Forum Replies Created
30 May 2015 at 11:28 am #923
Participant“Ian wants to steer clear of being labelled dogmatic and narrow.”
I’m generally indifferent to being labelled, whether accurately or otherwise, though I’m not entirely sure as to what this statement refers. Is it the “scammed” comment, the comparison with Scientology & Integral Yoga, or something else?“All those who have been milked on USA liberalism have this concern.”
Sri Aurobindo wrote in Essays on the Gita, “These are the three steps and means towards divine peace, heroic endurance, sage indifference, pious resignation.” I suppose some of these could be regarded as liberal. -
21 May 2015 at 10:20 am #909
ParticipantThere is a certain integration but not full integration. Oil & water may share the same bottle but no matter how vigorously we shake they never fully integrate as for instance do lemon juice & water.
The above image from The Gnostic Circle graphically demonstrates two groups of numbers – gold [3,6,9] & blue [1,2,4,5,7,8], add to this what we know about the reductions of both primes and the powers of 3, 6 & 9 and it becomes apparent that these two groups of numbers don’t fullyintegrate – at least at the separative, everyday level of consciousness – they simply share the same mentally constructed circle.
4 May 2015 at 7:48 pm #1110
ParticipantActually, this image would have been better as the other one shows Time ‘in stereo’ which could only serve to add confusion. Thank you for a valiant effort Arinaya but I comprehend little of what you write, due wholly to my own ignorance of course.
4 May 2015 at 1:41 pm #907
ParticipantIan, this reminds me of Marko Rodin’s work, I suspect he will have explored this connection with the primes. See
Thanks for the link Arinaya. He doesn’t mention primes here specifically though interestingly he does think that the 3, 6 & 9 are in one ‘dimension’ while the other numbers are in another.
It’s interesting that the prime numbers and the powers of 2 both share this quality.
It is, and a little light calculation also reveals that the powers of 3, 6 & 9 ONLY reduce to 9. It’s as if there are two separate ‘domains’ that refuse to fully integrate. In want of a synthesis perhaps?
Curiouser & curiouser…
4 May 2015 at 1:32 pm #1108
Participant“The symbol is the thing symbolised.”
The symbol is the tick, the thing is Simultaneous Time.I don’t view Time as compacted, I’m not sure how that would work, possibly for past & future but how would one compact the present, it is nothing, a mere interstitial flux transforming future into past.
The way I see Time is as a straight horizontal line with a vertical line somewhere along it signifying the present, similar to the image above. I imagine Simultaneous Time as something similar to looking at this image and instantly comprehending all the information contained therein instead of having to listen to it in a linear fashion one second per second, somewhat similar to viewing a painting in that all the relevant information is comprehended instantly – one can subsequently examine certain sections of the painting in fine detail if one wishes.
Bear in mind we are trying to fit a Supramental peg into a mental hole here or asking the autonomic nervous system to solve a mate in 3. They are the wrong tool for the job.
2 May 2015 at 8:42 am #1106
ParticipantThe ticking of the clock is the way a divisive consciousness symbolises Simultaneous Time. It has to divide it up into discrete packets, as it does with photons, giving tick & silence, tock & silence. If there were a pendulum on the clock then this would be the way to symbolise it as peak & trough, left & right. The ticking getting louder is the sub-conscious insisting, “This is the problem to be solved.”
2 May 2015 at 8:04 am #920
ParticipantI’ve only just noticed that the two posts above were actually submitted, my browser was having difficulties at the time.
If one is simply examining the hard details of the two systems then yes, they are very different. However, from a different, wider perspective one can also see them as two similar living entities but sustained by different fuel types and their effects on the world a reflection of the Nature of those fuel types. One is fuelled by money which at this time is tainted by selfish egoism & falsehood while the other is fuelled by selfless sacrifice firmly rooted in Love.
29 April 2015 at 12:05 pm #917
ParticipantI have not seen the documentary and know little of Scientology but from the description you gave…
“One has to pay and pay for higher rungs of teachings … and finally apparently one learns at the very high levels some very insanely crazy origin story/science fiction.”
Some Scientologists and many others could be forgiven for mistakenly regarding The Supramental as the just that.
29 April 2015 at 11:27 am #916
ParticipantI have not seen the documentary and know little of Scientology but from the description you gave…
“One has to pay and pay for higher rungs of teachings … and finally apparently one learns at the very high levels some very insanely crazy origin story/science fiction.”
There are those that would mistakenly regard The Supramental as just that – and who could blame them? So from an uninformed point of view, and undoubtedly there are many, the two would seem not so dissimilar.
28 April 2015 at 12:59 pm #914
ParticipantI believe Mr Hubbard was merely doing what he thought was the right thing, Lori, and from the description you give Scientology and Integral Yoga seem not so dissimilar, though a major difference would be the type of payment – money as opposed to sacrifice.
