Forum Replies Created
16 July 2015 at 1:51 pm #1063Robert WilkinsonParticipant
This is an interesting posting that includes a great deal of thought but I am not sure I get your point. Please introduce yourself to the group and let us know the gist of your position. Thanks Robert
1 June 2015 at 12:55 pm #1114Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Thea, This is such an incredible piece. Over the years I have thought a lot about what you have written about a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’. Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and you have all emphasized this reality. There is that wonderful passage in Savitri:
‘A world of lovlier forms lies near to ours, Where, undisguised by earth’s deforming sight All shapes are beautiful and all things true. All that here seems has lovlier semblance there, All that is beautiful here is there divine.’
It also brought to mind what Sri Aurobindo had written about making the high and low worlds one. In a letter to the Mother in 1915 he described a ‘material union’ with the Divine
‘The Supramental Yoga foresees the possibility of a material union with the Divine. It is the union of the “Earth” of the Veda with the divine Principle, an earth which is said to be above our earth, that is to say, the physical being and consciousness of which the world and the body are only images. But the modern Yogas hardly recognise the possibility of a material union with the Divine.’ Sri Aurobindo, Letter to the Mother, The Mother’s Collected Works, 1915.
It seems to me that somewhere in his writings Sri Aurobindo had expressed the view that the body was an idea. Ramana Maharshi described it as, ‘a reflected ray, as it were, of the self-effulgent, infinite Consciousness which is himself’ . So it leaves me wondering how ‘material’ the body really is. The Mother had also written something about the Earth being a deformation and a caraciture of the higher essence.
‘The whole earth and everything it contains is a kind of concentration, a condensation of something which exists in other worlds invisible to the material eye. Each thing manifested here has its principle, idea or essence somewhere in the subtler regions. This is an indispensable condition for the manifestation. And the importance of the manifestation will always depend on the origin of the thing manifested. In the world of the gods there is an ideal and harmonious Brindavan of which the earthly Brindavan is but a deformation and a caricature.’
She also wrote: ‘…When the higher power is coming down, it comes as an absolutely luminous and perfect organization which one can see if he has the vision.’
This sounds like the effect of Saturn (Order) realigning the lower world along the lines of the higher order. The descent of the Supermind clearly tightens things up and intends to eliminate the deformity of which the Mother speaks. Sri Aurobindo makes that very clear:
‘None of us are here to ‘do as we like’, or to create a world in which we shall at last be able to do as we like; we are here to do what the Divine wills and to create a world in which the Divine Will can manifest its truth no longer deformed by human ignorance or perverted and mistranslated by vital desire.’ Sri Aurobindo
So my question is, would making the high and low world’s one and the Supramentalization of the body be characterized by a densification of what exists in perfection on the subtle planes? How would this work in terms of the Becoming?
25 May 2015 at 4:04 pm #978Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Dear Hari Malla & Devinder,
One of the great mystics once said that there is a quality in the Soul called ‘Light’, a knowingness, which brings in more light than any intellect can give, indeed, all the light which the intellect can give is but a drop in the ocean beside this light. The perceptual power of this inner light is called ‘Seeing’, Recognition, Gnosis. One of its powers is a revelatory vision that immediately grasps the inner sense of ancient scripture that has left the rational mind bewildered. As the Rig Veda says, ‘Who can comprehend this?’ And in point of fact, no one has truly understood the Veda for thousands of years. Yet in the space of a hundred years we have three individuals who have cracked the code of the Veda and laid bare its sublime mysteries. With the descent of the 9th Avatar and his Line we have moved from Light to Superlight. Those qualities of the Soul that Sri Aurobindo described in his epic poem Savitri have been unveiled to a degree unequalled in human memory. All that the Gods have learned self-known have now been given to man. It is no mere revelation in the sense of the old religions but a comprehensive and integral ‘Future Realization’ that will not only re-define spirituality as we now understand it but open the way to a collective experience of Unity and a Life Divine.
One of the major characteristics of this Future Realization is its Integrality and Applicability. And this is what sets Thea’s work miles apart from the so-called Perennial Philosophies which tell us that a measureless, featureless, motionless void is the highest condition to which the puny human creature can aspire. For those embedded in the old teachings, a grasp of the new can be a difficult challenge as we have seen over the past few weeks on the Integral Cosmology forum. Since one of the differences between the old and the New turns upon its applicability we need to make a clear distinction between Thea’s work and what you are presenting.
