Forum Replies Created
10 April 2016 at 11:00 pm #1954
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorOkay, I’ve trying to verify or debunk this as DNA since posting it, and finally found out that this is not DNA. It is a nano-technology/art, described as a manufactured-landscape. picture of the same structure (from a different angle) is cited as: Photo by: Michael de Volder and John Hart. Source Techreview. See also: Bouquet of Nanoflowers, Nanosculpture, Small Talk.
12 January 2016 at 8:42 pm #1132
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorHi All, I have just published Thea’s 10 January 2016 message at “Indocentrism amidst the detritus of a dying Eurocentrism”
and will repost it here:
Indocentrism amidst the detritus of a dying Eurocentrism
We (ACC) have something truly important to offer: the only existing Indocentric cosmology that is its own science: it proves itself.
We have to have (or perhaps host) a conference on what this means – above all, what the difference is between Eurocentrism and Indocentrism. No one knows. No one realises how important it is to elaborate this difference. A conference exclusively on this – and tangentially what the Sanatana Dharma really is.
Europe made itself the centre of the known world through conquests. In the process it destroyed every indigenous culture it encountered along the way. This served the Piscean Wave well and its spread of anti-paganism. It was the era of the rise of the Shadow; therefore, to further its secret agenda the might of Europe, one state after another, had to be the tool to carry out this secret agenda, unknown in its full import and the goal set before it because that knowledge belonged to the subtle realm where ‘forces’ operate at the behest of these Shadows to subvert and to destroy the field that is the Earth plane where the true eternal Dharma can flourish. It was and is a mathematical procedure, quite easy to understand and follow once certain broad lines in its agenda are made clear. That agenda was to rid the Earth of any trace of paganism which was and is so very necessary for the Sanatana Dharma to take root. This is why there had to be a place on Earth of sufficient civilisational maturity where paganism could survive. This was India.
It also proves why the religious forces that arose during the Piscean era (234 BCE to 1926 CE) focussed their attention on India. For Britain it was indeed the Jewel in the Crown, as it was also for the Mughal invaders. India was and remains the heart of the struggle: to extirpate from the Earth field the last remaining pocket of paganism, the only field appropriate for the Sanatana Dharma to survive and flourish.
Today, since the anti-Dharmic forces are facing their last threat, they are arising and consolidating their strength in full force; and they will have all the assistance they need to complete this task from those who wish to bring Eurocentrism back on board before it is too late.
In this operation it is the Old World that is in the forefront; the New World can still be redeemed since it too was a victim of the same Shadow – but this redemption requires a specific strategy based on Knowledge.
Thus we come to the core of the exposition: Indocentrism is the opposite of Eurocentrism in both the means to an end and the goal itself. It is founded on Knowledge not might. It creates and does not destroy; it does not need to tear down in order to rise. Its strategy and purpose is to create the proper field for the Sanatana Dharma to flourish. The responsibility that India bears is formidable; but for now its acts in semi-ignorance. It senses its importance but this is not based on science – the science of the Sacred. Therefore its response to situations, to attacks, is lukewarm and ambiguous. It is easily distracted by irrelevant political and social considerations that have little or nothing to do with the Dharma and its cause; because of this it is made to cower down time and again.
This must stop. Only the Science of the Sacred can save the day – factual not imaginary.
Director, ACC
Palani Hills, South India
5 January 2016 at 1:12 am #1128
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorHappy Birthday Thea! I am cherishing this day and the truth-consciousness and force that is coming through you and ACC as this year kicks off.
A few days ago I found the following image in The Partition of India, Its Cause, Its Purpose – Part 7, published on Puranic Cosmology Updated blog on 15 June 2009, which seems apropos to our new thread on the Importance of Makar Sankranti, and to the turmoil over Ahkand Bharat.
