvarnished message? Given t…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson replied to the topic Obama's parting speech to India in the forum Aeon Forum 10 years ago ·
As far back as 2009 Thea foresaw the possible shortcomings of an Obama presidency. She wrote that, ‘Obama “occupies a space”, the world turns to him to solve certain issues which his inner fibre does not allow him to solve.’ This has proven to be true over and over again on many levels including foreign policy and the global economy but his mos…[Read more]
Robert Wilkinson wrote a new post, A Letter From the Vice President of Aeon Group/USA 31 years, 1 month ago ·
It is a great pleasure to finally write to you after reading for years of your clo […]