One of the main features of Thea’s New Way is its ability to unite the ancient myths within a comprehensive and integral cosmology. Only Thea has been able to rectify the order and timing of the Line of Ten avatars prominently featured in both the Vedic and Puranic myths. She has given form and meaning to the Churning of the Great Milk Ocean myth where none has before. The ‘Nine Puranic Creations’ have been given an evolutionary clarity never before achieved in the history of Indian spiritual literature. The list goes on and on with the mythic Horse of the Upanishads, the Cow (Ray) of the Veda, the Ganges and the River of January. Please tell us In what way Hari Malla’s home spun ‘barycenter cosmology’ has shed any light on the sacred myths.
Thea’s Map of the 12 Manifestations has been discussed in some detail on this forum and it has been revealed to contain the hidden order of world history and the developmental scheme of both ancient and modern civilizations. With the Map and it’s Zodiacal keys, Thea has allowed us to access the hidden knowledge of many ancient civilizations which opened to the touch of these keys of time because all of them were built upon the bedrock of the same ecliptic zodiac and thus the same Cosmic Truth. What have Hari Malla and Devinder revealed of this ancient knowledge and its order?
Sacred Architecture:
One of the foundations of Indian Civilization, ‘something timelessly ancient’ wrote Sri Aurobindo, ‘ and now almost wholly lost’, is its Temple culture with a sublime heritage of sacred architectural and mythic forms. In the pages of her opus work, The New Way, Thea has given out the most precious and sacred architectural knowledge ever revealed. Through her unique understanding of Supramental Time, she has unveiled the geometries of the Mother’s Temple which is the greatest feat of sacred architecture and most supreme act of measuring ever achieved. In what way does Hari Malla’s beliefs in an unmoving point shed any light on or recover India’s timelessly ancient Temple & architectural knowledge?
Geo-cosmology & Geopolitics:
Through her precise understanding of cosmological correspondences and equivalencies Thea has revealed a new Indo-centric Cosmology that ‘sets each thing in its proper place’. She has measured the universe in such a way to prove that its very structure and movement are the common matrix for the organization of all human knowledge. She has followed these patterns and symmetries from the Cosmic and Planetary level to a highly specific individuation in the human domain. In applying the “zodiacal map” of the heavens upon the Earth we observe that the sign Capricorn starts exactly where the Indian landmass begins. The sign’s 30 degrees begin at 60/61 degrees East and continue to the mouth of the Ganges in the Bay of Bengal. The “tail” of the sign is carried over to encompass Burma, and from there swings back toward the central body. Through these cosmo-geographical correspondences we discover that India IS the sign Capricorn. In fact, one can readily “See” that the ancient hieroglyph forms an exact overlay of the Indian subcontinent. Its perfect alignment with this cardinal point identifies India as the “Soul of the Earth”. With this alignment we can also discover the archetypal nature of Nations and the forces behind geopolitical events in the world. While Hari Malla believes that he has discovered the ultimate knowledge, in what way does his nihilistic cosmology reveal anything of the order of the world and the unseen forces behind world events?
Epistemology & Transformation:
For millennia spiritual seekers like Hari Malla have tried to scale the heights of consciousness to dissolve their small ’self ‘ in that larger Self whose essence is Brahman, the non-dual, non-moving absolute. Most of these, said Sri Aurobindo, ‘…arrive at their object, but only to fall asleep in the infinite’. As a consequence they ignore the intervening planes that represent the ‘BRIDGE’ between Matter and Spirit, the Individual and the Absolute. The Nature of the New Way is Inclusive in a manner that produces a seamless knowledge and an Integral transformation. Through Thea’s Gnostic Circle and its applications, we now have a tool that allows us to navigate through our everyday lived experience with an awareness and orientation unequalled by any other means. As Thea wrote, ‘The Gnostic Circle is the most effective method for understanding the transformation of human consciousness. It represents a vision of wholeness and has only one objective: it deals with the soul or seed of the divine in each created thing and reveals the process by which that seed is made to flower in its process of becoming.’ Those of us who have worked with the Gnostic Circle and lived its cosmic harmonies have discovered the truth of these words and have realized something of the Soul which goes beyond all know epistemological theory. Thea has given us an entirely New Way of Transformation while Hari Malla keeps touting the old, nihilistic, sleep of the infinite and its unmoving center.