Below is a powerful excerpt from this article which I post in part because I see that it was first published on PCU on 15 June 2009, 4 years before the flooding of Ganga (14-17 June 2013) which eventually took out the 18 ft Shiva statue in Rishikesh. [See Youtube footage & commentary]
‘Though there may be few on Earth today, the initiate of the true Vedic Way understands what it means when ‘9 becomes 10’. The details of this culminating realisation need not be repeated here [see The New Way, Volumes 1, 2, & 3, 1981; Secrets of the Earth, 2009, Aeon Books]. The 9th Avatar undertook the very difficult passage for India and the world. But significant to note is that to the lay person what transpires after this ‘reversal’ might appear as the unfolding of a miracle when this equation becomes a lived reality. The most apparent and obvious result is the transformation of our experience of Shiva himself from being the Destroyer to the Dissolver. This transformation of the final energy mode of the triad is the grace that can save the Earth.
‘Destruction was the helper, destruction is the bar’. Without that transformation the Earth and all her creatures would be doomed. The planet could not bear the full descent of the power of Mahakala as Destroyer. It is described artfully in the myth of the descent of the heavenly Ganga whose impact was lessened when the sacred waters tumbled into the matted locks of Shiva to mitigate the rushing power of the Goddess. Once again we meet Ganga in our analysis, for in this Manifestation she is directly connected to the geographical Makar Sankranti via the location of her numerous mouths where Ganga rushes to meet the ocean and the world. The measure she provides is thus a vital clue to the problems Partition poses. Therefore we are able to use the 0 degree of Capricorn – the mouths of Ganga according to the zodiac/ecliptic Ruler – once again to confirm that both Partition and the current Nirayana Calendar of Hindus are indicative of the wounds that must be somehow healed. Ganga sets the measure.
The Makar Sankranti – 0 degrees Capricorn/December Solstice – is currently celebrated 23 days late, or 23 days AFTER the actual Solstice. The argument proffered by the Nirayana Pundits for this aberration is that ‘Capricorn is no longer there, at that same point where it was centuries ago but has shifted 23 degrees’, they argue. As absurd as it may seem, they make the mistake of using the wrong circle for locating this crucial point in the heavens, using only the sidereal constellations and not the Tropical Zodiac along the ecliptic as was the custom in the Vedic Age and even throughout the world today. Since that ‘circle’ is hundreds of light years away and bears only scant relation to our solar system, its 0 Point in that distant space is largely unverifiable; hence total confusion prevails: one pundit gives a particular time for the passage, the second gives another, and a third yet another.
All are wrong. Capricorn is always equal to the December Solstice and never shifts, as they claim, because it is the last of the four ecliptic Cardinal Poles that form the verifiable, scientifically measurable structure of our solar year – today as in the Vedic Age without any shift or change, or, what I call a ‘slippage of time’.
Part 7 ends with Sri Aurobindo’s statement:
‘…The partition of the country must go…For without it [unity] the destiny of India might be seriously impaired and frustrated. That must not be.’
It is interesting to be reminded of all of this during the beginning of 2016 … and getting a flavor through Patricia’s attached article just how ‘dangerous’ the emergence or resurgence of Ahkand Bharat (Undivided India) is for the divided consciousness. … and on the flip side, how dangerous the divided consciousness is for the Earth … all that’s “at stake” … all that’s obstructed (if only for a short while before removed by the Time Spirit). It’s all so marvellously tied together.
17 July 2015 at 4:30 pm #1073
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorThomas, Was I rude after you refused to accept that I didn’t want to discuss the issue of the Zodiac with you and became a patronizing and arrogant ass? Yes. Was I ‘unnecissarily’ rude? No. You very much earned it.
It is understandable that you don’t want people to read what you wrote to me, though I thought it would have been nice for my teacher to be able to respond herself to the many errors and faulty logic you have found in your brief encounter with her writtings that you felt compelled to point out to me. But, as I expected and wrote to you, it seems you are not going to find much response from her on this issue. She has made her case in many books, in many articles over the last 45 years and recently in an exhaustive discussion this forum.
17 July 2015 at 5:50 am #1071
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorSo … is that a ‘No’ regarding permission to publish our exchange? You wrote that I was unnecessarily rude to you in our email exchange which is a lie so now I feel like in all fairness you should agree to let me publish our exchange so that others can judge for themselves if this is true or not. Please do not blame me for putting you in a difficult position regarding what I have shared here. If you are honest with yourself, you will see that you have put yourself in this difficult possition. I am not too concerned that I have put Patrizia in a difficult position, because, in truth, exposing Ignorance IS her position. She is quite good at it. So I do hope she takes the time to read our email exchange and your posts and responds according to that position.
