Forum Replies Created
30 May 2015 at 10:51 am #1045
Tim Neilson
Participantharimalla wrote:
tim wrote:
harimalla wrote:
tim wrote:
Do you think we can correlate the solar , lunar and earth perspectives coordinated by this concept of Earth-Moon barycenter.? It could be very interesting if you agree to give a little attention to the barycentral viewpoint as the integration of the other three view points..thank you, Hari Malla
Apologies for the delayed response. Yes this is interesting and Lori did a remarkable job in her explication of the barycenter. Honestly, I’ve never heard of such a thing. When I’m practicing my asanas while doing physical fitness routines I think I may experience something of the sort. But I also imagine that there are two center involved. This barcenter may be related to ego. The sense I have of it is constant. I fight and struggle to not fall down. Minor adjustments are being made in every system of the body… respiratory, circulatory, musculatory, etc. Many many minute adjustments to try an hold my pose. I think this describe the barycenter no? But the core is located elswhere. On occassion I’ve glimpsed the Core. Some days the asanas are dreadfully difficult and I’m all over the place straining for balance. On other days there is no effort. Almost as if a string is attached to an anchor the supports me and holds me up. The movement is effortless.
This probably won’t help you much but I appreciate your question because it certainly helps me to expound a bit about this topic. The subtle Sun within me is increasingly finding an anchor. The anchor has always been there no doubt but my ego and fighting spirit has resisted the obvious…
In term of the Sun, Moon, Earth perspective I believe that the illustration was not merely metaphorical but literal in the sense that there are four dimensions at work. Standing too firmly or clinging to any one perspective runs the risk of distorting our view so a simultaneous perspective is required.
Thank you Hari…
28 May 2015 at 10:23 am #1006
Tim Neilson
Participantdevinder wrote:
This is the reason I say “all your assertions lack Factual support.”
I have no clue what you are saying… yet when I concentrate on what others have written here they express a coherence and clarity which is lacking in your expression. The tone and delivery of your messages are reminiscent of a certain disruptive and rebellious student in geometry class who does not follow the lesson but needs desperately to win attention. So he vies to get noticed and in his attempt to wrest authority by being “cool” it back fires. That “certain student in geometry” would be me.
I have no argument for you because I can’t understand what you are saying. JC is an accomplished student and was pointing out to you, and I would add she has correctly pointed out, that you come across as disrespectful, biligerent and inchorehent. Perhaps my opinion is not “fact” but I would wager that it is unanimous. As far as discovering the PROOFS in this work you will need to do your lessons first. Do your homework. Every question you’ve launched is answered fully in the body of PNBs texts. Instead you blabber on about nothing. And then you come back here and insult the fine people I am trying to learn from.
27 May 2015 at 11:38 pm #994
Tim Neilson
Participantharimalla wrote:
tim wrote:
Where is the mention of the details of the three perspetctives? Hari Malla
May I call you Hari? The details of the three perspectives are taken from the opening of The Gnostic Circle. I remember when I first read the passage I was awestruck. I think I stayed on the same page for a day without reading on due to being frozen like a kid at a fireworks display. Very simple I suppose but so elegant… I agree that there is tremendous power in perspective. The first chapter describe the Essential Purpose of the stidy of the Cosmic Harmonies. The approach I described was certainly not something I made up. It was borrowed liberally from TGC in the section detailing The Goal. These few passages spun my head around…
Not sure if you have The Gnostic Circle but that volume contains pearls that would be worth reading.
All the best,
25 May 2015 at 10:22 am #976
Tim Neilson
ParticipantThe gravity of a particular system may have more to do with the position of the observer than with the system itself. My perception is certainly influenced from where I stand. If you stand opposite me, or separated by some degree then we may be traveling at different speeds along the curve of our understanding. This ought not to be too difficult a problem since simultaneity of Time in The New Way requires each component perspective. Perhaps we are not ‘there’ yet and so we find ourselves misunderstanding our being misunderstood… a lack of fluency to bridge the language gap within dialects and dialog…
In the first chapter of the Gnostic Circle Thea describes the process of reaching the Sun… we move from a static perspective of being Earth bound to a Gnostic Vision of being “…the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Centre, the bindu” all at the same time.
The flow of these words in TGC and the description therein seemingly transported me back some twenty years ago to when I first read them. And the words have the same affect on me today as they did then. There is something implicitly true in this message. Proof!Of course, reading something is altogether different from writing that for which the writer experienced. But for me reading the experience is a first step. Imagining where I stand before I actually stand there. A mere glimpse of the Yogini experience… but I’ve had experiences that help me relate to standing on the Moon at least if not the Sun. Athletes for example tend to ‘get in the zone’ in the midst of a movement to achieve a particular goal… “Time slows down” and assorted spheres of various size fly around according to the rules of the game, refereed by the orders written down in a Big Book somewhere. Albeit we can assume the athlete gets ‘in the zone’ unconsciously. Still, the individual acts in a way training the individual body like the collective acts, training the collective body over time. Techniques and abilities advance. Just as the Earth Perspective, the Moon Perspective, the Sun perspective and the Simultaneous Perspective are at work in Time together. There seems to be an interdependence involved. In that regard I am grateful to all of the contributions on this thread.