The revelations of Thea’s work go on to include Health and Healing, Physics, Indian Cultural Rituals, Music, Art; an almost unending list of new paradigms, updating of old models and new applications of the cosmological knowledge on myriad levels. It is a COMPLETE BODY OF KNOWLEDGE with which Hari Malla and Devinder cannot hope to compete. I challenge each of them and all comers to show us how their approach and the knowledge it provides is in any way comparable to what I have listed above. If they cannot, they should withdraw in all humility and stop arguing about things of which they have no direct knowledge.
18 May 2015 at 7:34 pm #949Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Dear Hari Malla,
What makes it so difficult to discuss these matters of cosmology with you is that you don’t know what you don’t know. And perhaps worse, you clearly don’t want to know. You have your own home spun version of cosmology, your own language to express it and of course you make the rest up as you move along.
One of the mainstays of your belief is something you call the E-M barycenter which is a modern astronomical term that describes the non-rotating coordinate at the center of mass of two or more planetary bodies. Evidently you have seized upon this concept as an un-moving point that transcends the time created by the earth’s motions. What you may not understand is that since the distribution of Mass is not a constant value, the barycenter is not an unmoving point but wanders around constantly…so much for your un-moving point in Space.
Another fundamental error exposed in one of your recent comments was that Space is the container of Time. In reality it is just the opposite. Thea has written extensively about how three dimensions of Time give rise to the point of Space. She has illustrated this primordial truth with the three ‘gunas’ which possess a numerical equivalence to the numbers 9, 6, and 3. When this triadic seed of time, born out of contraction, crosses a certain threshold the direction shifts to expansion, giving rise to the Point of Space. In the Vedic myths, this is known as the birth of the One, the Immanent, ‘upholder’ of the worlds and ‘support’ of the universe. The One emerges across the threshold of Time as its fourth dimension. Thus the formula of Thea’s Cosmology is 9-6-3-0/1, a simple number sequence that describes the process by which solidified energy, form and matter, emerge from that zero womb to begin its orderly evolution in Space.
In his commentaries on the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Sri Aurobindo acknowledges this truth and discusses the occult imagery associated with Time and Space and the order of their powers:
‘ … The [image of the] horse is a physical figure representing like an algebraical symbol, an unknown quantity of force and speed. (Time is its breath, the year is its body, the seasons its limbs, the months and the fortnights its joints, the days and nights its feet.) From the imagery it is evident that this force, this speed, is something universal. Time in its period is the Self of the Horse Sacrificial, so not Matter but Time, is the body of this force of the material universe ... Space then, is the flesh constituting materially this body of Time which the sage attributes to his Horse of the worlds, by movement in Space its periods are shaped and determined. Hence the real power, the fundamental greatness of the Horse is not the material world, not the magnitudes of Space, but the magnitudes of Time … for Time is that mysterious condition of universal mind which alone makes the ordering of the universe in Space possible.’ Sri Aurobindo, The Upanishads; ‘The Great Aranyaka’, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1971
Since we are talking about Time as the ordering principle of the universe, it becomes the preeminent feature of Measure of that which Moves. If you and Devinder can wrap your minds around this, perhaps you will begin to understand the genius of Thea’s cosmology and its myriad Applications.
17 May 2015 at 3:00 pm #939Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Dear Hari Malla,
I agree and think it would be very helpful to reframe our discussion. Let me make a few suggestions which may go a long way toward eliminating any misunderstandings and confusing differences in language.
In Thea’s last letter she pointed out a glaring contradiction in your position that you seem to have overlooked. In spite of the fact that you pay homage to the Goddess, your assertion of an ‘ultimate unmoving truth’ is a complete denial of the Shakti. As she said, your denial of ‘All that Moves’ is a denial of Her. This brings to mind something that Sri Aurobindo wrote that applies to much of what you have brought to this discussion.