One ought to be very careful when brandishing words like “scammed”, especially towards Scientology – from the article it is obvious they retain a company of fine swordsmen.
28 April 2015 at 12:57 pm #1124
ParticipantAbout 3 years ago I had a vision or dream, I can’t quite remember which, where I was outside under a blue sky. From afar came what appeared to be a white cloud, as it approached it became apparent that it was made out of a lattice structure identical to this Tree of Life but repeated many times over. It stopped just above and in front of me then extended an ‘arm’ down that swept straight through me.
This picture brought that memory right back.
[Edit] It was a dream – from the morning of 1/11/2012.
24 April 2015 at 6:47 pm #906
ParticipantThea is right, what is required is a new science rooted in a new consciousness.
As a simplistic example, the autonomic nervous system has a certain consciousness but that consciousness is incapable of comprehending chess. That is not its job, it is not what it was ‘designed’ to do. The higher consciousness of the reasoning mind was required to ‘discover’ chess and all the other discoveries throughout history rooted in the reasoning consciousness.
But now the reasoning consciousness has pretty much reached the limit of its capabilities rooted as it is in duality. Its very Nature prevents it from seeing from a higher, greater, unity consciousness. That is not its job, it is not what it was ‘designed’ to do.
Take the way we perceive light. It matters not whether we use the wave or particle model as they are both rooted in dualism. The wave model requires the opposites of peaks & troughs for perception to occur whereas the particle model requires a stream of separate ‘photon then space between… photon then space between’ events, both methods NEED this dualism only because the very Nature of the rational consciousness is to perceive this way, otherwise nothing is perceived as in the case of Dark Matter. It is not reality that is dual in Nature it is the perceiving consciousness of the divisive, rational mind.
All the high technology that we have at our disposal today is rooted in this dualistic, divisive consciousness. This is no more exemplified than at CERN where the LHC is ‘drilling’ down into the very fundamental aspects of reality, but a view of reality rooted in duality. The technology being used was conceived, designed and constructed by a dualistic, divisive consciousness. Unfortunately, for the CERN engineers at least, the Nature of the thing they are seeking will not subject itself to dualism. It is sovereign in its unity and will not bend to duality no matter how much force their ego can bring to bear upon it. It doesn’t matter how powerful the binoculars, they will never detect a black cat in a dark room. They are the wrong tool for the job.
What is required is another fundamental shift in consciousness. The consciousness of the autonomic nervous system once reigned supreme. It was subsequently usurped by the reasoning consciousness but was not banished from the kingdom, it still has a vital function to perform. Likewise, the next consciousness shift or adaptation will not spell the demise of reason, it will still have a function to perform, but it will no longer be captain of the vessel. The new commander will hold a consciousness of unity, a consciousness that does not require for perception the ‘splitting’ or falsification of signal data into peak & trough, hot & cold, good & evil, hero & villain, right & wrong, light & dark, male & female, here & there, past & future…
Scientists throughout history have contrived many a merry dance, but all on the head of the same pin rooted in duality. It’s time for a new dance on a new pin rooted in unity.
A tale from the late, great Irish comic Dave Allen illustrates this whole problem perfectly as well as demonstrating the delightfully unique Nature of the Irish people:-
There was a salesman traveling by car through the south of Ireland when he came upon a farmer by the roadside. Having stopped the car and lowered the window he asked the farmer which was the best way to get to Cork. After some consideration the farmer replied, “Well sir, I wouldn’t start from here.”
17 April 2015 at 3:59 pm #898
ParticipantSeveral weeks ago while looking into prime numbers and their role in cryptography I happened upon a web page displaying all the prime numbers below 1000. Idly performing a little Theosophical Reduction on some of these numbers resulted in none of them resolving to a 9. Indeed, further calculation revealed none resolved to a 3, 6 or 9!
Intrigued, I downloaded a file containing primes and wrote a small software routine to analyse it. Of the 1,000,000 primes analysed between 961,748,941 & 982,451,653 inclusive (the latter being the 50 millionth prime) the distribution was as follows:-
- Reduced to 1: 166,790
- Reduced to 2: 166,568
- Reduced to 3: 0
- Reduced to 4: 166,573
- Reduced to 5: 166,629
- Reduced to 6: 0
- Reduced to 7: 166,643
- Reduced to 8: 166,797
- Reduced to 9: 0
From these results it is clear that no prime number when subjected to Theosophical Reduction resolves to a 3, 6 or 9. Three itself being the exception that proves this rule.
Having always regarded prime numbers as rather special numbers – special in a somehow good or positive way – now I’m not sure they’re so squeaky clean. The observation that the Divine 3, 6 & 9 ‘avoid’ primes wherever possible coupled with their facilitating the sorcery of secrets illustrates that even primes, like all things to the rational, divisive consciousness, have a ‘darker’ side.
As to what relevance, if any, this has to the 9-6-3-0/1 Physics I cannot say at this time.