BTW … I am not interested in vengence at all, whoever you are … just in exposure of Truth and Falsehood. It’s not personal at all.
17 July 2015 at 4:12 am #1067
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorVaruna/White Viper/Thomas Anderson you have written to Arinaya,
‘Please do not be unnecessarily offended by me, a white serpent of the truth and peacekeeper of the 7 tribes. I entered your realm of Gaia in peace. I was sent to this earth realm for a certain purpose and part of that purpose brought me here. Call it karma, if you will.’
Well, given our recent email exchange, I would call it a colossal load of BS. I told you from the get go in our exchange that I had no interest in debating the issue of the Zodiac with you (because it has already been well hashed out elsewhere in this forum) and instead of respecting my answer, you immediately became aggressive and patronizing.
As an introduction to me you wrote: ‘I became aware of you and your teacher just lately and wanted to question you on what I thought may be some misunderstandings on either my part or yours, regarding astrology.’
An email or two later and you stated as fact to me that Patrizia, the director of Aeon Centre (who’s forum you have entered) is a fraud … as if you have any clue whatsoever what or who she is other than that she is someone who threatens your point of view. At that point you crossed into the territory of being not only being ridiculous but slanderous as well. You’re carrying on as if somehow, YOU (who has ‘just’ recently become aware of Patrizia’s point of view on the Zodiac) have some authority in these matters.
I was going to send this response to you privately, but I figured why not respond to you here in this forum that you have entered allegedly in the name of Truth and Peace, yet have refrained from sharing your actual name, whatever that is. In fact, if you give your permission, I would like to publish the entirety of our email exchange so readers can get a little back story on how you have arrived in this forum and with what intentions and what you have asserted as Truth. If truth is your purpose, you should not mind me sharing this exchange. So let me have a yes or no on this. Here is the rest of my response to you which may make more sense to readers once we publish your emails to me.
I am guessing due to your only recent acquaintance with Patrizia’s work, that you have not read any of her many books and nor have you carefully considered the Supramental Yoga that has led her to her conclusions about the Vedic Year. You can be rude, patronizing, mean, indignant, and quote scripture until the cows come home but, in the end, you have no authority in these matters. NONE whatsoever. Your assessments are hollow to the bone.
If you ever take the time to read Patrizia’s work and understand her yoga you will find that she is concerned not at all with Jyotish, but with the Supramental Manifestation and the establishment of an Indocentric Cosmology. She is not a Sanskritist and makes no apologies for it. Her life mission has been to bring down a new body of higher Knowledge in which the zodiac of 12 is a key feature. In her work, the Zodiac is understood and applied/used in a very different manner in which you are accustomed. Applied and seen in the ways she illuminates, the journey through the Zodiac generates knowledge for the individual. One comes to see the Truth of existence, unfolding with Supramental Precision which begins to shift the individual from the Mental/Egoic consciousness to the Supramental. Jyotish/Astrology does not do this. Jyotish/Astrology is not the Vedic Journey in which the Lost Sun/Higher Consciousness of the Veda is found. This is what Patrizia is concerned with.
She understands the 12 months of the Vedic Journey/Zodiac as an evolutionary map and as a tool for shifting individual and collective consciousness. You mention the Rig Veda verse 1.164.48 which she refers to:
Twelve spokes, one wheel, navels three.
Who can comprehend this?
On it are placed together Three hundred and sixty like pegs.
They shake not in the least.She uses this verse, primarily to demonstrate the applicable truth of the Rishis in terms of the Dasavataras of Vishnu (the Preserver) as they have incarnated throughout the Ages of the Precession of the Equinoxes.
I find it amazing that someone who has absolutely no understanding of Patrizia’s Supramental lineage, yoga and work believe you can ‘truthfully’ and justifiably call her a fraud. She has spent some 45 years building up an entire body of Supramental Knowledge based on transmissions and keys that she received from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I gather that this means nothing to you and you may have no capacity to understand what she has accomplished and revealed in this arena, using the Tropical Zodiac as the fundamental key. Regardless, your lack of experience and comprehension of her life’s work of course are no excuse for the arrogance with which you have asserted your Ignorant assessments in order to defend the Sidereal Zodiac and the Nakshatras.