‘…But our Hinduism, our old culture are precisely the possessions we have cherished with the least intelligence; throughout the whole range of our life we do things without knowing why we do them, we believe things without knowing why we believe them, we assert things without knowing what right we have to assert them, – or, at most, it is because some book or some Brahmin enjoins it, because Shankara thinks it, or because someone has so interpreted something that he asserts to be a fundamental Scripture of our religion. Nothing is our own, nothing is native to our intelligence, all is derived…’ Sri Aurobindo, On the Importance of Original Thinking, Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research, Volume 5, No 1, April 1981
As you will know by now, all of Madam Thea’s work and Cosmology is the result of yoga and original thinking. She has probed deeply, like a scientist, into the foundations of the Vedic knowledge, testing and experiencing everything of which she writes. All of her discoveries carry the Supramental signature of exactness, clearness and order. It is what is called the ‘Divine Maya’ which in its original sense meant the precise measure of the truth of things, their essence, law and operation. This is the sacred function of the Hindu goddess ‘Saraswati’ who represents that stream of inspiration which descends from the plane of Truth Consciousness.
If we are to ‘re-frame’ our discussion to any meaningful end Hari, you are going to have to abandon the age encrusted dogma you bring to the conversation and go deeply into the reality and implications of what you have been presenting as indisputable fact. In so doing I believe that you will discover a great many more contradiction than just a denial of the Goddess.
We can begin by examining your statement about reforming the Hindu calendar in the, ‘Hindu way… Let the ancient characteristics of Hinduism being reflected in the nirayan calendar not be lost’. This statement hearkens back to what Sri Aurobindo wrote about ‘asserting things without knowing what right we have to assert them’. For example, based on the present system the entire Hindu community celebrates the Makar Sankranti on January 14th, a date that has nothing whatever to do with the Winter/Capricorn Solstice, the Sun’s movement into the Upper Hemisphere, or the cosmological content of the Veda where these rituals find their deepest meaning. It is a meaningless date derived from the now discredited Nirayana calendar that makes its celebration a hollow pretense with virtually no beneficial spiritual effect on its practitioner. The Inner Awakening intended by the Vedic Rishis, that could only come through an experiential awareness of the Cosmic Truths by repeating and reliving precise points in the sacrificial year have become lost in the mists of Sidereal time. What we have today, as Thea wrote in her article on the ‘Guru Purnima’, is a system where the meaningful connections simply are not made. And without these critical connections there can be no restoration of Sanatana Dharma and thus no Hindu renaissance.
With regard to this calendar reform you go on to say:
‘To reform the calendar as I have said above is to use the manawantar system. This is done by shifting one whole month at a time not by shifting oen day at a tiem like in the grgorain calendar. In the Ggorain calaendar teh lurn dates are not attched to teh soalr dates. But in our system we attache the lunar dates too in our luni-solar system. Thus we have to shift the whole month in the sayan fashion, every time we reform, say in about 2150 years.. It is a quantized shift sytem..’
Notwithstanding the Vedic admonition that the ‘One Wheel with its Three hundred and sixty like pegs shakes not in the least’, how do you accurately find the correct Zero point or Ayanamsha from which these ‘shifts’ occur? As Thea wrote, you have no Absolute Measure.
There are at least six mainstream authorities whose ayanamsha calculations differ from each other, some by a considerable degree. Discrepancies of this kind in this most important of all calendar measures are completely unacceptable and cannot lead to any meaningful reform.
And since you cannot guarantee an accurate Ayanamsha, how can you hope to locate the accurate timing for the appearance of Vishnu’s Avatars? Only Thea has been able to locate the exact order and timing of Vishnu’s emanations, a point which I discuss in the Keys to the Map of the 12 Manifestations in the ‘Articles’ section of the ACC website. And with her non-speculative and precise measure of the correct Ayanamsha, she has been able to definitively exclude the Buddha from the Line of Ten Avatars in spite of the fact that most Hindus BELIEVE he is the 9th of Vishnu’s line.
So you see Hari, we can no longer proceed on beliefs alone no matter how ancient or culturally embedded they have become. Dogma must be challenged, tested and if found lacking, excluded. This is exactly what the Avatar comes to do and in this process the Perennial Truths, (Sanatana Dharma) are restored and Updated. This is the Age of Gnosis. The choice is yours, hopeless confusion and contradiction or Knowledge.
16 May 2015 at 1:17 pm #930Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Dear Hari Malla,
Madam Thea asks that you not send her any more personal emails. She will only answer your questions on the ACC forum.
