
4 thoughts on “Skambha

  1. Lillian Davis

    I “found” you just bu chance – or, was I guided by the Great Universe and Truth? I would love to come and visit / be a part of Skambha if its possible. I lay no claim to being wise or very knowledgeable, but I do have strong beliefs in the Power of the Universe, the Female (Mother) Wisdom.
    I’d love to learn more, experience more and be a part of “more”.

  2. Ken Wantje

    I would like to believe I have guided by the search for truth and knowledge most of my life, and in doing so, I have now across the writing of Thea “The New Way”. I have immediately recognized that the knowledge contained and based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo are of great importance not only to my personal evolution but the greater evolution of mankind. To my great joy, I live only 20 minutes from Accord NY in Saugerties and work at the University in New Paltz. I hope there is an opportunity for my direct involvement in your mission going forward.


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