One thing about Patrizia’s works/books that I have come to very much appreciate is that she explains herself (and Vedic verses and mythologies) in a way that readers can enter into the knowledge and apply it and see Truth for themselves. You have no experience with her work in this way and you have so far demonstrated to me no skill whatsoever of your own in helping Seekers of Truth apply the knowledge of the Vedic Rishis or the Zodiac.
You rattle of many sacred verses, without explaining anything of their Knowledge content. So please expound on the Knowledge you have gathered from all of your quotes.What you write makes no cohesive sense, it does not register as higher knowledge. I am use to reading Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Patrizia who have made me aware of what words like cohesive, integral and higher knowledge actually mean. You, from what I have seen, have no idea yet of what they actually mean, and yet you think you are sharing Truth? Who will believe you? Your words and actions betray you. You wrote to me after I told you I wasn’t interested in your understanding of the zodiac:
‘I just presented you the truth for the first time in your life and you were not even interesting in acknowledging it. Have a blessed day.’
These are not the words of someone whose mission is Truth. These are the words of a jackass. I told you that perhaps you should bring your critiques up in ACC forum … and here you are under a couple of additional psuedonyms. So now you can proceed to attempt to enlighten ACC’s readers who you apparently feel strongly are being mislead by a fraudulent teacher (whose work you claim to have just recently become aware of). This should be interesting.
… What, in the name of sharing Truth, is your real name?
Lori Tompkins
3 June 2015 at 10:01 pm #1117
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorThea wrote:
‘… the entire cosmic manifestation is under the control of Mahakala ….
‘… the separative consciousness … cannot perceive the totality of conditions at any given moment, particularly the simultaneity of Time.’
In our Integral Cosmology thread, a nirayana astrologer seized upon the usage of the Gregorian Calendar used universally in our modern world as flat out proof that Thea’s cosmology is in no way Vedic. He was so happy to point out that the Gregorian calendar did not exist in Vedic times and so no use of the Gregorian calendar could ever qualify as Vedic in essence. In his experience, pointing this fact of the non-antiquity of the Gregorian calendar was a victory, as if it truly negated Thea’s stance … Her Vedic Seeing. I thought, ‘Wow, this guy really get’s the booby prize! He thinks he has won the day yet, in truth, he has simply displayed how ignorant he is of the Supramental consciousness-force which orchestrates, integrates and coordinates EVERYTHING, down to the smallest detail.’ He perfectly demonstrated the problem of the separative consciousness as expressed by Thea in the above quote. For this consciousness, there is no control exerted at all times and in all places, by the ONE. It doesn’t even register as a possibility. The only proofs one will find in this consciousness of disassociation are proofs that solidify its fragmentation. The Supramind solidifies the Oneness of all Being and Becoming … Always.
3 June 2015 at 3:01 am #1055
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorImperishable gateway! … Entrance to the City of Light …. So perfectly it all fits together. Thanks Thea, PH and JC for bringing the gopuram into focus. It’s tremendous … And underscores the problem of the ignorance and denial of Makar Sankranti all the more.
28 May 2015 at 5:16 pm #1012
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorHere’s the mythological connection between Ganga, Jahnavi (i.e. January and Capricorn) and the Ear:
…. ‘[Siva] released [Ganga] through his hair. Then Ganga came with such force, and it flowed through the Ashrama of a sage called Jahnu. He was so angry he simply took the Ganga and swallowed it. Then Bhagiratha prayed to Jahnu, “Please release it.” Then he released it through the ear. Because it [Ganga] came out of the ear of Jahnu Rishi, she is called Jahnavi. Then it flowed, and it flowed through the ashes of the ancestors and then they were liberated.’ – from ‘The Story of the Descent of Ganga to Earth’ by Swami Krishnananda
25 May 2015 at 2:10 pm #977
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorThis was posted on a new topic (The New Myth of the New Age), but I believe belongs here in this thread of discussion because Devinder makes reference to this comment above [‘All I wrote in my last post is that you need to either do it independent of vedas or else understand the vedas and then realign it.’]