In my reply to your last posting I asked that you and others who may wish to join the discussion not indulge in unsupported speculation or make claims that cannot be documented. Let me give you a specific example of this in your latest. You claim that the Supermind is what the Vedas call the ‘eternal Brahmah’ which according to you is our ultimate goal. If you have read Sri Aurobindo’s writings at all you will understand that the aim of his yoga was the utmost possible total perfection, the establishment of the Life Divine UPON THIS EARTH, not what you describe as some ‘beyond to the eternal space of star world of sun and the stars to achieve the ultimate unmoving truth’.
‘The Supramental Yoga foresees the possibility of a material union with the Divine. It is the union of the “Earth” of the Veda with the divine Principle, an earth which is said to be above our earth, that is to say, the physical being and consciousness of which the world and the body are only images. But the modern Yogas hardly recognise the possibility of a material union with the Divine.’Sri Aurobindo, Letter to the Mother, The Mother’s Collected Works, 1915.
The principal feature that unites these two realms within a single Integral Vision is a New System of Measure, a non-speculative formula that reveals the utter perfection of a Supramental Consciousness as it deploys itself ON THE EARTH. Sri Aurobindo and Thea have taken great care to differentiate the Transcendent consciousness from the Supermind, whose characteristics are: exactness, clearness and order both in the total and the details and their relations. Thea has written volumes on this exactness and specificity and given numerous examples of the Supermind deploying itself on the physical earth.
You, on the other hand, come out with these outlandish unsupported claims which can neither be verified nor measured.
‘… the Super mind is actuallly the universal gravitational field of the sun reaching out right to the surounding stars of the zodiacs.. Thus This is the same thing as the goal of eternity of sun and the stars, of which I have talked of in my previous mail..The earth’s gravitation makes the world with its Time, matter, fate, etc and the sun’s universal gravitation makes the kingdom of heaven, the eternal truth. This eternal truth (Impersonal God or Brahmah ) may also be termed as the Supermind.’
I am delighted that we finally have the Aeon Centre of Cosmology forum to expose this rambling nonsense to legitimate scholars and seekers who want to know more about Sri Aurobindo’s and Thea’s work and what it means for India and the world. It is time for a REAL DISCUSSION on important matters with men and women who demand a higher standard of knowledge than the fiction you are putting forward as fact. I invite then to join me in un-masking your fictitious claims so that we can get on with matters of REAL KNOWLEDGE.
15 May 2015 at 6:05 pm #927Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Dear Hari Malla,
In your reply to Thea’s posting you wrote:
‘Dear Theaji,
Thank you for writing a long reply to my suggestions. The Earth, the orign of Time, is our mother who takes us to the eternal Father who is beyond time and is the space of sun and the stars.. The earth timings and the solstices and equinoxes are necessary as a starting point in our journey to the other world. But itself is not our goal but only a refernce to start with. WE have to go beyond to the eternal space of star world of sun and the stars to achieve the ultimate unmoving truth. The solstices of the earth is moving wheel due to precession. The unmoving circle is the circle of stars beyond. Please note that the sun also being one of the stars is unmoving and is known as our Atma.
Also we have three types of solstices and equinoxes namely the tropical, sidereal and the lunar. The first is Brahma’s solstices which is what you are describing. The other is Vishnu’s solstices and equinoxes which are the sidereal solstices and equinoxes. The third is the lunar solstices which is Shiva’s solstices and equinoxes which coordinate the other two.. WE are prohibited to celebrate by the Brahma’s solstices because it takes us not to eternity but to the world of creation of life which is temporary and is thus finally to be avoided…’
For the benefit of those new to our discussion group I want to point out that one of the most important purposes of our new website is to differentiate the Old from the truly New Way. The Old way, (Hari Malla’s preferred choice) is characterized by irreconcilable dualities which feature prominently in all of his arguments; the moving vs. the unmoving, this world vs. the ‘other’, time vs. eternity, Sidereal vs. Tropical. It is a bi-polar Mental ideology which by its very nature cannot resolve and integrate the apparent dualities of existence. So what does the Mind do with what it cannot Unify? It creates specious and paradoxical arguments and re-jiggles the ancient myths, scripture, and undeniable astronomical facts to support a static model (Being) which characterizes that which moves, (the Becoming) as simply an unimportant reference point in our journey to that other glorious world. In putting forward this ‘ultimate unmoving truth’ as the highest possible attainment Hari Malla dismisses Time, Matter, Destiny, Meaning and Purpose and the Earth itself as irrelevant to our goal; how did he put it…’things that should be avoided’. Does anyone seriously believe this nonsense?