28 April 2015 at 12:34 am #1103
Tim Neilson
ParticipantThank you Thea…
26 April 2015 at 11:42 am #1101
Tim Neilson
ParticipantLast year there was such a stir about William Shakespeare’s 450 year anniversary. his birthday and date of death is simultaneosuly celebrated on April 23rd. Less fanfair this year perhaps but hearing tributes on the radio and reading an article or two reminded me have how incredibly beautiful his work is and how incredibly difficult it is for lay people to access. I’ve always been so impressed by afficiandos of Shakespeare. And the thought occurred to me that, while I am much more enthusiastic about Thea’s work, there is a similar beauty in this work that requires tremendous concentration. Similar, but not equal. Mathematicians defer to the symbol = wherein “nothing could be more equal” than two parellel lines drawn. Robert Recorde invented this sign to communicate the concept of equality. But as concerns the circle, measuring its circumference has a long mystical origin. I read that Archimedes inscribed a polygon of 96 sides within a circle to yield a measurement of Pi equal to 3.123858… He supposedly established the concept of “arbitraliy close to” or “as closely as desired.”
Somehow there always seems more to learn, more to know, more to see but my mind only grasps a glimpse here and there. I see the genuine and genius conception of The New Way but find it impossible at this point to articulate. I recognize when the words are True to Form. I am thinking that the symbol of the Sun is the better symbol of equality and of course much more.
If I am permitted to SEE more than this so be it. What I do see is how extraordinary this vision is and how some of the members on this board have progressed. Truely amazing and humbling. Thank you for all of the contributions to date.
“Genius is one attempt of the universal Energy to so
quicken and intensify our intellectual powers that they shall
be prepared for those more puissant, direct and rapid faculties
which constitute the play of the supra-intellectual or divine
mind. It is not, then, a freak, an inexplicable phenomenon, but
a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution.” SOYRegards,
14 April 2015 at 11:20 am #887
Tim Neilson
ParticipantA new Ken Burns documentary on PBS television recently aired call Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies. One particularly interesting segment was in the treatment of glioblastomas. A researcher at Duke Univesity I beleive has been working with the Polio Virus for decades trying to use the virus against glioblastomas. The breakthrough came when they were able to modify certain protiens in the Polio Virus disabling it’s ability to reproduce, rendering it harmless to the body, and then injecting the virus directly into the tumor. One of the keys to this type of cancer is it’s ability to avoid detection because the immune system “cannot see” the cancer. Once the Polio Virus is inside the tumor the immune system SEES the Polio Virus and goes after the Polio. At some point the camoflage that the cancer was wearing torn away and the body’s natural immune system goes to work in full force.
13 April 2015 at 10:25 am #885
Tim Neilson
ParticipantInteresting, he was ‘granted 9 years of good health’ and now is 81.
Have always found his writing inspiring…
13 April 2015 at 10:22 am #884
12 April 2015 at 10:39 am #912
Tim Neilson
ParticipantThank you for this Lori… I think I might like to post this on FB… I had a brother involved in COS and did my best to convince him that he was participating in a cult… there have been countless stories, one documented I think in Time Magazine… about the abuses.
12 April 2015 at 10:26 am #1084
Tim Neilson
ParticipantGood morning,
18 years ago around this time of year I watched a television program on the local TV network airing none other than Robert Wilkinson. I sought him out. I was 36 and as of today (about a month ago) I am 54… 30 years ago Thea wrote A Dawn Meditation, a piece which I somehow skirted and printed out from one of our discussion groups. I was cleaning out my office recently and came across a few bits of treasure, this being one and thought I would repost it by way of saying hello… ENJOY! I certainly did/do. Thank you Thea.
A Dawn Meditation
It may be helpful to start your day by a 15 minute or so concentration, which could take the form of a dedication—dedicating the day to the divine and with the prayer that it serve to make you a better instrument. Or whatever you feel at the moment is necessary for the Dedication. This should be regular, and there should be an effort at serious concentration of the consciousness. Then you should do the same in the evening, before sleep: this should take the form of a collection of the consciousness, drawing all the spread out threads back to a point, again, by means of a serious concentration. This is different than meditation. The morning exercise is like a movement of expansion. The image is aptly the Dawn: the consciousness is like the Sun in its early rise…. And then its rays spread and the Light increases. The aspiration should be to maintain a center the midst of this expanding. That is, the consciousness, though increasing and spreading because of daily activity, is nonetheless collected. There is not dispersal. There is a controlled diffusion. Concentrate on the image of the Sun for this, and its occult symbol (à) can help to realize this poise.
On the other hand, the night concentration should serve to gather one’s consciousness to a point—a movement of contraction, drawing all those Rays inward and positing them in the Divine Centre of your being. The morning concentration offers the being as an instrument for the Divine consciousness to expand and infuse the atmosphere with the Light. The night concentration again is an offering, but as if one were offering the most intimate areas of one’s being for sole habitation with the divine, whereby the movement of contraction, a concentration of Light, of energy comes into being. It is a time to concentrate on the formation of a seed. And it is that seed, those collected energies, the result of the experiences of the day which have been put through a sort of sieve in the consciousness that is the seed which blossoms the net day in the experience of expansion.
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
Kodaikanal, IndiaApril 1985
About Torsion fields and Kosyrev it all sounds so reminiscent of the tachyon field. ( I have experimented with this concept not long ago by attempting to ‘charge up’ each day at sunrise…. too much to go into here but there is a palpable experience I felt… I have very little scientific skill so cannot speak to the process more than that… other than I felt something… like my hair standing on end for example… and more… supposedly Niels Bohr and Nikola Tesla were interested in this energy field…