Dear Lori,
I find you people strange somehow. On one side, you seem to be knowledgeable when it comes to astronomy and texts…and on the other side, you seem blinded by your following that you call a new cosomogy.
Strangely, you discuss the modern constellation boundaries as set by IAU in recent times , to the veda times and in the same breath, you all forget that vedic setup is based on nakshatras. So, you must first define what do you understand by nakshatra.
Would you please either live with your cosmoly independent of vedas or understand the setup of vedas and then align the two.
22 May 2015 at 12:16 am #967
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorI’ve been following this important ACC discussion this past week, mulling over the posts, trying to understand, integrate and such. I’d like to thank all who are participating in this forum topic, which is very revealing and educational.
Hari Malla your comments have perplexed me quite a bit. I feel like I enter a maze when I read your posts. You speak of yoga and harmonies and marriage between Shiva-Shakti, Earth-Moon and such but the tone that comes through is duality, not unity. I get the impression from your ideas about the EM barycenter of the Earth-Moon that you have yet to understand/comprehend the Vedic realization of the One, or the Divine Flame Agni at the heart or core of each Individual Being. Hence for you, it seems entirely plausible that the real center which creates our consciousness is located at the barycenter created by the dance between the Earth and the Moon which itself moves about as Robert wrote, because ‘the distribution of Mass is not a constant value’. It also needs to be noted that ‘The point[barycentre] is also continually moving longitudinally within the Earth as the Earth performs its daily axial rotation and the Moon performs its regular 360 degree observed orbit around the Earth.’
Essentially the barycenter is a point of BALANCE between two or more objects.
The problem when trying to make this balance point the CENTER of consciousness is that it is, in essence EMPTY. It is not the Hiraṇyagarbha (‘golden womb’ or ‘golden egg’) of our existence. This point did not create the Earth and it did not create the Moon. It is not in any way a point of origin or source or creation. It is a gravitational phenomenon resulting from the Earth and Moon’s independent yet intertwined existence. To equate this balance point with the Purusha and hence with Agni and the center of the Vedic Sacrifice (i.e. Year) is a serious error in judgement. It is preposterous from the point of Higher Knowledge. The barycenter of two or more Individual beings (whoever or where ever they may be) does not constitute the immobile center/divine flame from which order arises. You have lost the plot on this one.
The BALANCE point of the barycenter is akin in the Zodiac to the Libra cardinal point (whose symbol is a balancing scale). Students of the Supramental Cosmology will be able to appreciate your comments in light of this stage of the zodiac in which the Balance and Harmony which is adhered to is not yet the True Thing. It is base on the Void (which infers a void of knowledge) where there is a shattering of consciousness and the Mind begins to go increasingly out from the center towards the external surround into increasingly fragmented and fragmenting patterns and manifestations of thought (the plight of our modern world). From this Void in consciousness, words begin to lose their meaning, because the real center of the manifestation (creation) is lost and people begin to make up their own meaning and interpretations (as if Truth was relative … not based on anything stable/concrete as the Vedic Rishi’s conveyed in the concept of Skambha). Hence in our Modern age, one can speak of high Vedic concepts or symbols and have no real connection to the POINT or the Oneness from which these Vedic concepts and symbols arise.
This is what you seem to be doing Hari Malla. Trying to find a balance and a harmony between different systems of science, religion and yoga, but this approach is doomed to failure. It is off-center and ‘half-baked’ in terms of the evolution of consciousness and in terms of all that remains to be seen and known. All your imaginative slant does is add another interminable maze to the confusion the world population is already thoroughly mired in.
The work of Thea and Aeon Centre of Cosmology is intended to draw people out of such mazes. Yourself included if willing. You write that Thea is ‘lost in the maze of Time’ but you would do well to reconsider who is lost. There is the possibility of revelation at hand, wherein the hopelessly hollow judgements an opinions of the Egoic Mind, give way to higher knowledge (Sagittarius) pointing the way to the birth of the True Centre in our consciousness (Capricorn).