Readers should understand that the underlying premise of Hari Malla-ji’s entire argument is due to an evolutionary limitation (the Old Mental Model) that has now been surpassed by what Sri Aurobindo called the Supermind. As Thea explains:
‘Supermind is the faculty that is now changing the human being’s capacity to observe and measure. What before in both science and spirituality could only be expressed in terms of paradoxes and irreconcilables, can now be perceived in a vastly truer light.Mind indeed deforms the experience when it is used as the highest instrument of perception. And in both approaches Mind has been the tool, with its resultant language, insufficient and inadequate to express the higher reality in anything better than paradoxes. With the advent of Supermind this limitation is no longer felt; and with it comes the perception of the true nature of creation, – in particular with respect to that which moves and hence to time and matter.’ The New Way, Vol . 3, 1983, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
Of course he will deny the existence of the Supermind and continue to put forward his rank speculations as fact but for the benefit of the other seekers and scholars who are interested in these integral Truths and want to join the discussion, we will offer irrefutable proof of the facts we present. As Thea wrote, our new cosmology is simple, clear and unencumbered. It offers a vision of the whole that puts myth, scripture and astronomical facts in their proper place. Moreover it reveals the deepest mysteries of the Veda that have been misinterpreted for thousands of years. I sincerely believe that people who join this discussion will prefer facts to the unprovable speculations that Hari Malla offers.
Subjects presently under discussion:
(Rig Veda 1.164.48) the passage which discusses the unshakable four pillars, on which our Earth Time finds its harmonious balance
(Atharva Veda 10.8) where you will find the passage describing the ecliptic divided into 12 ‘spokes’ with 360 ‘pegs’ and the One Wheel.
The differences between the Nirayana and Sayana systems vis-à-vis the Ayanamsha or correctly rectified starting point.
The references in the Veda . (RigVeda 1.154) to Vishnu Trivikrama which clearly indicate the Tropical Zodiac and the procession of the signs leading to the ‘tenth month of Victory’
Vishnu’s Line of Ten Avatars which I have discussed in the ‘Keys to the Map of the 12 Manifestations’ on the Articles section of the ACC website.
We will be happy to discuss these and other matters with newcomers to our group but as we are prepared to give non-speculative proofs of the points we make, we would appreciate that you do as well.
27 February 2015 at 1:42 pm #879Robert WilkinsonParticipant
In her comments on what took place in the Indian Parliament regarding Mother Teresa, Patricia wrote: … nothing has changed; in fact, it may be escalating…
I completely agree Patricia. There seems to be an increasing polarization and aggressiveness within and between ideologies whether political or religious. It can also be seen in increasing tensions along racial and ethnic lines. But this heightened state of conflict, perhaps because of ISIS, seems to be gaining strength in the Muslim world.
In 2007 Thea wrote:
‘The plan of the Time-Spirit for this current Age of Aquarius is quite different than appears on the surface. In its initial stages the focus is on what might be called a “cleansing of the slate”. The dominance of either one of the religions of the Piscean Age is not the goal. What we are seeing today – and indeed what lies at the basis of the Iraqi conflict – is to hasten and aggravate the internal conflicts between the sects on both sides of the spectrum. But the time will soon come when the majority force of Islam will rear its head and turn on its “saviour” Iran. These two forces will destroy whatever pretence either of them has for world domination. This will happen not because one is good and the other bad, one the true faith and the other the false, but simply because the Time-Spirit has moved on.’
This seems to be happening right now with the Saudi’s, a predominantly Sunni nation, agreeing to help Israel attack Iran, the seat of the Shi’ite sect of Islam. ISIS also appears to be coming down on the Sunni side of the Sunni – Shia divide, killing Shi’tes and Christians with equal enthusiasm. Interestingly Obama seems to be leaning toward a rapprochement with Iran while Israel and the Republicans are following the well defined Judeao-Christian eschatology which foresees the return of Jesus Christ in the last days following the battle of Armageddon. (See article below on An Officially Christian America). Religion has become so inextricably linked with Politics and Foreign Policy that one can hardly tell the difference anymore. Leaders of the Republican majority have just invited both Israel’s Netanyahu and Pope Francis to speak before Congress. In the meantime, the US led coalition forces plan to attack ISIS in March/April about the time the Earth moves into ARIES – the sign of War.
