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The Organiser, ‘What Is lacking In National Discourse?’, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, Dec 2014.

‘It is of course imperative that India awakens, but that must be to re-establish her true civilisational underpinnings. This is referred to aptly as the Sanatana Dharma, her eternal Law of Truth. … The [Future Realisation] exhibit takes part in the act of renewal by removing the veils that have kept essential facets of the Dharma hidden.’

Deccan Herald, The untold story of Matri Mandir, R Radhika, Dec 31, 2014.

‘The viewers would be offered an integral package – number, geometry, architecture – all grounded in Indian mythology. Such an integral approach to the sacred has not been attempted before.’

India Infoline News Service, ‘The unknown story of Matri Mandir’s sacred geometry’, December 30, 2014.

‘The Future Realisation exhibition tries to bring the sacred sciences to the masses in a format that they can understand. It displays the knowledge content of the Mother’s original vision and plan for Matri Mandir, and relies on a precise fidelity to her instructions. Before the Mother left this world, she personally gave me several keys of knowledge with which I could decipher her plan. I discovered an entirely new, Indo-centric cosmology. The objective of this exhibition is to make people aware about this precious knowledge that would otherwise pass into oblivion.’

The Economic Times, ‘Cosmic numbers within Auroville’s Matri Mandir showcased in an exhibition’, 1 Jan, 2015, 05.

“The temple displays the vision of the Mother which never got built, fortunately we have recorded conversation about her vision, her plan and I’m carrying forward her legacy,” says Patricia Norelli-Bachelet, Director of Tamil Nadu-based Aeon Centre of Cosmology who has brought the exhibition here.

The Pioneer, ‘Sacred details’, Tuesday, 30 December 2014.

“The exhibition brings together all the sacred sciences — number power, geometry, architecture, cosmology, geo-cosmology — captured in many myths but never conveyed as the science that they rightfully are. It updates the ancient knowledge.”

The South Asian Times, ‘Architectural designs of Puducherry’s Matrimandir on show’, 3 Jan 2015.

Bachelet, through this exhibition, has highlighted how the builders at Auroville rejected her plan and designed their own version while constructing the Matrimandir.

“The result is that the final outcome is only a shadow of the real thing, not its exact manifestation,” Bachelet said.

“What I am preserving and presenting to the public is precisely that – the vision’s power and knowledge,” she added.

TenNews, ‘“The Future Realization” organized at Indira Gandhi National Centre’.

‘Our motto is to showcase the superlative vision of the Mother in an efficient way. These 100 exhibits unveil cosmic secrets of the architectural dimensions of Mother. … They explain importance of the numbers and precise measurements that she mandated for the sacred structure.’

News 8 India, ‘Architectural designs of Puducherry’s Matrimandir on show’, 2 Jan 2015.

‘[The aim of ‘The Future Realisation’ was] to reveal little known cosmic secrets of the architectural dimensions of Matrimandir that was originally envisioned by the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. …

However, Bachelet, through this exhibition, has highlighted how the builders at Auroville rejected her plan and designed their own version while constructing the Matrimandir.’

“The result is that the final outcome is only a shadow of the real thing, not its exact manifestation,” Bachelet said. “What I am preserving and presenting to the public is precisely that – the vision’s power and knowledge,” she added.

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