Anyone who has read and truly comprehended Thea’s books The Gnostic Circle and The Magical Carousel knows that your opinion regarding Thea being lost in Time is the very opposite of the truth. She comprehends the Time-Spirit and its past, present and future movements better than anyone else alive and has demonstrated how it informs evolution and manifestation. Any one who has read and truly comprehended her books can clearly see where your consciousness has become stuck or calcified in Time, like an artefact from the past. Your position can be easily plotted out (found or put in its place) on the map of Time. You live in the present with us, but your consciousness is ‘barycentered’ somewhere the past … lagging behind the present moment in time. You do not take into account at all the supramental and all-harmonizing knowledge that has been introduced by Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Thea since the beginning of the 20th century. They have brought forth a new manifestation of knowledge, knowledge necessary for our new age of Unity. There is a lot new to be learned Hari Malla, and you seem to be spending your time and energies standing as a guard or custodian of the past, intent on maintaining hollow ideas of harmonies, balance points, marriages, yogas, symbols, deities as well as of the zodiac, rather than using your time and energies to drop deeper into the common Point of our existence … into Agni’s seat wherein all Time and Space is contained and born.
Once one approaches this seat of Gnosis, it becomes clear that Agni’s 12 month Earthlyjourney or ‘sacrifice’ cannot be a measure of the surrounding Space or Sky (constellations). The 12 month measure of Agni’s extension in Time and Space functions as the measure of the Purusha, the Cosmic Self, but this measure (as Agni himself) is self-born, self-contained, it is not established outside the Earth or outside the Individual.
In addition to being ‘self-born’, Agni is said to be born of two sticks (Aranis), typically thought of as Earth and Heaven. It seems to me that these sticks are symbolic of not only Earth and Heaven, but of the two axes from which Agni and the Vedic Sacrifice is born, i.e. the two axes of the Solstices and the Equinoxes. The Earth’s symbol is a Cardinal Cross within a circle. Are we to believe that these two axes (sticks) of the Earth have nothing to do with Agni’s sacrificial year (i.e. the Zodiac)?
It just seems so very upside-down and backwards to continue to insist that the Vedic Year/Zodiac is disconnected from the Earth’s own experience, from her own Geometries of Time as established by her very real axes (the Cardinal Cross) in Time and Space and as experienced by the Earth and her inhabitants. To assert that the Zodiac is about the movements of the constellations or the cosmic surround rather than the movements of LIFE/CONSCIOUSNESS on Earth, is an ongoing folly. This folly has been exposed via the yoga and writings of Thea and there is no going back, no crawling back into a time where this folly has not been thoroughly exposed. The cat is out of the bag.
The Zodiac is an extension of Agni, of the One Self in all selves. It is established from the INSIDE, from the Centre of Being, extending out, not the other way around, not established externally. However Nirayani astrologers argue the point, it will not change the indwelling essence and structure of the Zodiac which is the measure or structure of Agni’s (our soul’s) journey in Time and Space. The Vedic Year and the Earth’s Tropical Year are one in the same.
The Earth Herself is an exquisite womb of harmonies because Agni or the Divine Flame (the Immanent ‘Son’ of the Sun and of the Transcendent Divine) lies hidden in her Core. It is time for the world to begin to acknowledge and come to terms with this divine status and function of Mother Earth and a first step is to acknowledge and come to terms with the true measure of the Zodiac … the Earth’s measure. It’s quite a collosal step considering not only how many proceed to deny and trash Her Being in whatever subtle or not so subtle ways, but also considering how many are either attached to the Zodiac as being either something that Transcends the Earth’s own field of being or something that is an ignorant superstition that has nothing to do with anything at all important.
Simply put, the Zodiac is Immanent within the Earth and hence Immanent within each Individual on it. It is a measure that is in us, a measure that is observed by the soul, even if not observed by the mind. I hope this becomes more and more obvious to readers.
4 May 2015 at 9:04 pm #1111
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorThe ticking of a clock seems to me to be a symbol of the beating of the heart. The pulse is set by the contraction of the heart muscle. This contraction or beat seems to me to be a perfect symbol of Simultaneous Time – Past, Present and Future are compressed into (contained in) each beat, creation, preservation and dissolution happening simultaneously … Just as one breath or one OM is the symbol of that same compressed totality … the ALL THAT IS (as well as WAS and WILL BE) compressed into one heart beat, one breath, one sound or word.