Report: Saudis Express Interest in Aiding Israel Attack On Iran Nuke Sites
AP by Jordan Schachtel
25 Feb 2015
Washington, D.C.
Saudi Arabia officials have expressed in private that they may be willing to help out in an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities in the near future, according to European sources who told Israel’s Channel 2 News.
Saudi Arabia’s eastern border with the Persian/Arabian Gulf is located only about 100 miles from Iranian territory, including its Bushehr nuclear site. The Saudis may allow the Israel Air Force (IAF) to fly over their tactically-important airspace as part of its cooperative efforts, according to reports.
The TV report added,“The Saudis have declared their readiness for the Israeli Air Force to overfly Saudi airspace en route to attack Iran if an attack is necessary.”
“The Saudi authorities are completely coordinated with Israel on all matters related to Iran,” a European official in Brussels told Channel 2 on Tuesday, before adding that Israel and Saudi Arabia are actively sharing intelligence on the progress of the Iranian nuclear program.
The report adds that in order for the Saudis to sign off on any deal, they would want to first see “some sign of progress” in the ongoing peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials.
Regional governments have long been concerned that if Iran were to develop nuclear weapons, the result would inevitably be that massive nuclear proliferation would occur throughout the Middle East. Several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, have all spoken to the possibility that an uncertain future may necessitate the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
The news comes as the P5+1 world powers have been seeking to seal a comprehensive agreement with Iran in hopes that a diplomatic approach would stop the Ayatollah’s regime from developing nuclear weapons. They face a March 31 deadline to agree to a basic framework for the agreement.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress on March 3rd, where he will reportedly warn about the grave threat posed by a nuclear-weaponized Iranian regime.
An Officially Christian America Sounds Just Right To Most Republicans
02/25/2015 5:47 pm EST Updated: 02/25/2015 5:59 pm EST
Republican Party candidates like to say that America is a Christian nation. It turns out most Republicans are willing to make that official.
Fifty-seven percent of Republicans support establishing Christianity as the national religion of the United States, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey. Thirty percent oppose the idea while 13 percent are not sure.
One little problem: Establishing a national religion would violate the First Amendment to the Constitution. *”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,”* etc., etc. So three-fourths of the states would have to agree to amend the Constitution.
And that might be a little difficult. A 2013 HuffPost/YouGov survey found that only 32 percent of all Americans were in favor of amending the Constitution to establish Christianity as the national religion. A Los Angeles Times poll taken in 1980 found similar results, according to the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.
Forty-six percent of Republicans in the HuffPost/YouGov poll said they would favor such a proposal, a lower percentage than PPP’s recent result. Twenty-six percent of Democrats and 29 percent of independents in the earlier poll said they would be in favor, too. A slightly higher number, 34 percent of Americans, were in favor of establishing Christianity as the official religion in their state. Because the First Amendment applies to the states, they would still need a constitutional amendment.
According to a 2012 Gallup study, 77 percent of Americans identity with some denomination of Christianity.
Public Policy Polling surveyed 316 Republicans nationally in an automated phone and Internet poll that ran from Feb. 20 to Feb. 22.
13 February 2015 at 12:43 pm #863Robert WilkinsonParticipant
Thea’s ‘Conundrum of India’s Choice of Destiny’ is the clearest and most self-evident exposition of the knots that must be overcome in order for India to assume her role as Vishwa Guru. The question is who in India will have the nerve to publish it and who in the American political leadership would be receptive to its unvarnished message? Given the almost coercive domination of the Christian lobby and its contrived political agenda I could only think of one person who might actually welcome this kind of knowledge. Her name is Tulsi Gabbard, a 33 year old member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Hawaii’s 2nd district. Representative Gabbard has been warmly embraced by the Democratic party because she is a woman, a combat veteran of the Iraq war and a Hindu. What I found interesting was her close relationship with the Indian Prime Minister. Gabbard met with Modi when he visited New York in September and presented him with a ginger flower garland from Hawaii and the copy of the Bhagavad Gita she used to take the Oath of Office. While she is young, this woman is a true warrior as her horoscope will attest. Being a Hindu she is not likely to flinch from an honest critique of the Christian Right and the hypocrisy of their political agenda vis-à-vis Obama’s shameful and ignorant comments about India getting religious freedom right. As a rising star of the Democratic party she might be an ideal connection for ACC and its message. But what is the best way to get our message out? Should we contact Tulsi Gabbard? Should we write articles about Thea’s vision to the US and Indian media? If ACC is to become an influential think-tank of a manifestly higher order where do we plant the seeds of Thea’s message?
