In early August of 2005 Aeon Centre of Cosmology hosted a 9-day ‘Intensive’ study program, immersing students in the Supramental cosmology. Participants studied the Individual or 3rd level of the Supramental Descent and were sent home with the newly published Volume 3 of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet’s book, The New Way – A study in the Rise and Establishment of a Gnostic Society as well as a poster of the Gnostic Circle and a folder of images depicting the genius of Leonardo da Vinci in light of various geometries and principles of the Supramental or ‘New Way’ cosmology.
This Intensive, began upon the heels of the historic 2005 Maharashtra floods in which a meter of rain fell in parts of Mumbai on 26 July. Due to this record deluge, four participants from the U.S. were stuck in the Mother’s birthplace in Paris in transit to the Mumbai airport which was shut down. Another registered student was turned back home and never made it to the Intensive. Three days into the Intensive the four arrived and the group realised that the structure of the group turned out to mirror the structure of the Mother’s Symbol. Thea held the centre point of the inner circle, and the four who arrived via Paris formed the four arms of the middle symbol and joined the ‘outer circle’ of 12 participants who were already in attendance. In this manner, students saw first hand how the Supramental Shakti organises circumstances with great control to establish itself in material creation.