How to explain the compression of Time? It has to be simple. It is simple.
The totality of everything that has been has been (the PAST and the entire COSMIC manifestation) is compressed into the PRESENT moment, everything that will be (the FUTURE manifestation and our homecoming with the TRANSCENDANT DIVINE/and our ORIGIN) is compressed into the PRESENT moment as well (which is experienced by the INDIVIDUAL). No dimension of Time is separate from the other dimensions of Time, all are contained simultaneously in each other … linked at the Core of Being and Becoming. The PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE (as well as the Transcendent, Cosmic and Individual) are the expansion, the circumference. The Point (the 0/1) is the compression of all three. The simple image of the equilateral triangle in the Circle, is the symbol of this Supramental realization.
To cultivate this realization Time has to be seen cyclically, not linearly (as an arrow pointing from past to present to future). One must see the Sun at the center of the Solar System and understand that it contains in itself the Past, Present and Future of everything in its 360° field. One comes to see ones own soul the same way. The Sun/Sol/Soul unfolds or manifests its full potential in cyclical time.
The Gnostic Circle is a KEY OF GNOSIS because it helps shift the mind from the Linear (Mental, Divided) experience of Time and it’s ‘ticking’, to the Cyclical (Supramental, Unified) experience of Time. It helps individuals (who take the time to apply this key) to take their seat in that center, to be that compacted wholeness or Oneness. This is of course not a wham-bam instant enlightenment … we evolve and shift in stages … our perspective keeps improving as we allow ourselves to be drawn into the center by the forces and pressures upon us.
29 April 2015 at 3:34 pm #919
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorI understand that the Supramental Descent and Cosmology and the idea that consciousness unfolds and manifest with certain harmonies and geometries in Time and Space will occur as fiction … that’s very true.
But I am not sure what you mean about paying for higher and higher rungs of teaching. Paying who? Do you mean paying for books? The whole idea of the Supramental Yoga is that higher and higher rungs of consciousness come from life experience … ‘All of Life is Yoga’. From my experience the books of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Thea orient people so that they can become more conscious within the evolotionary process. If one finds no value in the books then one wouldn’t have any obligation or pressure to pay and pay for more.
Also, there is no hidden creation story at the end of some very expensive buy in program Supramental Yoga. Unless you consider buying some book and reading them as such.
I found more value in two of Thea’s books (The Gnostic Circle, The New Way Vol. 1&2) than in my entire college education. And in two those books the highest rungs of Supramental Gnosis are completely laid out. So it’s quite erroneous and misleading to suggest a valid comparison between Scientology and the Supramental Yoga.
Why feed or argue this Idea Ian? This website & forum is for people who want to engage in and focus on the reality of the Supramental Manifestation. Are you in the right place?
28 April 2015 at 5:10 pm #915
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorHave you seen the documentary Ian? To say that Integral Yoga and Scientology are similar is VERY FAR OFF Ian. LRH’s wife admitted that he started the religion to make money.
‘L. Ron Hubbard writes that, 75 million years ago, the head of the Galactic Federation, made up of 76 planets, was a being named Xenu. Faced with an overpopulation problem, he brought beings to this planet, blew them up with hydrogen bombs, and packaged them. Their spirits now infest our bodies: he says “One’s body is a mass of individual thetans stuck to oneself or to the body.” Scientologists at this level try to rid themselves of these thetans (spirits) by helping each one to remember the painful experiences of being blown up like that.’ [source]
Regardless of whether LRH had any or some good intentions of helping people … Scientology seems to me to be the epitome of the falsehood of religions that bind people in extremely divisive structures and beliefs … vestigial structure of the Age of Pisces … what the Integral and Supramental Yoga has come to make utterly obsolete.
28 April 2015 at 4:39 am #1123
Lori Tompkins
ModeratorI am going to do some research to verify that the image is of DNA.
But it is said to be a cross-section of a DNA strand. So I suppose it’s all in the perspective one is viewing … or viewing from. I’ll let you know when I find out more on this, because it is phenomenal.