Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Ian, these two images are really illustrative. The ticking clock with no moving parts, and the “timeline” with information smeared out in space, such as the image you provided.
The compaction of time occurs from 9 (future) to 6 (past) to 3 (present) to 0, in which the three dimensions of time are said to be compressed. So if time is an arrow,…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
“The symbol is the thing symbolised.”
The symbol is the tick, the thing is Simultaneous Time.I don’t view Time as compacted, I’m not sure how that would work, possibly for past & future but how would one compact the present, it is nothing, a mere interstitial flux transforming future into past.
The way I see Time is as a straight horizon…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
I don’t exactly follow. My sense is that the ticking in this case indicates that we are in the manifesation but compacted. Compacted three times, past, present and future. I don’t get that sense frtom what you have written. Explain further. Thea
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
The ticking of the clock is the way a divisive consciousness symbolises Simultaneous Time. It has to divide it up into discrete packets, as it does with photons, giving tick & silence, tock & silence. If there were a pendulum on the clock then this would be the way to symbolise it as peak & trough, left & right. The ticking getting louder is the…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
The more one reflects the more obvious it seems: If we are focussing on an Earth-rooted realisation, the proverbial bringing heaven to Earth, it has to be universal or collective. But of course the collectivity is made up of individuals. The two cannot be separated. To have a collective realisation there has to be a re-positioning of the…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Chapter 7 of TNW 1 holds so much substance/info for the budding collectivity – I go back to that and marvel on what has been laid down as the foundations for the rise and establishment of a gnostic society…The TOOL is a new eye, the METHOD is a new seeing, the RESULT is a new vision for the Earth opening doors to a new world (p,93).
Yes, an o…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Thank you Thea…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
…but a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution
This is the way I feel about this work, that it is a ‘natural next step’, and it always thrills me to be on this road into infinity, to know that there is never an end to the growth into the Supramental Manifestation. It also thrills me as I look through these comments and t…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Last year there was such a stir about William Shakespeare’s 450 year anniversary. his birthday and date of death is simultaneosuly celebrated on April 23rd. Less fanfair this year perhaps but hearing tributes on the radio and reading an article or two reminded me have how incredibly beautiful his work is and how incredibly difficult it is for lay…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic The Supramental Yoga in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
‘You are about to discover the last three realms, the regions very few consciously reach. Remember Heropidus Heronimous and all his teachings, for in those realms this knowledge is used. Good-bye my little ones, good-bye…’
They gallop off at great speed, crossing the violet and fuchsia coloured land, for the Centaur makes every effort to fulfi…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
No, sorry, don’t agree. Thea
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear madame Theaji,
As I have mentiend previously in arriving at the physical wave of consciousness, we should not forget that these are cause by the earth and the moon as they chase each other while they both go around the sun. This is also known as the play of shri Krishna when Krishna is said to be the meeting point of the earth and the moon.…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
It is time we understood life better than our ancestors did. But our scientific quest is to be respected and also aligned to the Vedas and the Bible..
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Dear Madame Theaji,
The following article you have quoted is surely interesting with the physical explanation of consciousness. Vedas also give us the physical aspect of consciousness. When we say the sun is our Atma it is the very physical cause of our Truth consiousness and of life itself.
You quoted as follows:
thea wrote:
In the latest A…
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Now the message I sent to Arinaya to post, because I couldn’t get it done, is up there! I suppose we have kinks to work out…
Be this as it may, your question is valid, Arinaya. I think that what has to be bypassed is not science as such, within which is all the technology we enjoy, but rather it is a question of ‘putting each thing in its p…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Lori and all, I hope this reaches you! What is so fascinating is that my first ‘lost’ comment somehow found its way to the Forum (God knows how all that got done!). The fact is there was much more to comment on, and this I did in the second entry; the first was waiting for me to do just that! ` I appreciate your further comments, accompanied by…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Getting back to basics, Thea just posted a new Key of Gnosis, with additional comments following the post.
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
thea wrote:
I don’t really know about the frequencies Arinaya mentions and this aetherometry, but clearly the New Way and the Supramental Yoga and Cosmology is closer to the mark, but it bypasses the stumbling-block they experience since I approach it all fresh, having no scientific background.
I know, nobody knows about aetherometry. I bring it…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Just now catching up on this thread.
lori wrote:
This is all fascinating Thea. Arinaya, can you expand on your comment regarding Nassim’s work (‘he still tries to express it all in Einstein’s mathematical framework, so it kind of falls flat’) in the recent post regarding his work?
Haramein extends relativity by introducing another temporal co…[Read more]
Aeon Centre of Cosmology replied to the topic Atlantis Rising on Kosyrev in the forum Aeon Forum 8 years, 11 months ago ·
Just now catching up on this thread.
This is all fascinating Thea. Arinaya, can you expand on your comment regarding Nassim’s work (‘he still tries to express it all in Einstein’s mathematical framework, so it kind of falls flat’) in the recent post regarding his work?
Haramein extends relativity by introducing another te…[Read more]
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