11 February 2015 at 2:44 pm #861Robert WilkinsonParticipant
As far back as 2009 Thea foresaw the possible shortcomings of an Obama presidency. She wrote that, ‘Obama “occupies a space”, the world turns to him to solve certain issues which his inner fibre does not allow him to solve.’ This has proven to be true over and over again on many levels including foreign policy and the global economy but his most recent comments accusing India of ‘religious intolerance’ shows beyond any doubt his easy willingness to capitulate to the Christian lobby and their global agenda. Following his critical comments at White House prayer breakfast Obama was warmly congratulated by the USCIRF, a quasi governmental agency pretending to be ecumenical and multicultural but with an obvious Christian bias, focusing on the persecution of Christians to the exclusion of other religions. It was the USCIRF who recommended that Narendra Modi be kept out of the United States for facilitating a 2002 pogrom as the head of the Indian state of Gujarat that killed thousands of people. Following the now infamous prayer breakfast, Katrina Lantos Swett, Chairwoman of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said that “President Obama’s timely comments underscore the importance of India getting religious freedom right.”
It would be grossly unfair to single out President Obama as the only pawn of the Christian lobby. Their political influence goes back for decades when the Republican party began to urge conservative Christians to involve themselves in the political process. It was not long before the Christian Right overwhelmed both political parties becoming one of the most powerful forces in American politics ending any pretense of a separation between Church and State. We can only begin to appreciate the magnitude of these extra-constitutional events in the light of Thea’s comments in 2007.
‘There is an immensely important process playing itself out at this vital crossroads of history. What the world is experiencing has little to do with the obvious such as a struggle for energy control, military dominance to further a certain economic system and the lifestyle it encourages; or even neo-colonialism of sorts. It is true that what is transpiring is a clash of civilisations; but we must be more explicit and describe it as it is, and particularly as it is surfacing today with an ever greater clarity. The clash is between the two Orthodox Religions both of which arose in the Age of Pisces (234 BCE – 1926 CE)… ‘The plan of the Time-Spirit for this current Age of Aquarius is quite different than appears on the surface. In its initial stages the focus is on what might be called a “cleansing of the slate”. The dominance of either one of the religions of the Piscean Age is not the goal. What we are seeing today – and indeed what lies at the basis of the Iraqi conflict – is to hasten and aggravate the internal conflicts between the sects on both sides of the spectrum. But the time will soon come when the majority force of Islam will rear its head and turn on its “saviour” Iran. These two forces will destroy whatever pretence either of them has for world domination. This will happen not because one is good and the other bad, one the true faith and the other the false, but simply because the Time-Spirit has moved on. The new world it fosters, and whose moment has come, is a world based on a reality that is not structured on divisive perceptions. It is a world where true unity prevails. But for that to be perceived one has to have the courage, even if in just a small portion of humanity, to accept that the dominant forces of the Age of Pisces are fast fading to clear the slate, be this in the realm of orthodox religions, imperial post-colonial domination, or whatever would pose a threat to the survival of the new world order of unity and truth.’ Thea, SOME THOUGHTS, July, 2007.
Students of The New Way, especially those involved in The Future Realisation exhibits in Pondicherry and the Mati Ghar gallery in New Delhi, will surely have noticed a quantum leap in the level of depravity, violence and conflict between these competing religions since the TFR exhibits began in early 2014. It looks like the parties are rushing headlong into a new and widening crusade with no clear heads to stem the tide of destruction. Perhaps this “cleansing of the slate” is exactly what is required before the leaders of the world will be open to the truth. Our efforts in this situation call to mind what the Sufi teacher Hamid wrote about the ‘second conflict’.
‘But it is those who have reached the knowledge of their essential unity with God who will forge the way and build a new world. Before this new world can be brought into being, however, it is said that there are to be two confrontations. The first confrontation will be between those who know and those who do not want to know, and the second between those who know and those who will have to know.’ Hamid, The Last Barrier, Reshad Field, Harper and Row, USA, 1976.